Vivian Ralena (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 8
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 8
    • 2.2 Season 9
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 8
    • 3.2 Season 9
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 8
    • 4.2 Season 9
  • 5 End of Journey
    • 5.1 Season 8
    • 5.2 Season 9
  • 6 Other
    • 6.1 Season 8
    • 6.2 Season 9
  • 7 Misc.


Season 8[]


  • 22 years old from Texas. Growing up, she’s had some very difficult years. She and her mom never had a home, bumbling from town to town. They ate hot dogs and cereal due to poverty. She felt it was difficult to fit in because she was “the ugly duckling.” The other kids were very mean to her, and she struggled with her self-esteem. One of her dreams was becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. She’s lost 25 pounds, and now she feels like a swan instead of an ugly duckling.


Total: x

Season 8: 21 (T7th most)

Season 9: 40 (Tied for most of season)

Season 8[]


  • [Prelims] "I’ve been working so hard, a year, for this moment. I want to be able to do all that I can with my dance ability."
  • (Biography)
  • [Kickline] "I felt so confident. I wanted to shine so bright."
  • [Finalists being called] "If Kelli doesn’t call my name, I’m going to try to be as strong as I can, because I know how hard I worked for this."


  • [Tin Man solo] "I feel… embarrassed. I just going to do my best to change what I have and hopefully blow away the judges with my performance ability."
  • "Kitty (Carter) knows best, and I went with what she said. I completely scrapped my outfit. I changed everything about my solo routine. I would’ve felt really foolish bring what I had prepared earlier."
  • [Finals] "I hope I don’t look like a big whale out there, because I was next to some really small girls, and I was like, “Oh!” "
  • "All of my friends and family have been trying their hardest to get me into training camp with their votes. Like, hardcore."


  • [First week of training camp] "Walking into Valley Ranch for the first time, I don’t usually get starstruck, but I feel a little star struck right now."


  • [After office] "I am just on cloud-freaking-nine right now. It felt amazing, because I always have in the back of my mind, “You just got voted in.” They think that I have potential to be a powerhouse. That means everything. I really feel like I can achieve my dream now."
  • "I am a little concerned, because I am ten pounds heavier than the girls that are my height. I know that I can do this. Because I’ve come so far."
  • [Boxing] "Today, I’m meeting up with Angela, a DCC veteran. Right now, I need to lose eight more pounds. I have to get down to a certain weight. I’m going to be work really hard to get to that goal, and hopefully, I can shed some pounds."
  • "It’s a little intimidating, but I also have a very competitive streak inside of me, and I think that I’m going to do my very best to keep up with (Angela). I want to lose eight pounds, and I really think that boxing is the answer to that because I did have that plateau and my body just won’t shed the last pounds."
  • "I want so badly to become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and doesn’t matter if I have to come to this gym every week. Now with boxing on my plate now, hopefully I can knock out training camp."


  • [Makeovers] "I feel like a superstar, you know, getting the rock star treatment."
  • "I think that if you don’t have the DCC look, it could hurt your chances of being on the team."


  • [Cameos] "The way that you look today is going to affect a lot where you stand on this team. I hope cameos isn’t a make-or-break day for me."
  • [Cameos] "I’m so close to making this team, and I know that there are going to be a couple more cuts, and it’s just so hard to think that, “Ugh, I was so close,” and then get cut. It’s heartbreaking."
  • "I hadn’t performed on the field with these routines yet without the mirror, so by tomorrow I think that I will have them down pat. I’m going to go practice outside."
  • [Before office] "There’s tons of things going through my mind. We’ve been talking about my legs, how they’re bigger than most girls that are my height. Also, little memory mistakes here and there. But hopefully it’s not because it’s my last night."
  • [Cut] "I got let go because my bottom half is too big for the uniform. I’m just really trying to hold it together and not lose it."

Season 9[]


  • [About Melissa Rycroft returning] "I was like [gasps] freaking out!"
  • "Last year, being cut so far into training, it really devastated me. [Flashback] I love everything about DCC. I love what it encompasses as being a woman and if I do make it, I will feel like… I can’t even explain it."
  • "I do think there’s a spot for me on the squad. I want it so bad."
  • "I’m ready for semifinals!"
  • "I was standing next to a girl that was, I don’t know how tall, six foot tall. She’s just so much taller than me."
  • [One name left to call for finals] "I’m sitting here and they’re not calling my number, and I’m just thinking about all the work that I’ve put into coming back."
  • [Fan vote] "I won last year, and I think it’d be really cool if I won again because then I’d really be like, “I really am a fan favorite!”"


