What Is the World’s Most Dangerous Sport? | FAQ (2024)

What Is the World’s Most Dangerous Sport? | FAQ (1)

Basejumper in Greece

Working out what is the world’s most dangerous sport is something that, on the face of it, is easy to do. It must be one of the world’s most extreme sports such as bungee jumping, parachuting or white-water rafting, surely? Our research, however, has unearthed a few surprises and you may be shocked by some of our findings.

There are a whole host of statistics available purporting to show what is the world’s most dangerous sport. In our research, we’ve defined our question as meaning “Participating in which sport has the greatest risk of death?” and have used research undertaken by Bandolier-an independent journal about evidence-based healthcare written by Oxford University scientists. Here are the 5 most deadly sports in the world.

1. Base Jumping

  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 43.17
  • Odds of dying: 1 in 2,317

Base jumping is undoubtedly the world’s most dangerous sport. The statistics show that there is a far bigger chance of dying base jumping than doing any other activity. Jumping off tall buildings, structures or natural features, base jumpers deploy a parachute to ensure they land safely.

Unlike parachuting in its various forms though, there is not enough time to deploy a reserve chute if the first does not work. Base jumping is also largely illegal across the world which means that it is often practiced illicitly without official safety teams and medics on-hand.

2. Swimming

  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 1.77
  • Odds of dying: 1 in 56,587

Swimming being the world’s most second dangerous sport may be surprise if you think of swimming only as that which occurs at the highest level in Olympic sized indoor pools. Swimming though is a much bigger sport and can include open water swimming and endurance swimming, which we suspect present a higher risk of danger and death.

3. Cycling

  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 1.08
  • Odds of dying: 1 in 92,325

Cycling is a popular sport, both indoor and outdoor. It is the outdoor variety though that is the most popular simply because it is so accessible with competitors only needing a bike. There are cycling clubs and association in towns and cities across many countries in the world and competitions at amateur and professional levels. Though BMX competitions and mountain biking have a degree of popularity, it is road racing that is the most popular.

Because all but the top races have to share the roads with general traffic, cycling can be a risky activity at times. This is because you are 17 times more likely to be killed on a bike than in a car.

4. Running

  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 1.03
  • Odds of dying: 1 in 97,455

Running is perhaps the world’s most accessible sport requiring no equipment save for a pair of running shoes. Like cycling, road running is always at risk from general car traffic but we suspect there is another reason that running makes the top 5 most dangerous sports.

Running is an activity that many people take up in middle age and later life and there are, sadly, numerous reported incidences of people suffering heart attacks whilst running. However, this is still statistically very rare and the benefits of running far outweigh any danger.

5. Skydiving

  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 0.99
  • Odds of dying: 1 in 101,083

There won’t be too much surprise to see skydiving listed as being one of the world’s most dangerous sports. Jumping out of a plane at several thousand feet relying on a parachute is always going to dangerous.

Deaths can come from faulty equipment or user error but there are also deaths due to medical incidences, such as heart attacks or strokes. However, statistically it is still a relatively safe sport and one that many people continue to enjoy across the globe.

What Is the World’s Most Dangerous Sport? | FAQ (2024)


What is the number 1 most dangerous sport in the world? ›

Base Jumping

Base jumping is undoubtedly the world's most dangerous sport. The statistics show that there is a far bigger chance of dying base jumping than doing any other activity. Jumping off tall buildings, structures or natural features, base jumpers deploy a parachute to ensure they land safely.

What's the most dangerous sport to play? ›

Sports with the most injuries
SportTotal injuries% change since 2017
8 more rows
11 Jul 2022

Which sport is No 1 in world? ›

Top-10 List of the World's Most Popular Sports
rankSportEstimated Fans
1.Soccer / Association Football3.5 Billion
2.Cricket2.5 Billion
3.Field Hockey2 Billion
4.Tennis1 Billion
6 more rows

What is the 1st hardest sport? ›

Degree of Difficulty: Sport Rankings
Ice Hockey7.252
33 more rows

What is the Top 5 dangerous sports? ›

Ranking Top 10 Most Dangerous Sports
  • Rock Climbing (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • Luge Sport (Source: Flicker)
  • Big Wave Surfing (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • Sports car racing (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • Rugby players on the field (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • A cowboy on a bull (Source: Wikimedia.org)
18 Nov 2021

Which is more dangerous cricket or football? ›

Around 900 people are hospitalised for cricket-related injuries each year, a study says. This number is small when compared to Australian Rules football - the leading cause of sports-related hospitalisations in Australia.

What is the most dangerous thing in the world? ›

Nerve agents have been described as the most dangerous thing humans have ever made, other than the atom bomb. So what are they, exactly? What are nerve agents and what do they do to your body?

