A Fourth Spatial Dimension and its Implications on Perception (2024)

Trying to conceive of the geometry of a fourth dimension involves disregarding everything you thought you “knew” about reality, existence, and your ability to perceive the world around you. Typically when one hears about the fourth dimension, the mind goes directly to time, but in reality it doesn’t matter whether you call time the fourth dimension or the fortieth dimension. Each dimension must be perpendicular to all of the other dimensions, and it doesn’t matter what order you examine them in. In terms of this paper, the fourth dimension refers to a fourth spatial dimension. By looking at differences between dimensions, specifically the second and third dimension, it is possible to gain a greater understanding about our own dimension-dependent spatial perception, and to explore what this tells us about the fourth dimension.

Before delving into complex examples of perception differences between different dimensions, it is necessary to develop a foundational understanding of the spatial components of each dimension. Dimensions are built upon one another by moving perpendicularly in space from all points in the lower dimension. Speaking in these terms, the fourth dimension is all of the space that one can get to by traveling in a direction perpendicular to three-dimensional space. To start from the beginning, however, means starting with a single point in space. A point defines the zeroth dimension. Essentially a point has not height, width or length, and is infinitesimally small. 1-D is defined by a single line. 2-D is the x-y plane, defined by two perpendicular lines. It is useful to picture the different structural components of a cube when examining dimensions, and in the case of 2-D, the cube is just a square. Similarly, 3-D is the x-y-z plane, with three lines extending perpendicular to each other in space, creating a cube. The fourth dimension becomes tricky because it is difficult for our 3-D minds to visualize a spatial direction perpendicular to our three existing ones. A four-dimensional cube is known as a tesseract, and it is typically drawn as one cube inside a slightly larger cube with the vertices of both cubes connected. (1) This is, of course, a distorted image of a tesseract because it cannot be drawn in three dimensions, but it is a useful tool in trying to visualize or at least understand the geometry of the fourth dimension.

Another useful method of comprehending the fourth dimension is to note how objects are bounded in each dimension. In 2-D, a square is bounded by one-dimensional objects, lines. In 3-D the cube’s boundaries are composed of six squares. Similarly, in 4-D, a tesseract is surrounded by eight cubes, eight objects with volume. Additionally, looking at the shadows objects of differing dimensions project can be an interesting way to compare dimensions. Think of your own shadow: your 3-D body projects a 2-D image, and likewise, a 4-D object will project a 3-D object. (7)

With a working knowledge of the basic concepts behind the construction of each dimension, and the geometry of each, it’s possible to begin to understand perception differences between the dimensions. Again, it’s useful to begin by examining lower dimensions so that we can readily visualize before moving on to explanations about the fourth dimension. Think of a square drawn on a sheet of paper. You can simultaneously see all of the points of square. If the square has dots drawn in the center of it, you can see these, even though they are on the inside of the square. For a being that can only perceive two dimensions, this would not be possible (more detailed explanations and examples of this below). Likewise, a being that can perceive four dimensions would be able to see all of the points in three-dimensional space “at once.” Our insides would be just as easily exposed as those of the square. Our perception abilities (and limitations) are a result of the arrangement of receptors in our retina: they are organized in a two-dimensional array (the third dimension is perceived through indirect information and visual cues such as shadowing). (7) A theoretical being who could visualize four dimensions would have a three-dimensional array of receptors.

Getting into more specific examples about perception differences between the dimensions and their inhabitants illuminates some fascinating spatial anomalies in our 3-D world that do not seem physically possible based on our understanding of space, but are completely valid within the context of the fourth dimension. First, however, as usual we begin with discussion of 2-D space and perception. A two-dimensional being experiences restrictions on movement and perception compared to beings that can perceive three dimensions. For example, in terms of movement, a 2-D being can only move along two axes in space. Let’s say this is forward and backwards, as well as up and down. This being has no concept of moving left or right. Think of a 2-D drawing on a piece of paper: the figures are “trapped” within the plane of the page. In this same scenario, perception of even a 2-D object, a square, is limited, and depends on its orientation in relation to the 2-D space the being occupies. If the square lies within the 2-D plane outlined, then the 2-D being looking at the square will only see a line, the boundary of the square facing it. This 2-D being can perceive a square by imagining many lines stacked together, similar to how we see in two dimensions but can perceive three. (2) However, if the square is perpendicular to the 2-D plane, then our being will see two dots, the points where the lines of the square intercept the plane. Likewise, a cube can appear as a line (where two sides of the cube meet), a square (one side of the cube), or a single point (one of the vertices of the cube) within 2-D space, depending on its orientation within the 2-D space. Three-dimensional objects can only appear as cross-sections of themselves within two dimensions, and their shape will depend on their orientation in relation to the plane of the two-dimensional space. It is possible to use the 2-D to 3-D transition model as an analogy for what happens when we, as 3-D perceivers, encounter four-dimensional objects. Coming across a tesseract, for example, we would see it simply as a cube. (3)