  • "Hopefully, she’s (Kelli) going to see a whole new Vivian this year, and I want to just be like, butterfly, caterpillar last year. Tin Man, last year. Hopefully, it’ll be different."
  • [Kitty Carter session] "I think that I can still make this dance work. I can still salvage it. I just need to stray away from the stuff that I’m not as confident in."
  • [Finals] "I hope that I brought the passion and emotion, [getting teary] and it, too."
  • "You’re just like, [gasps] gasping for air."
  • "Last year, luckily, I won the fan vote, and this year, the last time I checked, I’m still in first place. Hopefully, I’ll win again."
  • [One name left for training camp] "If my number isn’t called, I guess I would try not to feel defeated. It would be really hard. I’ve surrounded my whole world around reaching this goal."
  • [Invited to training camp] "This is the easy part, you know, and it was hard."


  • [First rehearsal] "Being in front of Kelli and Judy gives me jitters."


  • [Makeovers] "I think I look like Medusa right now."
  • [About having to model] "Oh my gosh."
  • [Modelling] "I hope Judy and Kelli smile at me."
  • [Modelling] "My heart was like, “Boom, ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom.” Pounding out of my chest."
  • [Before office] "When I heard my name, it’s like, “Ohhh,” like a dagger."
  • [After office] "I worked my butt off last year. I’m working my butt off now. And, I just need to chill and just do what I do."


  • "I pulled my hamstring in the beginning of training camp, so I hadn’t done the jump split yet, and whoop, surprise! You’re doing the jump split, Viv! I didn’t do like a huge jump split. I just did like a little jump, and I slid down into my splits."
  • [Before office] "I don’t know why (Kelli) called me into the office. I felt like I had a good practice."
  • [After office] "This isn’t surprising. I knew it was just a matter of time until (Kelli and Judy) were like, “Okay, do it, jump split,” and I had to kick. I guess it’s time to go all out, and hopefully, it’s enough."
  • [Cameos] "Last year, I was cut right after cameos. I was heavier. This year, I hit the gym, and I ate a lot of vegetables. Hopefully, my photos are good, because I really don’t want to get cut again. It is difficult, knowing that there are cuts ahead, but hopefully I can see the football field."
  • "I worked my tail off, and I really don’t know what else I could do in order to make this team."
  • "I am so ready to show Kelli and Judy my jump splits. My hamstring is no longer pulled. It’s healed because of all the therapy and me going to bar method. And now I get to participate; and hopefully, they’ll fly high, and I’ll land low."
  • "I really want to be a part of this organization, this team. I hope that there is a spot for me."
  • [Before office] "Last year, this is the day I got cut. It’s déjà vu all over again having to relive this again."
  • [After office] "I made it through the cut night that I got cut last year. So, I’m going to go home, get some sleep, and come back and bring it more than I’ve ever brought before, because I’ve never been this far in training camp before, and it’s really exciting."


  • [Field entrance] "I am terrified. I want this so badly."
  • [Mistakes in entrance] "Ooh, you got called out. Don’t get called out again. Don’t get called out again. [She gets called out again] Oh, crap."
  • "You can’t hide from mistakes on the field. I was kind of too fast, too slow, not with the line. I’m super scared. I really don’t want to go home tonight. I hope this to be my home."
  • "I feel like it’s my time to seize my moment."
  • "(Kelli and Judy) might only take 32 girls (for the squad). That’s terrifying."
  • "Dancing in boots sometimes feels like it’s gonna fly off. Totally different than dancing in tennis shoes."
  • "Performing in front of Kelli and Judy, I feel like I’m under this huge microscope and I’m trying to stay positive and not get emotional, but it’s really hard."
  • [Office visits announced, teary] "But I’ve worked so hard and I feel like I really deserve a spot."
  • [Before office] "It’s been a long summer and I’ve put it all out on the floor the best I could. I just don’t want to go home."
  • [After cut] "I just wanted to be real with (Kelli and Judy). I feel like I’m a damn good dancer and I’m a damn good performer. And I deserved to stay."


