Why do they switch sides in hockey? (2024)

If you are watching hockey you will notice that at the start of the second period the teams will switch sides. And then, at the start of the third period they will switch sides back to the original side they were on. One team ends up playing twice on one end and only once on the other. What is up with this? Are there any advantages?

Being indoors away from the elements and having a uniform ice does not require them to change sides, so why do they do it? Why make a team play on the other side of the ice for only one period?

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So, why do teams switch sides in hockey? There is a historical aspect of teams switching sides when it was played outdoors. However, presently, changing sides creates a long change for the teams in the second period that leads to increased scoring and gives the fans at the game a better experience so all fans will see the home team shoot at the opponent’s net.

Historical switching at half time and the evolution to periods

Changing sides likely came about through the historical roots of hockey. When hockey started (late 1800s to early 1900s) it was not played indoors in arenas but outside on ponds and canals.

The original game of hockey was played with two halves and not three periods (I’ll get to that down below). Since the game was being played outside it makes sense that they would switch sides. If you have ever played outside it is very difficult to skate into a headwind, this is very much an advantage for the other side. This is no different from football (american or international), where the outdoor elements – sun or wind – can easily be an advantage for one side.

When hockey moved inside they simply kept up the tradition of switching sides even though the elements were no longer a factor.

When hockey moved inside the game eventually moved to being played in three periods because the ice needed to be cleaned more often to keep up a certain standard of conditions. It was simply not enough to have two halves to a game and the ice being cleaned only once during a single intermission. However, it was not necessary to clean the ice three times and have three intermissions. So this came up with the three period concept with two intermissions, and the uneven side distribution of the teams.

The NHL in recent years has started to play 1-2 outdoor games per year as a throwback to the roots of hockey. Fans have loved the experience. However, in this case, the elements will factor into play.

With this potential variable the NHL does have the teams switch sides half way through the third period if the elements like wind play a factor. Most recently the Flames-Jets had the whistle blow at the 10 minute mark of their outdoor game, where the players switched sides. This gave each side 30 minutes with the wind, which was measure at 30 mph/50kmh. That is a hard headwind to skate into!

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Switching sides to increase scoring

Switching sides for the second period and overtime, if it occurs, also increases scoring by forcing teams to have a long change.

During the first and third period a team’s bench will be on the same side of the ice as its defensive side or goaltender. Whereas, during the second period their bench will be on the opposite side of the ice from the goalie.

Being so far from your goalie on the ice is called a long change. It is simply what it is described as a long change for the forwards and defensem*n to get off the ice for new players to come on the ice.

What this causes is tired players to be on the ice longer than they want to be because they cannot get a chance to get to the bench. Often a defensive pairing will be trapped on the ice for over a minute, and this leads to tiredness and tiredness leads to mistakes and mistakes lead to goals.

It has been proven that goal scoring increases when teams have the long change. This is one reason that it is here to stay because the NHL will do anything to increase scoring.

I have written a longer article on this that you can read by clicking the link below.

Related: what is the long change in hockey?

Switching sides for fan experience in the stadium

When you pay for tickets at a hockey game there are certain places that are better than others. If you can sit between the blue lines at center ice that is always best, however those tickets are the most expensive.

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The cheaper tickets are at the ends of the rink.

I shared season tickets to an NHL team for ten years, and I, along with all of the other average non-corporate fans sat at the ends of the rink. So when we picked out tickets what side of the rink did we want to sit at?

Well, the side where the home team attacks twice.

There are three periods to a game (if it doesn’t go to overtime) and for two of those periods the home team will shoot on one of those nets and only once on another.

It would not be fair to the paying customers if you never get see the home team shoot at the net that you are sitting close too. It does make a difference in the enjoyment of the game when you get to watch your home team shoot on the net close to you. Everyone likes to see scoring chances and goals the most, and when the puck is down at the other end of the ice it is more difficult to see.


So even though there are historical roots to teams switching sides, the biggest reason they do so is for the in-game experience of the fans and to keep up the slight increase in scoring that switching sides creates.

