Why do NFL players use smelling salts? (2024)

Modified 08 Nov 2022

Why do NFL players use smelling salts? (10)

NFL players use smelling salts more than a lot of people think.

Smelling salts are used normally when a player has fainted or blacked out on the field. When we see a player go limp due to a hit from another player, the trainers bring out smelling salts to bring them back.

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Let's take a look at what smelling salts are made of and how NFL players use them other than its recommended usage.

What ways do NFL players use smelling salts and what are they made of?

Smelling salts come in a sealed white plastic wrapper. The plastic wrapper consists of a mixture of alcohol, ammonia and water. Smelling salts work when the package is broken open the ammonia gas immediately releases into the nose of the NFL player.

Chargers wideout Gary "The Ghost" Garrison hits the smelling salts — once a common sight on NFL sidelines. pic.twitter.com/72doLQ7b1X

— Kevin Gallagher (@KevG163) September 7, 2020

The ammonia gas begins to irritate the nasal membranes and the lungs. Once the gas irritates the nasal membranes and lungs it sends a sharp reflex. This reflex adds air to the lungs and helps oxygen flow quicker to the brain.

What makes the smelling salts work for NFL Players is the feeling that it has on the players. The NFL player who sniffs the smelling salts begins to breathe faster and they feel more alert.

NFL players do not always use smelling salts for what they are intended to be used for. A lot of NFL players use smelling salts to help them become more alert. Some NFL players say that they sniff smelling salts before every game to get them hyped up to play.

One player that has admitted to using smelling salts before every game is Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott. Prescott told the USA today that he would sniff smelling salts before every start. He would do this to make himself more alert and ready to play.

I cannot believe a Dallas Cowboys staffer just gave Dak Prescott SMELLING SALTS minutes after a #concussion evaluation!!!!!!!! What is wrong with the @NFL????This is a new low for medical abuse of players. pic.twitter.com/ThZamGsGO4

— Chris Nowinski, Ph.D. (@ChrisNowinski1) October 21, 2018

Dak Prescott said that smelling salts did not give him anything extra on the field other than being more alert. He also said that he would take them to help with getting hit as a quarterback.

NFL Hall-of-Fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw also came out publicly and said that he would use smelling salts. He would explain that when he would get his bell rung by a defender he would go to the sideline and sniff smelling salts. Once he was done sniffing the smelling salts he would run back on the field to continue playing.

Smelling salts are not the best thing for players to sniff on a regular basis. The ammonia in the smelling salts can really have an impact on the players health. NFL players will continue to use smelling salts to get them more alert on the football field until they are banned. Unfortunately that most likely will not happen until something happens to one of the players.

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Edited by Amaar Burton


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     Why do NFL players use smelling salts? (2024)


    Why do NFL players use smelling salts? ›

    Today, smelling salts are still widely used in the NHL, the NFL, and powerlifting and strongman competitions. They cause a quick burst of adrenaline which athletes believe helps them perform better despite the fact that science suggests the effects of smelling salts are extremely brief.

    Why do players smell smelling salts? ›

    More recently, athletes have begun to use smelling salts with the belief that their use will keep them more alert. The use of smelling salts is particularly popular among football and hockey players who believe this reflex will counteract the effects of concussion.

    Does the NFL allow smelling salts? ›

    While boxing no longer allows the use of smelling salts, there is no such prohibition in the major American sports leagues like the NHL, NFL, and MLB, where its use has been commonplace for years.

    Why do smelling salts make you stronger? ›

    Essentially, smelling salts are used to momentarily change how an athlete is breathing, increasing their oxygen intake, and reinvigorating them. Using the salts quickly helps athletes regain energy and improve focus.

    Why do NFL players breathe oxygen? ›

    Oxygen For the Recovery Process

    High-level athletes also use portable oxygen after a game or training session – during their recovery process. Oxygen helps the liver break down lactic acid through cool downs, which get more oxygen into the body after intense exercise, where it can expedite the recovery process.

    What do smelling salts do before a game? ›

    Athletes have learned that the jolting effect of smelling salts provides them with a burst of energy before a big game or crucial play, or when they start to get tired during the game. Athletes who are experiencing concussion symptoms may turn to smelling salts to treat them.

    Do smelling salts get you hyped? ›

    They get you hyped up and ready to go. On the technical side, the ammonia gas irritates the nasal membranes and lungs, which initiates the involuntary inhalation reflex. This causes heavier breathing, which causes higher heart rate, which activates the sympathetic nervous system and fight or flight.

    Are smelling salts legal in high school sports? ›

    They're affordable, and they are not banned by the major pro sports leagues, the NCAA or high school athletic associations.