Season 8[]


  • [Prelims] "This one’s a firecracker." – Kelli
  • [Semifinals deliberation] "I thought she was very pretty." – Kelli/"She was muscular. Well, she was shapely." – Charlotte Jones/"Jiggling out there."/"She had on a skirt, some kind of skirt, and shorter legs." – Kelli/"She had a skirt, and sometimes more fabric cuts your legs off." – Charlotte/"See, there’s a lot of these girls that are kind of tiny, and you start putting them through your workout with those little skinny legs: they ain’t going to make it. This girl will make it. This girl has some legs." - Mickey Spagnola/"Mickey, we’re not looking for a running-back." – Kelli


  • [Tin Man solo] "Oh, no... You are a hot mess. That is horrid in so many different directions. You never watched the cheerleaders dance at all? We would never do Tin Man, first of all. You’re going to be laughed out of the stadium, do you realize that?" – Kitty Carter/"I’ll scratch it." – Vivian
  • [Tin Man solo] "It was a nightmare. A train wreck. A nosedive. By far the worst I’ve seen since I’ve been doing DCC." – Kitty
  • [Tin Man solo] "That was a brutal critique. I don’t care. I’m trying to save your face when you get there, ‘cause you will be the laughing stock of that stadium." – Kitty
  • [Solo] "She has good power and projection." – Kelli
  • "Does she look stocky to you?" – Kelli/"She’s got really thick thighs." – Judy/"And that’s not going to change." – Kelli
  • [Finals judging] "Too short and too bottom-heavy."/"I would work with her with everything I have, because you can see the potential." – Jay/"Yeah." – Kelli
  • [Fan vote winner] "It’s a great opportunity. She might not have made it into training camp without the fan vote." – Kelli
  • [Fan vote winner] "You’ve got about 50,000 people you need to thank online." – Kelli


  • "I like Vivian." – Kelli
  • "Would Vivian turn your head in the mall? – K/ No. – J/ Really? – K
  • I can’t figure out if it’s stocky or bulky or chunky. – K


  • Your kicks just feel slow. – K
  • I think Vivian is soft tonight dancing. – J
  • You sold yourself short in this dance tonight in power. – K
  • What do you think? – K/ She needs a good haircut. – Jonny


  • I do enjoy her. Something’s raunchy about it. – J


  • What are you? The vote winner? Get back down here. Lord have mercy. Show me – hit my stomach. No, hit me hard. – Kitty Carter
  • Little Vivian, I think she’s real powerful. I just think she looks like a stump. She’s got to lose those freaking thighs. – Kitty Carter/ She can’t. They’re rock solid. – K
  • What is wrong with you tonight? – Kitty Carter/ I’m letting my nerves get a hold of me. And that is not acceptable. – Vivian/ You’ve got issues to work with: you’re short and you’re stocky. So, those are things that are already going against you. So, you can’t afford to back up and start backpedaling. – Kitty
  • [Cameos] Today’s definitely an impactful day for Vivian. – K
  • [Cameos] Vivian’s session puzzles me because she’s pretty, she’s toned from the front, she’s just short and thick. Vivian’s thighs are large for her frame. – K
  • [Cameos] She’s in shape. I mean, I don’t see a healthy reason to say, “lose weight.” What bothers me the most is her boots are all the way up to her knees. I mean, there’s no leg. Huge quads, like a drumstick. – K
  • [Cameos] She’s pretty. – K
  • Vivian’s going to dance right out of her shorts. She is big… I mean powerful. – K
  • You know, she needs to get her buns moving. She ain’t moving them. And she’s off again, too. – Kitty Carter
  • All three of them, none of them went back like they’re supposed to go on that. – Kitty Carter
  • It’s weird, because Vivian’s real big with her head, but her arms sometimes aren’t. – J
  • You were lost the whole first half. – Kitty Carter

Season 9[]


  • [Preliminaries judging] What did y’all think about little Miss Vivian? Last year she was out fans’ pick, and… – K/I thought, “Oh my gosh, that girl’s beautiful,” and then it clicked, “that’s Vivian.” – J/ I thought she had a great audition. – Charlotte
  • Vivian looks great. And she has transformed herself. I think she’s in a stronger place this year than she was last year. – K
  • She is really, really popping. Amazing, huh? – Charlotte
  • [Semifinals judging] Yes, thought she performed great. – J/ I had a “yes.” I have “good energy,” and I thought she was fun to watch. – Melissa Rycroft/ My view was just she looked so much better than everybody else she was with. – Neil McCoy