Why do they switch sides in hockey? (2024)


Do teams switch sides in ice hockey? ›

Games typically take two and a half hours. Also, at the end of each period, teams switch sides. When the score is tied at the end of regulation, there is overtime. In the NHL, overtime is played in a 3 on 3 scenario, first goal wins.

Why do ice hockey players swap? ›

Hockey teams have shifts because ice hockey is such a physically demanding sport. Due to the extreme nature of the sport, players need to change continuously to avoid getting fatigued quickly. Another reason hockey teams have shifts is part of the hockey strategy.

Why do players switch sides? ›

You change ends when the number of games played adds up to an odd number. In other words after the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th etc game has been played. This rule applies in both singles and doubles. At the end of a set, the same maths applies.

Why do sport teams switch sides? ›

To give equal opportunity and advantage to both teams/players. Since certain factors (i.e. weather) may give preferential treatment to one side of the field.

How do hockey players know when to swap? ›

Hockey players know when to change based on a number of factors including the length of their shift, changing as a unit with your line mates, strategic matchups against your opponent, and only changing when it will not cause a scoring chance against.

Why do they let guys fight in hockey? ›

Allowing fighting makes the sport safer overall by holding players accountable. Fighting draws fans and increases the game's entertainment value. Fighting is a hockey tradition that exists in the official rules and as an unwritten code among players.

Why ice hockey is the tougher sport? ›

Hockey is often considered one of the hardest sports in the world due to a number of factors. One of the most significant is the speed and physicality of the game. Players skate at high speeds and are constantly in motion, making it difficult to maintain control of the puck and navigate the ice.

Why are so many ice hockey players left handed? ›

The number of left-handed sticks sold goes up in places where hockey is popular and trails off pretty sharply elsewhere. One theory is that many kids in the United States have already held a bat or other sports equipment and naturally defer to that inclination without being shown how to hold the hockey stick.

When should players switch sides? ›


Players or teams switch ends of the court on odd games. This means that after the first game is complete, they switch sides, as well as every two games after that.

What does switching sides mean? ›

to change one's loyalty from one team or group to an opposing one synonym ▲ Synonym: switch sides.

Why do players put their hands up when taking a corner? ›

Raising a hand when a player is about to take a corner can mean signalling the referee that he is ready to take the corner,it can also mean signalling his team mates that he is ready but what does it mean when a player raises both hands before taking a corner kick?

Why are both benches on the same side in hockey? ›

In 1978-79, to remove an unfair advantage that some teams had in their home rinks where their player bench was located on the same side of the ice as the penalty bench (thus allowing for a quick substitution for a player when his penalty expired), the NHL introduced a rule that required that the player benches for both ...

How are sides determined in NHL? ›

The National Hockey League (NHL) and International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) apply similar rules for determining offside. A player is judged to be offside if both of their skates completely cross the blue line dividing their offensive zone from the neutral zone before the puck completely crosses the same line.

Do the teams switch sides at halftime in hockey? ›

Each half begins with a center pass at the center of the field. Teams switch playing sides at halftime and each team is given two 60- second time-outs per game. If a game ends in a tie, teams may play an extra ten-minute period of sudden victory; the team to score first wins.

What is the golden rule in hockey? ›

1. Always back your partner — on the offensive blue line, in the neutral zone and especially in the defensive zone. 2. Always one defenseman in front of the net when the opposition has the puck in your zone or there is danger that they may gain possession.

What is the longest shift in NHL history? ›

In the @NJDevils loss vs the Islanders, Jack Hughes finished the game with a 6:02 shift. That is the longest recorded shift in NHL history.

How long can a hockey player stay on the ice? ›

There are differences amongst defensem*n and forwards, as a defensem*n will take a slightly longer shift at avg. 48.6 seconds versus a forward who takes an avg. 46-second shift. The rule of thumb for shift length in hockey is to take shifts that are about 45 seconds.

What is the Gretzky rule? ›

The Gretzky Rule stated that when there were coincidental minor penalties, instead of each team playing with one fewer skater, the number of players on the ice would not change. Thus 4–4 hockey became rare, and this started the NHL down a path where low scoring, boring hockey now rules the game.

Why is icing illegal in hockey? ›

This rule was passed to prevent collisions (and therefore injuries) as players raced for the puck in an icing situation, trying to touch it first. In a potential icing scenario, if the goalie leaves his crease and touches the puck first, it's not icing and play continues.

