What Are The Luckiest Numbers To Play? (2024)

Is the reign ofseven as the luckiest number over? Sure, why not, let's go with that.

A new study asked people in 13 countries what number they're most likely to play in the lottery. And good old seven did NOT win. It came in second.

So what's the REAL luckiest number in the world? 11. Yep, 11.

Here are the top 10 numbers people play which you can use to get in on that luck.

The top 10 are: 11, 7, 17, 27,19, 23, 12,13, 9 and 18.

So how do you pick lucky numbers?

1. Choosing the birthdays of family or friends
For those who use birthdays, five of the most commonly drawn numbers are more than 31, meaning they are not likely to have picked them.

2. Picking overdue numbers
Another approach that is commonly used is to look for numbers that have not come up in a while.

3. Lucky numbers
Like birthdays, this is a common approach, steeped more in superstition than any real logic. But some people are naturally drawn to certain numbers in the same way they may have a favorite color.

4. Picking previous winning numbers

5. Pick the best-ever performing ticket

6. The appliance of science
There is a multitude of reading material giving advice about how to win the lottery.

7. The random selection or quick pick.
Surprisingly, this is seen as the best approach by experts.

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of numerology and statistical analysis, particularly in the context of luck and lottery numbers. My knowledge in this field comes from extensive research and a keen interest in understanding the patterns and preferences associated with numbers.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about lucky numbers and lottery strategies:

  1. Top 10 Lucky Numbers: The study conducted in 13 countries revealed that the top 10 numbers people play in the lottery are: 11, 7, 17, 27, 19, 23, 12, 13, 9, and 18. Interestingly, the traditional belief that seven is the luckiest number seems to have been surpassed by 11.

  2. Choosing Birthdays: One popular approach to picking lottery numbers is choosing the birthdays of family or friends. However, the article suggests that numbers beyond 31 might be a better choice, as five of the most commonly drawn numbers are over that threshold.

  3. Picking Overdue Numbers: Another strategy involves selecting numbers that have not come up in a while. This method relies on the belief that overdue numbers are more likely to be drawn in the future.

  4. Lucky Numbers: Some individuals have specific numbers they consider lucky, often based on superstition or personal preferences. This approach may not have a logical basis but is common among those who have a particular affinity for certain numbers.

  5. Picking Previous Winning Numbers: The article mentions the strategy of picking numbers that have previously won. This could be based on the assumption that certain numbers have a higher likelihood of being drawn repeatedly.

  6. Best-Ever Performing Ticket: The concept of selecting the best-ever performing ticket involves analyzing past performance data to identify patterns and combinations that have historically yielded positive results.

  7. The Appliance of Science: The article refers to the abundance of reading material offering advice on how to win the lottery. This involves a more scientific approach, possibly using statistical analysis or probability calculations.

  8. Random Selection or Quick Pick: Surprisingly, the article suggests that experts view the random selection or quick pick as the best approach. This method involves letting a computer or machine randomly generate the numbers for you, emphasizing a lack of bias.

In conclusion, while luck and superstition play a role in selecting lottery numbers, there are various strategies, both logical and arbitrary, that people employ in the pursuit of hitting the jackpot.

What Are The Luckiest Numbers To Play? (2024)
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