  • I’m just hoping that Vivian’s solo, will be completely, totally opposite from last year [flashback] because that was probably the biggest train wreck I saw in my lifetime. – Kitty Carter
  • Okay, I really wanted this to be good. What made you think to do lyrical? Why would you do this? You’re going to get your ass kicked again on Saturday. This is not your style. You should have never done it, and you took a risk again. I don’t know what the hell you’re thinking. I really don’t. You’re not a lyrical dancer. You’re doing [expletive] you can’t do. I mean, you look beautiful. You blew it again, for the second year. – Kitty Carter
  • I always say that lyricals, it’s a death sentence if you’re not great. So, I think she took a huge chance. I think she’s going to pay for it Saturday. – Kitty Carter
  • Come on, Vivian, smile. – K/ She should do what she’s better at, which is hip-hop. – J
  • She chose a lyrical-style dance with a very intense facial quality, and that didn’t do her any favors. – K
  • Vivian looks a lot better up here, now. I like her better now than in her solo. – K
  • [Finals deliberation] I liked her dance. I didn’t love her solo./ Did your impression change on her when she was down on the field with pom-poms and smiling? – K/ That was where she almost got the yes, so…
  • Oh, Vivian. Vivian, Vivian, Vivian. She’s got the sultry thing down. She’s got the sexy thing down. I’m anxious to see if she can get the cheerleader thing down. – Melissa Rycroft


  • Vivian just made 20 mistakes in four eight-counts. She fakes it well because she’s strong. – J


  • Her spark is somewhere else. – J/ Yeah. – K
  • For the expectations that we have for you, established last season, you kind of phoned this dance in. It’s not “Vivian power.”


  • Vivian’s jump splits…/ She said she’s injured, but that was a surprise last week. But she’s…/ Have you seen her do one? – DJ Guthrie/ No, I haven’t, now that you mention it. – K
  • It bothers me that I haven’t seen Vivian doing the jump split, because I still don’t have a clear indication as to what her injury is, and I want to make sure she’s not just making up excuses. – K
  • [Cameos] That’s pretty. – K/ Yeah. – J/ She does look different than last year. – K/ Mm-hm, she’s very photogenic. – J
  • Ooh, Vivian is messy and doesn’t know it. I mean, she usually can fool you with her power. – J/ Oh, yeah. – K/ But she’s not today. – J
  • The first three eight-counts, you’d already made like four mistakes. You looked really lost. We’re not here to make you nervous. You didn’t have your punch tonight. – J
  • Vivian needs to show us tonight that she can do the jump splits. We are running out of time. – J
  • Vivian landed her jump split tonight, but I’m not 100% convinced that she has landed a spot on this team. – K


  • [Field entrance practice] "Vivian, your feet are wrong." – Judy
  • "It’s not one, it’s a team!" – Judy
  • [Field entrance practice] "You’re not on the beat. And for someone with short legs, you’re passing up your line almost every time. So, calm your little self down." – Judy
  • Hold up! – J/ Vivian, what part is confusing you? No, it’s not funny. Where are your accents, I’m asking you? What’s the count? – K
  • Alright Vivian and others, we’re picking on your tonight. If you need to cry because we yelled at you, go cry. – K
  • Vivian, Ashley, and Breelan, it was embarrassing. – J/ You were very flimsy, you were full of mistakes. And Vivian, you’re inconsistent. Sometimes you’re just this beautiful dynamic face and other times you’re just kinda asleep at the wheel. Y’all are really confusing me, because if I was making cuts right now, none of you would make the team. – K

Office Visits[]

Season 8[]


  • [Mid episode, third of three] Kelli says they both thought she has great potential to be powerful. She does have some powerful moments, but they need a whole routine’s worth. In terms of her height and weight, she’s a stockier build than some of the girls, so she will always have to be on the lean side. The uniform bottoms broaden. Vivian says she knows her body isn’t where it needs to be, and it’s been an issue for her. Kelli says she’s beautiful and never to let anybody make her feel differently, and that hundreds of thousands of fans thought she had the right look. She also informs her that she would have made training camp even without the fan vote. That means their judges know what they’re doing, and so do their fans. If she needs confidence, she’s got it from fans and judges. Now it’s up to her. Vivian thanks them and says she really needed to hear that. [Vivian leaves] Kelli says that’s probably the nicest meeting they’ve ever had.