What is illegal in ice hockey? ›

Illegal checking

Charging, hitting from behind and boarding are examples of illegal hits. "Charging shall mean the actions of a player who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner. A “charge” may be the result of a check into the boards, into the goal frame or in open ice".

What is Rule 46 in hockey? ›

Rule 46 regulates fighting in hockey

According to Rule 46, “A fight shall be deemed to have occurred when at least one player punches or attempts to punch an opponent repeatedly or when two players wrestle in such a manner as to make it difficult for the Linesmen to intervene and separate the combatants.”

Why do hockey players drop their gloves before fight? ›

These rules state that at the initiation of a fight, both players must definitely drop their sticks so as not to use them as a weapon. Players must also "drop" or shake off their protective gloves to fight bare-knuckled, as the hard leather and plastic of hockey gloves would increase the effect of landed blows.

Why is fighting OK in hockey but not other sports? ›

Here's Why Fighting Is Allowed in Hockey:

“Fisticuffs” is an official part of hockey due to NHL Rule 46. Fighting allows the sport to “police itself” and may prevent injuries.

Is NHL hit harder than NFL? ›

Hockey hits are, on average, 17% harder than football hits even though hockey players are 20% smaller than football players? Interesting. Josh Meinhardt and 1,455 others like this.

Who is tougher NHL or NFL? ›

According to an extensive study done by ESPN called Sports Skills Difficulty, ice hockey ranks second behind only boxing among the 60 sports measured. Football is ranked third, basketball fourth, baseball ninth and soccer tenth.

Is it illegal to play hockey left-handed? ›

All hockey sticks are the same for left-handed and right-handed players. The rules of hockey do not allow left-handed hockey sticks. However, that does not mean left handers cannot play the game. Was this helpful?

Which sport Cannot be played left-handed? ›

The Game Of Polo Is Right Handed

While many left-handed innovations have helped this group in society over the years, there are some activities which simply must be performed with the right hand, no matter one's hand of dominance. The sport of polo is one of these pursuits.

Why can't you play hockey left-handed? ›

Left handed sticks cause a high risk to injury in the game of field hockey. If a right handed player came in for a block tackle against a left handed stick they would most likely get hit on the follow through swing. This would be the same if a left handed player came in for a block tackle against a right handed stick.

Why do teams switch sides after each quarter? ›

Switching Ends

Football teams switch ends of the field at the end of each quarter. This makes the game fairer, by evening the conditions. For example, if one end of the field is muddy, both teams have to deal with it for half of the game.

Do teams switch sides every quarter? ›

Teams change ends of the field at the end of the first quarter and the end of the third quarter, though otherwise, the situation on the field regarding possession, downs remaining and distance-to-goal does not change at these occasions (so a team with possession 5 yards from the opponent's endzone at the end of the ...

What do you call someone who keeps switching sides? ›

A turncoat is a person who shifts allegiance from one loyalty or ideal to another, betraying or deserting an original cause by switching to the opposing side or party.

What does it mean to choose sides? ›

: to divide a group into two teams that will play against each other. When we chose sides in gym class, I was always the last person to be picked to be on a team. often used figuratively. They are forcing us to choose sides in the dispute.

Why do football players wear bras? ›

Are they sports bras, or are the football players actually wearing vests? The simple answer is: Yes, football players wear vests during training and games to track and measure their performance on the field. They are wearing a GPS vest that just happens to look like a sports bra.

Why do soccer players wear bras? ›

The "sports bras" worn by men's soccer players are actually GPS tracker vests. Each vest has a tracker in the back that provides a ton of data for coaches, trainers, and players to learn from.

Why do strikers tape their hands? ›

So, why do footballers tape their wrists? Correct application of sports tape is a common way to prevent football injuries, especially strains on players' wrists. Goalies will almost always be seen with Zinc-Oxide sports tape protecting their fingers and wrists, even under their gloves.

What is the hardest hockey position? ›

Goaltenders. While the hardest hockey position in elite play -- and maybe the toughest job in all of pro sports -- the goalie position is easiest to understand for newbies. Keep the puck from fully crossing the two-inch goal line and lighting up the dreaded (for goalies) red goal light.