What are the 4 hardest sports? ›

According to Sports Virsa, the top 10 hardest sports in the world to play in 2022 are as follows: Boxing (hardest), American football, mixed martial arts, ice hockey, gymnastics, basketball, soccer, wrestling, rugby, and water polo.

What is the number 1 injury in sports? ›

1. Strains. Strains are by far the most common of all sports-related injuries simply because we use so many muscles and tendons when we exercise or play. These moving parts are all susceptible to stretching farther than they should, or moving in ways they shouldn't move, leaving them torn, damaged and in pain.

What are the 4 most dangerous sports? ›

Here are the most dangerous sports in the world.
  • Rugby.
  • Polo. ...
  • Bullfighting. ...
  • Bull Riding. ...
  • Scuba Diving. ...
  • Skiing. ...
  • Cheerleading. ...
  • Street Luge. You would expect this sport to be at the head of the pack. ...

What are dangerous sports called? ›

extreme sports, also known as action sports or alternative sports, sporting events or pursuits characterized by high speeds and high risk. The sports most commonly placed in this group are skateboarding, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, in-line roller-skating, street lugeing, and BMX and mountain biking.

What are the dangers of sports? ›

Injury rates:

Although death from a sports injury is rare, the leading cause of death from a sports-related injury is a brain injury. Sports and recreational activities contribute to approximately 21 percent of all traumatic brain injuries among American children.

What are the 3 types of sports? ›

The different types of sports categories are: Individual Sports. Partner Sports. Team Sports.

What is the 2 best sport? ›

Comparing All Lists
1Football / Soccer9
19 more rows

What are the 5 main sports? ›

Overview. The most popular team sports in the United States are American football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, and soccer.

Which sport is most famous? ›

Top 10 Most Popular Participation Sports In The World
  • Soccer/football. ...
  • Badminton. ...
  • Field Hockey. ...
  • Volleyball. ...
  • Basketball. ...
  • Tennis. ...
  • Cricket. ...
  • Table Tennis.

What is the most easiest sport? ›

The 7 Easiest Sports to Play
  • Table Tennis/Ping Pong. Table tennis is a game that can be played with two or four people. ...
  • Running. Running is easily the most accessible and easiest sport to play. ...
  • Spikeball. ...
  • Badminton. ...
  • Cycling. ...
  • Volleyball. ...
  • Bowling.

What is the hardest sport to win? ›

The Stanley Cup is without a doubt the hardest championship trophy to win in all of professional sports. Harder than winning the Superbowl, harder the winning the World Series, and harder than winning the NBA Title.

What's the hardest sport mentally? ›


It may be surprising to most people that swimming is number 1 in the list of the most mentally challenging sports in the world. Many professional swimmers fall into a 7-day self-sabotage cycle. This is a period where they may doubt themselves and grow continuous stress on themselves.

What is the most dangerous sport for females? ›

If you think cheerleading only involves cute pom-poms and piggy tails, well, think again. Because according to studies, it is by far the most dangerous sport for female athletes, accounting for a number of serious injuries and even fatalities.

What sport has the most head injuries? ›

5 Sports That Cause The Highest Number of Brain Injuries
  • Cycling. Cycling is the most dangerous sport resulting in over 85,000 sports injuries a year. ...
  • Football. Behind cycling comes football, with over 47,000 brain injuries a year. ...
  • Baseball. ...
  • Basketball. ...
  • Water Sports.
21 Mar 2022

Is cricket a hard sport? ›

The maximum number of times a batter would have to run off one hit in baseball is four times—from home plate to home plate. In cricket, the batsman keeps batting (and running) until he's out—one run, or 300, all the while carrying the weight of his protective gear. Trust us, it ain't easy going.

What is dangerous to human life? ›

Dangerous to human life means that which causes a substantial likelihood of death or serious injury or that is a violation of section 349 or 350. Sample 1.

What is world's most dangerous job? ›

1. Fishing and Hunting Workers. Fatal injury rate: 132.1 per 100,000 workers. Fishing and hunting workers work with wildlife in a variety of aspects.

What is the most dangerous to live in? ›

Least Safe Cities
  • Chattanooga, Tennessee.
  • Jackson, Mississippi.
  • Oakland, California.
  • Oklahoma City.
  • Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • Detroit.
  • San Bernardino, California.
11 Oct 2022

What's the easy sport? ›

Hands down, one of the easiest and most rewarding sport to learn is Badminton. Badminton involves two or four players on either side of the court with a racquet each and one shuttle co*ck. Each side attempts to hit the shuttle over the net and make it land in the rival's court.

Which sport has hardest exercise? ›

A great deal of strength is also required to progress in boxing. Plus, there's a big chance you'll get punched in the face. To last a whole boxing match is to be able to manage 12 rounds of 3 minute HIIT sessions. And the intensity of those sessions is why boxing is often considered the world's hardest sport.