  • [End of episode, first of two] Kelli wants her to know she’s a beautiful girl and a powerful dancer. She admires her for being able to transform her body, but in their uniform it’s not working. The boots look big and the shorts make her legs look short. Vivian promises she will work harder than anyone to get down to the size required, and asks for 2-3 weeks. Kelli doesn’t think she can lose more weight: she’s lean, but her body build is stocky for their uniforms. She continues than an equal concern is being lost with dancing and sequence, with the momentum they’re going to be going forward. Vivian begs them for the opportunity, saying she’ll work on everything the request. Kelli proposes they make that deal, but it be a deal for next season – she needs more time, and it’s not healthy. She reiterates that it is also mistakes with the dance, and that the decision’s final. She tells Vivian she’s given it a good fight should be proud.

Season 9[]


  • [End of episode, first of two] Kelli is a little concerned. She’s not her 2013 power. Vivian feels like she’s more powerful than last year. Judy says in her opinion, something seems different, including in regards to her lyrical solo, which isn’t the Vivian they want to see. She feels like Vivian’s been just off her head somewhere. Judy asks if she’s wrong, and Vivian says Judy’s not. She says she had a long-term boyfriend, and it ended right before auditions, and that was what the solo was about. She wanted to show that she grew as a dancer. Kelli says her best is being a dynamic, powerful performer, and she’s losing some of that. She says these rehearsals could be an outlet, and she can dance out some of that hurt. However, they’re hiring entertainers, so she has to be a cheerleader. She can’t let it slip through her hands, and to hell with him. [Vivian leaves] Kelli wants to bring back the old Vivian.


  • [Mid episode, first of two, Judy not present] Kelli brings up her not doing the jump splits, and Vivian says she pulled her hamstring and has been pulling out the whole time. Kelli says if she needs to keep pulling out of the line, she needs to pull out of training camp. They can’t wait to see if she can do it. Vivian responds that it’s better now. A disbelieving Kelli asks if it’s healed in the past hour, and Vivian says she was afraid to do it since she hadn’t done it. Kelli asks about her stretching routine, and Vivian says yoga and bar method, and has gone three times. Kelli clarifies that she hasn’t been stretching throughout training camp, and Vivian says she’s been doing yoga non-stop (Kelli asks her to define “non-stop,” and she responds “every week”). Kelli says if Vivian thinks she can do it, she needs to start doing it. Vivian says she can do it, and Kelli says that’s not what she’s seeing. Kelli tells her to take it seriously and not to let it slip away. [Vivian leaves] Kelli tells herself that she’s not buying it.
  • [End of episode, third of three, with group leader Sydney] Kelli says that Vivian’s been inconsistent this year: inconsistent with weight, and then inconsistent with power. It seems like she’s lost her mojo. She asks Sydney how she thinks Vivian’s doing. Sydney thinks Vivian lets a lot of stuff get to her head when she’s in front of them, and she just needs to let that go and just perform. Kelli hasn’t seen her make so many mistakes until tonight, and asks Vivian what’s going on. Vivian thinks it was because she got cut this day last year. Kelli says whether them or an ex-boyfriend is in her head, or whether she’s injured or not, she’s kind of complicated. She brings up Vivian talking about her fans at the social media seminar. In her opinion, she also seems self-consumed with the mirror. They’ve told her she’s pretty, so she shouldn’t keep staring at herself in the mirror. [Commercial break] She shouldn’t worry about her hair, and should worry about what affects her. Her kicks are low. Her strong suit used to be that she was powerful. The Vivian that should show up is the one from last year (when size was the issue). In response to a something from Vivian, Judy says it’s okay for the rookies to be fun and happy in there, but not to be loud and obnoxious and try to be the center of attention. But to be herself with her cute personality is okay. Vivian says she gets nervous with that stuff, because she doesn’t know if that’s okay to be fun. Kelli sarcastically says they hate fun people. Sydney chimes in that Vivian looks beautiful all the time, so not to worry about that. Judy tells her to look at the mirror to see her technique and if she’s making mistakes, not to see if she looks great, since she hasn’t had a bad hair day yet. Sydney says they’ll fix it, and Vivian passionately agrees. [Vivian leaves] Kelli asks Judy if she buys it, and Judy doesn’t know that she’s still not self-consumed. She’ll either learn to be one of 36 or she won’t be there.