Which side of the stick is not allowed to play in hockey? ›

5. How many sides of the hockey stick are you allowed to use? A player can only play the ball using the face of the stick. If you use the back side of the stick, it is a penalty and the other team will gain possession of the ball.

What is strongest position in hockey? ›

However, it would be practically impossible to win a Stanley Cup without high-end players at your center position. Centers are players that more than any other control the play and pace of the game and have the highest impact in both the offensive and defensive zones.

Does NHL switch sides every period? ›

Games typically take two and a half hours. Also, at the end of each period, teams switch sides. When the score is tied at the end of regulation, there is overtime. In the NHL, overtime is played in a 3 on 3 scenario, first goal wins.

Do NHL teams switch sides for overtime? ›

Teams to change ends after each period. Ten minutes of sudden-death overtime to be played if the score is tied after regulation time.

Why do hockey players switch out so much? ›

Why Do Hockey Teams Have Shifts? Hockey teams have shifts because ice hockey is such a physically demanding sport. Due to the extreme nature of the sport, players need to change continuously to avoid getting fatigued quickly.

Why do they switch sides after halftime? ›

Typically, after half-time, teams swap ends of the field of play in order to reduce any advantage that may be gained from wind or a slope to the playing surface, for example.

Do NHL players ever switch positions? ›

Over the years, many NHL players have been asked to switch positions for the better of the team. In most cases, the move typically involves a forward moving from centre to wing or vice versa.

Do hockey teams switch sides in overtime? ›

Overtimes and tie games.

Regular-season overtimes are five minutes, sudden death, played 3-on-3 (unless penalties carry over from regulation or are called during overtime). Teams switch ends for overtime (guarding the same net as they did in the second period).

What is the mercy rule in NHL? ›

Yes. If one team is winning by six (6) or more goals in the third period, the game will go to running time ("Mercy Rule") and will continue until the game clock runs out or a goal differential of less than 6 is regained. Otherwise the clock can only be stopped by a time out.

What is the longest NHL game? ›

1. Philadelphia Flyers at Pittsburgh Penguins (May 4, 2000) Keith Primeau leveled their second-round series against the Pens at two games apiece after over 92 minutes of overtime action. It was the only overtime game-winner of Primeau's 15-season NHL career.

Is college hockey rink bigger than NHL? ›

In the United States and Canada, the standard size of a hockey rink is 200 feet by 85 feet or, as expressed in metric terms, 61 meters by 26 meters, with a corner radius of 28 feet or 8.5 meters. This is the standard size used in the NHL, the AHL, college hockey, and junior hockey.

Are fights allowed in hockey? ›

Fighting is one of ice hockey's most unique elements, and it is the only sport where throwing punches is not only allowed, but sometimes encouraged. Despite a cooling off in recent years, fighting remains an often integral part of the game.

What is NHL Rule 63? ›

The Official NHL Delay of Game Rule Text (Rule 63)

A player, goalkeeper, or a team may be penalized when, in the opinion of the referee, is delaying the game in any manner.

What is Rule 42 NHL? ›

Rule 42 of the NHL rulebook dictates that charging "shall mean the actions of a player or goalkeeper who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner.

What is Rule 80 in NHL high stick? ›

Rule 80 covers high-sticking on goal-scoring plays. From 80.3: When an attacking player causes the puck to enter the opponent's goal by contacting the puck above the height of the crossbar, either directly or deflected off any player or official, the goal shall not be allowed.

Why do teams always kick on 4th down? ›

Why do you kick the ball on the fourth down? If a team is not within their kicker's field goal range or is anywhere on their own half of the field, they will usually elect to punt on fourth down. The likelihood of punting increases the more yards a team needs to get a first down.

How many outs until the teams switch sides? ›

The teams switch every time the defending team gets three players of the batting team out.

How often do teams wear alternate jerseys? ›

Teams are only permitted to wear alternative jerseys once in playoff games (except the Super Bowl, where teams must wear their standard uniforms); the only team to do so (other than in 1994) was the 2008 San Diego Chargers.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.