What are the top 10 hardest things to do in sports? ›

Most Difficult Things To Do In Sports
  • Hitting . ...
  • Winning consecutive Super Bowls in the salary cap era. ...
  • Setting a world record in the pole vault. ...
  • Finishing with a quadruple double in an NBA game. ...
  • Winning the Grand Slam in golf. ...
  • Throwing touchdown passes in 40-plus consecutive games. ...
  • Pitching back to back no-hitters.
13 Jun 2008

What are the top 5 injuries? ›

Top 5 most common workplace injuries and how to avoid them.
  1. Trips, Slips And Falls. ...
  2. Being Struck By Or Caught In Moving Machinery. ...
  3. Vehicle Related Accidents. ...
  4. Fire And Explosions. ...
  5. Repetitive Stress and Overexertion Injuries.

What are 3 common sport injuries? ›

The most common sports injuries are:
  • Sprains and strains.
  • Knee injuries.
  • Swollen muscles.
  • Achilles tendon injuries.
  • Pain along the shin bone.
  • Rotator cuff injuries.
  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Dislocations.
2 Jan 2017

What are the 3 types of injuries? ›

Did you know that most athletic injuries can be boiled down into three main categories? Acute, Overuse, and Chronic.

What are the 4 types of sports injuries? ›

Types of Injuries in Sports
  • Muscle sprains and strains.
  • Tears of the ligaments that hold joints together.
  • Tears of the tendons that support joints and allow them to move.
  • Dislocated joints.
  • Fractured bones, including vertebrae.
10 Feb 2020

What are the 7 common types of sports injuries? ›

Top 7 Most Common Sport Injuries
  • Knee Injury. About 55% of sports injuries occur in the knee. ...
  • ACL Tear. Your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is responsible for connecting your thigh to your shinbone at your knee. ...
  • Tennis or Golf Elbow. ...
  • Shin Splints. ...
  • Groin Pull. ...
  • Sciatica. ...
  • Hamstring Strain.

What sport is not a sport? ›

Games not Sports

Games such as chess, poker (and other card games), billiards/pool game types games (carom billiards, cribbage (pool), cushion caroms, cutthroat etc) may not be considered a sport by everyone. A game like marbles has the physical skill to be a sport, but lacks regular competition.

Why is it called a sport? ›

The word "sport" comes from the Old French desport meaning "leisure", with the oldest definition in English from around 1300 being "anything humans find amusing or entertaining".

What are the top 10 most dangerous sports? ›

Ranking Top 10 Most Dangerous Sports
  • Rock Climbing (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • Luge Sport (Source: Flicker)
  • Big Wave Surfing (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • Sports car racing (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • Rugby players on the field (Source: Wikimedia.org)
  • A cowboy on a bull (Source: Wikimedia.org)
18 Nov 2021

What are the 5 most dangerous extreme sports? ›

The Five Most Extreme Sports, Ranked by Danger Level
  1. BASE Jumping.
  2. Heli-Skiing. ...
  3. Cave Diving. ...
  4. Big-Wave Surfing. ...
  5. Mountain Climbing. The perils of mountain climbing vary significantly depending on weather conditions, experience level, and which mountain you've decided to ascend. ...
25 Feb 2018

What are 3 severe sports injuries? ›

Acute Sports Injuries
  • Broken bones.
  • Concussion.
  • Dislocated shoulder.
  • Fractures.
  • Knee injuries, such as ACL and meniscus tears.
  • Muscle sprains and strains.
  • Rotator cuff tears.
13 Mar 2019

What is the cleanest sport? ›

Professional cycling is probably now one of the cleanest sports in the world."

What is the safest sport for girls? ›

Key Characteristics: Swimming has the lowest injury rate among girls sports, according to the National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance Study; other categories push down its overall Safety score. The most common injuries are to the shoulder, including rotator cuff impingement.

What sports are safe for kids? ›

Healthy activities include:
  • Safe contact sports.
  • Football.
  • Basketball.
  • Volleyball.
  • Hockey.
  • Soccer.
  • Team sports that require coordination.
  • Sports with coaches that emphasize skills, training and technique like golf and tennis.
5 Jan 2021

What is the most painful sport injury? ›

Some of the worst injuries include a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), concussion, hamstring injury, fracture and patellar tendon tear. ACL injuries are prevalent in all sports; however, basketball, soccer and football are the leading sports that can expose you to ACL injuries.

What are the top 10 injuries? ›

Top 10 Most Common Sports Injuries
  • Tennis or Golf Elbow.
  • Hamstring Strain. ...
  • Sciatica. ...
  • Shin Splints. ...
  • Groin Pull. ...
  • Concussion. ...
  • ACL Tear or Strain. The ACL, anterior cruciate ligament, is one of the major stabilizing ligaments of the knee. ...
  • Hip Flexor Strain. The hip flexors are muscles found on the upper-front side of your thigh. ...

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.