Existing in three dimensions gives us a third option for movement that doesn’t exist for 2-D beings. Because of this option, it is possible for 3-D inhabitants to move around objects in 2-D. One interesting phenomenon is object rotation. Imagine a painting hanging on the wall. You can take this painting and flip it along one of its edges so that the picture is now facing the wall. Now imagine the painting has no depth to it. Flipping such an object in two dimensions results in the creation of the mirror image of the original object being rotated. For a being in 2-D, this seems impossible because this kind of rotation cannot happen in only two dimensions. The same thing is theoretically possible for cubes in the third dimension. If a being in the fourth dimension wished to rotate a box in the third dimension, the axis of rotation would be a plane (one step above the line used in 2-D), and the box would return as a mirror-image of itself. If you were to write a letter on each side of the box, for example, the box would be returned to you with the letters flipped and the sides they were on reversed. (4) Trying to imagine this happening is mind-boggling. For our 3-D oriented brains, such a transformation is not spatially comprehendible.
Another interesting event is the locked-safe example. Say our 2-D being has its 2-D treasure stored away in a 2-D safe. As members of the third dimension, we can see the treasure inside the safe because we can see all 2-D points simultaneously. Additionally, we can move in and out of the 2-D plane as we choose, and move around it by moving in our third spatial option. (5) Because of this option, it is possible to take the treasure out of the safe without “opening” it. Theoretically, the same thing is possible for a 4-D being. What we perceive as “solid” is no longer so. Any stability we perceive in our environment can be circumnavigated within the fourth dimension.
The implications of the fourth dimension are profound. Once again we find that our reality, our view of the environment around us is not complete. Not being able to see four-dimensional events because of our receptor arrangement in the retina is very similar to our inability to view ultraviolet colors because we are lack a fourth color-sensitive cone. Four-dimensional activity is potentially more disturbing than just missing out on colors: the laws of motion and direction within a 4-D space are drastically different from what we are used to. Creating the mirror-image of a box, altering its seemingly stable physical appearance, simply by rotating it is eerie and fascinating. Other differences occur between the dimensions, such as the change in porosity. The higher in the dimensions you go, the more porous things become because of the additional directions for things to slip through. (6) A fourth dimension is only the tip of the iceberg as far as dimensions are concerned: “The mathematics used in superstring theory requires at least 10 dimensions. That is, for the equations that describe superstring theory to begin to work out—for the equations to connect general relativity to quantum mechanics, to explain the nature of particles, to unify forces, and so on—they need to make use of additional dimensions. These dimensions, string theorists believe, are wrapped up in…curled-up space…” (8) The possibilities are unimaginable for what kinds of actions are possible, and what laws hold true in these dimensions.


1. Jones, Garrett. “Introduction to the fourth dimension.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://tetraspace.alkaline.org/introduction.htm
Describes components of each dimension, introduces the tesseract
2. Jones, Garret. “From the second dimension to the third dimension.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://tetraspace.alkaline.org/page1.htm
Describes events and differences in perception between the second and third dimensions
3. Jones, Garrett. “From the third dimension to the fourth dimension.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://tetraspace.alkaline.org/page2.htm
Describes events and differences in perception between the third and fourth dimensions
4. Jones, Garrett. “Rotation.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://tetraspace.alkaline.org/page3.htm
Describes rotational events in both second and third dimensions
5. Jones, Garrett. “Flatness and Levitation.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://tetraspace.alkaline.org/page4.htm
Describes the “locked safe” event
6. Jones, Garrett. “Bodies of Water.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://tetraspace.alkaline.org/page8.htm
Describes water in multiple dimensions, and the composition of matter in multiple dimensions
7. “Fourth dimension.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_dimension
General introduction to the fourth dimension, as well as a lot of interesting tidbits, such as the implication of different dimensions on shadow projection
8. Groleau, Rick. “Imagining Other Dimensions.” Avail 30 April 2007. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/dimensions.html
Article discussing multiple dimensions and their applications to string theory

A Fourth Spatial Dimension and its Implications on Perception (2024)


What would the 4th spatial dimension be? ›

There is a fourth dimension: time; we move through that just as inevitably as we move through space, and via the rules of Einstein's relativity, our motion through space and time are inextricable from one another.

How can we perceive the 4th dimension? ›

You can, however, get a glimpse of the fourth dimension through an optical illusion called the Necker cube (labeled A in the figure below). There are two ways to interpret this shape: as a box oriented slightly left and down (B), or as its mirror image (C).

What are the 4 dimensions of the space? ›

The dimensions of space are, length, breadth, height, and time.