  • [End of episode, third of three] Vivian says she psyched herself out because they kept saying her name, and Kelli agrees she got a lot of feedback. Judy says she spiraled on the field. Vivian says she wrote them a poem, saying she know it seems silly, but asks if they want to hear it. Kelli would like to. Vivian explains she titled it “A Lucid Dream”, and reads them her poem, with several jump cuts throughout. Afterwards, Kelli says she feels Vivian’s under such pressure that it’s affecting her performance. Vivian says she’s terrified when she’s in front of them. Kelli thinks it’s too much pressure on her, which Vivian denies, saying she can perform bigger than ever. [Commercial break] Kelli say she can perform big, and they’ve seen it. However, she’s inconsistent and struggling when she’s moving across the field. Vivian thinks she wasn’t the only one making mistakes. Judy says she’s had two years to make mistakes, and is still making them. Kelli says this conversation is limited to her making this team. Vivian doesn’t know if she can do this again. She says they don’t understand she’s worked… but Kelli bluntly cuts her off and says she doesn’t want to drag it out. She says Vivian’s given it a good two-year run. She apologizes for ending the journey, but says they have to make these decisions. Vivian is sad, but says it was a pleasure knowing them and gives them handshakes. [Vivian leaves] Kelli remarks she could have been practicing during the time she spent writing that poem. Kelli remarks, “This evening...” Judy says that was really weird, and Kelli says bizarre.

End of Journey[]

Season 8[]


  • Cut at the end of week 6 of training camp (6th of 8 to leave, 41 left afterwards)

Season 9[]


  • Final cut of the season at the end of week seven of training camp (7th of 7 cuts, 36 left afterwards)


Season 8[]


  • Second-to-last shown being invited to finals


  • Performs her solo for Kitty Carter before finals where she is the “Tin Man” from the Wizard of Oz. It gets panned by Kitty, and Vivian completely scraps it for the real solos.
  • Kelli is shown introducing her before her solo
  • Kelli tells the judges in the finals deliberation that she is in the top 3 for the fan vote
  • She’s revealed to be the winner of the fan vote into training camp


  • She chats with Jordan Elizabeth before the opening meeting about the pressures of being the winner of the fan vote


  • She hugs Kelli at uniform fittings, saying she’s always wanted to meet her, and asks if that’s weird (Kelli says, “kind of”)
  • Has a scene working out with Angela Rena at a boxing club


  • Kelli has her, Kaitlyn LaRae, and Morgan Whitney perform by themselves at practice
  • Following her cut, she tells the TCC’s that she’ll see them next year

Season 9[]


  • She’s shown introducing herself to the judges at preliminaries: she’s a former Apache Belle
  • Kelli mentions being excited to see some of the girls back from training camp last year, and then there’s a segment on Ashley, Vivian, and Tessa
  • Last one shown being invited to finals


  • Kitty Carter calls her “Tin Man” to have her start her solo (though she’s not wearing the Tin Man costume, this season)
  • The sequence of her practice solo with Kitty Carter gets a good amount of screen time
  • Her solo is introduced by name and shown in a segment after Judy gives a confessional about some of the candidate solos being disappointing
  • She’s in the top 3 for the fan vote at the time of the finals judging
  • Last one shown being invited to training camp


  • She asks Melissa Rycroft if “Dancing with the Stars” was harder than DCC training camp (Melissa says training camp is harder)


  • At the social media seminar, she asks what to do with her 1000+ Facebook friends, saying she really connected to a lot of her fans from last season, and would feel bad defriending them. She is advised to only be friends with people she knows personally.


  • At makeovers, the stylist suggests going a shade darker. Vivian wants it to look fiercer darker, and Kelli doesn’t want it to look, harsh, but the stylist says it won’t look Goth.
  • Makeover glamour shot before and after: minimally darker?
  • Shown walking the runway at the Belk fashion show


  • A before-and-after comparison of her legs and body at cameos from last season and the present season is shown


  • At “girl talk” with Melissa Rycroft, she discusses struggling with her self-confidence, and Melissa tells her that the head will be the first thing that can take someone out of the game


  • She's the fan vote winner in Season 8, and finishes in the top 3 again the following year.
  • Former Allen Americans Ice Angel

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Vivian Ralena (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.