    Will smelling salts wake you up in the morning? ›

    Try smelling salts

    Smelling salts have been reviving people for hundreds of years, but you don't have to smell something distasteful. Put a bottle of a pleasant-smelling essential oil like orange, grapefruit, or mint next to your bed to sniff in order to shake yourself out of a groggy state.

    What do kickers in the NFL smell before they kick? ›

    A lot of NFL players use smelling salts to help them become more alert. Some NFL players say that they sniff smelling salts before every game to get them hyped up to play. One player that has admitted to using smelling salts before every game is Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott.

    What brand smelling salts do NFL players use? ›

    Atomic Rhino Smelling Salts for Athletes 100's of Uses per Bottle Explosive Workout Sniffing Salts for Massive Energy Boost Just Add Water to Activate Pre Workout.

    What are the strips that NFL players smell? ›

    That's the sensation many NFL players seek before and during every game from a little helper that can be found in all dressing rooms and bench areas throughout the league: Smelling salts.

    What do smelling salts do to your lungs? ›

    Smelling salts are used to arouse consciousness because the release of ammonia (NH3) gas that accompanies their use irritates the membranes of the nose and lungs, and thereby triggers an inhalation reflex. This reflex alters the pattern of breathing, resulting in improved respiratory flow rates and possibly alertness.

    Can smelling ammonia harm you? ›

    Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in air causes immediate burning of the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract and can result in blindness, lung damage or death. Inhalation of lower concentrations can cause coughing, and nose and throat irritation.

    How long do smelling salt bottles last? ›

    Shelf Life: Around 6 months. Once initially opened the lifespan of smelling salts can last anywhere from 1-6 months depending how many times they get used/opened. The more often fresh oxygen is reintroduced into the bottle the faster it'll dry out and lose potency.

    How do NFL players urinate during a game? ›

    "Guys are peeing all over the sideline in every game, into cups, on the ground, in towels, behind the bench, in their pants, everywhere," says Panthers center Ryan Kalil, who covered this topic and others in The Rookie Handbook, co-authored by Gross and Geoff Hangartner.

    Why do NFL players have towels in their pants? ›

    If a game happens during snowy or rainy conditions, it will create additional moisture that makes it difficult for players to throw, catch, and hold on to the ball. So, by tucking a towel into the front of their pants, they can keep their hands as dry as possible.

    Why do NFL players spit on their gloves? ›

    Spit Method

    Sometimes it takes some saliva as well. You can spit and wipe your gloves against each other during the match, and you can be sure that your grip will increase. This method is beneficial, especially when gloves dry within a short period.

    Can you bring smelling salts on a plane? ›

    Pac-Kit 9-001 Ammonia Inhalant Capsule (Box of 10)

    A: Yes, absolutely they can, do not open the pouche themselves but these can be brought onto a plane as these should be run through security and accepted as carry on. Helpful?

    Is smelling salts like pre workout? ›

    You might consider it if you're attempting a one rep max, but don't make a habit of using smelling salts during your regular workouts. While they can deliver an almost instantaneous strength-performance boost, they can also reduce fine motor skills.

    Does CVS have smelling salts? ›

    CVS Health Soothing Mineral Salts Eucalyptus & Peppermint Scented, 22 OZ | Pick Up In Store TODAY at CVS.

    What is the strongest smelling salt? ›

    Description. Nose Tork is a potent and long-lasting smelling salt that comes in a bottle so it can be used over and over again.

    Do smelling salts trigger Fight or flight? ›

    The ammonia gas causes irritation in your nasal passage which triggers the fight or flight response and subsequent adrenaline release. The extra adrenaline that smelling salts / ammonia inhalants provide allow us to unlock a physical performance we are capable of, but unable to tap into without it.

    Why do kickers squeeze the ball? ›

    They don't travel as far as game-worn balls, and they can't be "guided" as accurately as roundish, softer balls. When you see a kicker squeeze a ball, it's because he wants to soften it and make it rounder." These balls are too new, and kickers feverishly try to make wear them out throughout the game.

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    CINCINNATI, September 28, 2022--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tide®, America's #1 laundry detergent brand, announced today that it is partnering up with an iconic brand once again – the National Football League (NFL). This time to convince, incentivize and reward America to wash their lucky jerseys this football season.

    What do football players smell to wake up? ›

    Therefore, if there's even a chance that one dose of ammonia improves breathing, alertness and performance, then 10 capsules a game can only be better. "Smelling salts are a pretty harmless way for players to clear their heads before battle," says a former NFL trainer with more than 30 years' experience.