What are the 4 dimensions that we experience? ›

There are four dimensions to human life. These are the mind, the body, the external world, and the inner realm. Of these, only the external world is a collective experience, while the rest are individual.

What is mean by fourth dimension? ›

noun. 1. : a dimension in addition to length, breadth, and depth. specifically : a coordinate in addition to three rectangular coordinates especially when interpreted as the time coordinate in a space-time continuum.

Can life exist in 4 spatial dimensions? ›

In recent decades, physicists have explored this question by investigating the properties of other universes to see whether complex life could exist in them. Their conclusion is that it could not exist in a universe with four dimensions, nor in one with more than one dimension of time.

Will we ever be able to perceive the 4th dimension? ›

Physicists work under the assumption that there are at least 10 dimensions, but the majority of us will never "see" them. Because we only know life in 3-D, our brains don't understand how to look for anything more.

Why is the fourth dimension important? ›

As we've now seen, the fourth dimension provides an additional way for objects to move. In zero dimensions, represented by a point, objects cannot move. In one dimension, represented by a horizontal line, objects can only move left and right.

What are examples of 4 dimensions? ›

One commonly explored 4D object we can attempt to visualize is known as a hypercube. A hypercube is analogous to a cube in 3 dimensions, just as a cube is to a square.

What is the 4 dimension world? ›

Scientists believe that the fourth dimension is time, which governs the properties of all known matter at any given point. Along with the three other dimensions, knowing an objects position in time is essential to plotting its position in the universe.

What is the 4th dimension for humans? ›

We are comprised of 4 distinct but integrated parts. Three of which are related to our physical experience – the body, heart and mind. The fourth is the dimension of consciousness or spirit. In other words the feeling of being a person with your own values, ideas and beliefs.

What is the meaning of spatial dimension? ›

Spatial dimensions in power systems are related to the size (and power levels) of transmission, distribution, microgrid, commercial, industrial, or residential systems. Emerging problems often require geo-referencing to these spatial scales.

Can we move through the 4th dimension? ›

Spacetime is four-dimensional, but it there is no defined "4th dimension" in which you can travel, as if it were some kind of secret passage. As is, physics do NOT permit travel to past in any way. However due to relativity, it is possible to "travel to the future".

Why can't we perceive the 4th Dimension? ›

Our brains cannot visualise how this dimension would actually be situated on a 4-D object orthogonally. Instead, we can represent how humans would comprehend a 4-D shape to look like from our 3-D perspective. We would perceive a 4-dimensional space as a 3-D projection.

What is the 5th spatial dimension? ›

The first three are hight, width, and depth. You can see these on the cube itself, you don't even need to kick it to get a feel for them. The last one is time, and you see this one over the progression of its movement. This dimension is time.

What is the 4th dimension made of? ›

In physics, it refers to the idea of time as a fourth dimension, added to the (3D) spatial dimensions. Albert Einstein developed the idea of spacetime by connecting space and time together. The difference is that spacetime is not a Euclidean space, but instead is called "Minkowski spacetime".

What is the 4th dimension in design? ›

Four-dimensional (4D) design refers to an attitude of the designer, using his talent and horizontal knowledge to provide an artefact with a (more) sustainable character. This has to be done by inte- grating the fourth dimension, i.e. time, in the first stages of conception.

Are there beings in the 4th dimension? ›

Thankfully, there are no 4D creatures inhabiting our Universe, as they would appear indistinguishable from physics-defying, godlike entities.

What is the fourth dimension of the world? ›

Scientists believe that the fourth dimension is time, which governs the properties of all known matter at any given point. Along with the three other dimensions, knowing an objects position in time is essential to plotting its position in the universe.

What is in the 6th dimension? ›

The Sixth Dimension is the final realm and highest plane of existence in the Multiverse whose inhabitants exist beyond time and are capable of things beyond the imagination of most living beings.

What are the 4 5 dimensions? ›

Aspect RatioResolution
0.80 (4:5)2765 x 3456
1.25 (5:4)4320 x 3456
1.33 (4:3)4608 x 3456
1.66 (5:3)5760 x 3456
9 more rows

What are 4 dimensional shapes? ›

Four-Dimensional Geometry
equilateral triangletetrahedronpentatope
line segmentplanehyperplane
4 more rows

Is the 4th dimension a theory? ›

Scientists have confirmed the existence of a fourth dimension that Albert Einstein once predicted but could never prove. It is the biggest physics discovery in 50 years and will change the way we view the universe.

What are the characteristics of the 4th Dimension? ›

The fourth dimension can be thought of as a direction perpendicular to every direction in three-dimensional space; in other words, it stretches out along an axis, say the w-axis, that is mutually perpendicular to the familiar x-, y-, and z-axes.

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