What Does Mi Amor Mean? | The Word Counter (2024)

What does the Spanish phrase mi amor mean?

According to Spanish Dict English to Spanish Dictionary, the phrase “mi amor” is a colloquial phrase literally translates to “my love.” This is a term of endearment that someone can use for a family member or loved one. One can use mi amor as a romantic nickname, similar to the English words honey, sweetheart, or darling.

Mi amor is used to address both men and women. Unlike some Spanish nouns which have a masculine and feminine version, one should use “mi amor” for both men and women. Spanish Dict states that “mi amore” and “mi amora” are incorrect.

A similar Spanish noun one can use is “amorcito” for men or boys and “amorcita” for women and girls. This is a word that means sweetheart or sweetie. Amorcito and amorcita use the Spanish diminutive suffix “ito” and “ita.” These suffixes are used to either describe things that are small, or things one has affection for. For example, “gatito” means “little cat or kitten,” or “cat that I am fond of.”

What Does Mi Amor Mean? | The Word Counter (1)

What are other ways to tell someone you love them in Spanish?

There are a few different Spanish verbs that all mean “to love.” The first is the verb encantar. This verb is often used to say that someone loves someone or something, according to Yabla. For example, one would say me encanta le ciudad to mean “I love the city,” but me encantan los libros to say “I love books.” Here, the plural changes the form of the verb encantar into a different conjugation.

The next verb that can be used to mean “to love” it the verb querer. This verb literally translates to “to want” but it is often used to mean “to love.” This verb is conjugated in the present tense below by Spanish Dict alongside its translations. The most common conjugation of this verb meaning “love” is the phrase te quiero, which means “I love you.”

  • Yo quiero – I want
  • Tú quieres – You (informal) want
  • Él/Ella/Usted quiere – He/She/You (formal) want
  • Nosotros queremos – We want
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes quieren – Those boys/those girls/you all want

The final and most literal verb meaning “to love” is “amar.” This verb is conjugated below in the present tense from Spanish Dict, alongside its translations. The most common phrase using a conjugation of amar is te amo, which means “I love you.”

  • Yo amo – I love
  • Tú amas – You (informal) love
  • Él/Ella/Usted ama – He/she/you (formal) loves
  • Nosotros amamos – We love
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes aman – Those boys/those girls/you all love

Spanish Dict states that one can use other Spanish idioms, like “dulzura de mi vida” to mean “sweetness of my life” for a similar effect. One may also use “querida” or “querido” to mean “sweetheart” according to Merriam-Webster. Cloze Master states that one can use “mi corazón,” which means “my heart” as another term of endearment. Any of these can be close synonyms for the term mi amor.

What is the etymology of the word amor?

Etymologeek states that the word “amor” comes from the Latin “amor,” meaning “love,” “beloved,” or “love affair.” This comes from the latin verb “amare,” meaning “to love.” Many romance languages have similar roots for words meaning love. For example, the French word for love is amour. Etymonline states that the word amour came to be around 1300, which also comes from the Latin “amor” and “amare.” The accent of the word began to shift between the 15th and 17th centuries as the word became nativised, and changed to be a euphemism for “love affair” around the 17th century. Other words, like the English enamored, amorous, and amenity all share this common Latin root.

How can the phrase mi amor be used in a sentence?

When using a foreign language, one must be careful to ensure the listener understands what they are saying. In many cases, it may be more appropriate to use an English term of endearment with another English speaker if that person is unfamiliar with Spanish terms. However, if an English speaker knows what the phrase mi amor means, it is perfectly acceptable to use as a loving phrase.

Below is an example of how this phrase can be used by a Spanish speaker, followed by the translation. Catalina is getting ready for her first day of school when her mother enters her room.

Mamá: Catalina, Dios mío. ¿No estás listo?

(English: Mom: Catalina, my goodness. You aren’t ready?)

Catalina: Mamá, es importante que me quede linda para el primer día. Estoy casi listo para ir.

(English: Catalina: Mom, it’s important that I look good for the first day. I’m almost ready to go.)

Mamá: Bueno, bueno … No puedo creer que mi bebé esté en la escuela secundaria. ¡Mi amor, eres un adulto!

(English: Mom: Good, good… I can’t believe my baby is in high school. My love, you are an adult!)

Catalina: Mamá, te quiero mucho. Voy a ser tu bebé durante toda mi vida.

(English: Catalina: Mom, I love you so much. I will be your baby for my whole life.)

Here, Catalina’s mom uses mi amor as a term of endearment for her daughter.

Overall, the Spanish phrase “mi amor” is a term of endearment that directly translates to “I love” in English. This phrase can be used for romantic partners, family members, or other loved ones. The word amor comes from the Latin amor and amare, which both mean “to love.” Many other words in romance languages and English share this common root.


  1. https://www.spanishdict.com/translate/mi%20amor
  2. https://www.spanishdict.com/guide/meaning-of-mi-amor
  3. https://www.spanishdict.com/translate/amorcito
  4. https://www.spanishdict.com/answers/185519/mi-amor-means-what#:~:text=posted%20by%20DJ_Huero-,1,always%20use%20the%20dictionary%20above.
  5. https://spanish.yabla.com/lesson-Encantar-Another-Way-to-Love-115
  6. https://www.spanishdict.com/conjugate/amar
  7. https://www.etymonline.com/word/amour
  8. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/querida
  9. https://www.clozemaster.com/blog/i-love-you-in-spanish/
  10. https://etymologeek.com/lat/amor/34170292#:~:text=You%20are%20viewing%20the%20etymology,Love.&text=Latin%20word%20amor%20comes%20from,)%20and%20noun%20ending%20%2Dor.

What Does Mi Amor Mean? | The Word Counter (2)

Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

What Does Mi Amor Mean? | The Word Counter (2024)
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