    How do you make homemade smelling salts? ›

    Blend 20 drops total of essential oils as directed, and pour them onto one tablespoon of coarse mineral salt, such as Epsom salt. Transfer into a small vial and sniff as needed. Barrett recommends keeping a bottle of this everyday blend in your jacket pocket—and taking a whiff just as you cast your ballot in the booth.

    What is the fanny pack that NFL players wear? ›

    These fanny packs are actually called hand warmers. Inside of the fanny packs is small individual hand warmers that keep the player's hands warm. This article will show you why players wear these hand warmers and what benefits they play on the football field. No more boring Sundays, everyone can enjoy football!

    What is the black stuff under NFL players eyes? ›

    Eye black is a grease or strip applied under the eyes to reduce glare, although studies have not conclusively proven its effectiveness. It is often used by American football, baseball, softball, and lacrosse players to mitigate the effects of bright sunlight or stadium floodlights.

    Why do football players use ammonia towels? ›

    It sounds incredibly weird to have a cooler full of ammonia just hanging around with things designed to hydrate, but this is apparently a common practice. Ammonia soaked towels placed on the back of the neck make you feel nice and cool. Really.

    Does human pee have ammonia? ›

    Humans and animals release ammonia in urine. Ammonia has a very strong odor. If ammonia cannot be smelled, it is probably not concentrated enough to be harmful.

    Does pee turn into ammonia? ›

    Urine contains a compound known as urea. When bacteria act on this compound in your urine, it will change urea to ammonia. Hence, if there are bacteria in the urine and this may mean there is an infection, then you may notice that the urine smells like ammonia.

    What can cat pee do to humans? ›

    Cat pee is full of ammonia, a toxic gas that can cause headaches, trigger asthma attacks, and even result in serious respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia. Children, older adults, and people with weak immune systems are at particular risk of illness due to overexposure to ammonia.

    Do smelling salts help athletes? ›

    Athletes seeking performance improvements sometimes use smelling salts for their stimulating effect. Smelling salts trigger a sharp inhalation reflex, bringing in more air and oxygen. This may result in improved alertness.

    What do NFL kickers sniff before they kick? ›

    Smelling salts are essentially ammonia capsules. They have been mentioned in historical writings, dating to the Roman Empire. In modern times, they have been used to revive people after fainting. “Put your nose by an open bottle of ammonia and that's what it's like,” said former NHL trainer Stan Wong.

    Why do people smell salts before lifting? ›

    Second, powerlifters and athletes sniff smelling salts to help reduce body aches and pains. Specifically, they use it to reduce muscle soreness. Alleviating soreness indirectly enables them to lift heavier weights and improve their athletic performance even more.

    Do smelling salts wake you up in the morning? ›

    Try smelling salts

    Smelling salts have been reviving people for hundreds of years, but you don't have to smell something distasteful. Put a bottle of a pleasant-smelling essential oil like orange, grapefruit, or mint next to your bed to sniff in order to shake yourself out of a groggy state.

    Why does the kicker wear a fanny pack? ›

    The fanny packs football players wear are actually known as hand warmers. These hand warmers often have air-activated warmers inside them, which allow the hands to stay warm, away from the cold. Quarterbacks and wide receivers are the top two positions to wear these hand warmers.

    What happens if a kicker whiffs on a kickoff? ›

    Yes in NFL a missed FG is like a kick off or punt . You can try and run it back . However if missed you get the ball at spot of attempt. If the kick is blocked behind neutral zone either team can return it .

    How long do smelling salts last after opening? ›

    Shelf Life: Around 6 months. Once initially opened the lifespan of smelling salts can last anywhere from 1-6 months depending how many times they get used/opened. The more often fresh oxygen is reintroduced into the bottle the faster it'll dry out and lose potency.

    Can you make your own smelling salts? ›

    Blend 20 drops total of essential oils as directed, and pour them onto one tablespoon of coarse mineral salt, such as Epsom salt. Transfer into a small vial and sniff as needed. Barrett recommends keeping a bottle of this everyday blend in your jacket pocket—and taking a whiff just as you cast your ballot in the booth.

    Why do NFL players have a towel hanging? ›

    Football players use the towels to keep their hands and/or forearms dry when they play. Wet or moist hands can affect one's grip on the ball, and can even spell the difference between winning or losing a match.

    Why do football players tuck a towel in their pants? ›

    Wide receivers wear towels similar to how running backs do; to keep the biceps and forearms dry. Wide receivers often hit the ground diving for low and high thrown balls. Having a towel tucked into the pants is great to dry the hands before each snap.

    Why do football players use Vaseline in the cold? ›

    Some players who choose not to wear long sleeves slather Vaseline on their arms and faces to avoid shivering in the cold. “The idea [is] that it closes the pores a little bit and gives you a little bit more protection from the elements,” Taylor said.

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