What If We Found A 10th Dimension? | Unveiled (2024)

VOICE OVER: Noah Baum WRITTEN BY: Dylan Musselman
For human beings it can be tricky to comprehend the existence of even a fourth dimension, or a fifth... But, what if there's actually TEN?? In this video, Unveiled explains String Theory and how it allows for multiple "new levels" in the universe. We also find out what you would see, think and feel if YOU were living in the tenth dimension... It. Will. Blow. Your. Mind!

What If We Found a Tenth Dimension?

For human beings it can be tricky to comprehend the existence of even a fourth dimension, or a fifth. If we could move between them, what would we see? And how would our perspective change? Despite the challenge in imagining even one extra dimension, though, some physicists believe there are at least ten extra levels to our universe.

This is Unveiled and today we’re answering the extraordinary question; What if we found a tenth dimension?

We, of course, live in a three-dimensional world. The three spatial dimensions that we can see and interact with are length, width, and height. We’re aware of the fourth dimension as well - time - but it exists alongside the other dimensions of space. We don’t interact with it in the same way. Time is unique because it’s the only temporal dimension. Even in a proposed universe with ten dimensions, nine of them are still thought to be spatial.

The general idea allowing for ten dimensions is known as String Theory. String Theory attempts to unify all forces and particles in nature into a single structure - it’s a proposed “theory of everything” and it ultimately argues that mathematically there are at least six extra dimensions as well as the four that we’re familiar with. There are other variations of string theory, too, which posit even more… including M-theory which proposes eleven, and Bosonic String Theory which allows for a whopping twenty-six.

But, even if we stick to “just ten”, if there really are so many dimensions, then where exactly are they? There are some proposals as to why we can’t perceive them… For one, we could live in a 3D part - a kind of offshoot - of something bigger called a Brane. This theoretical structure would restrict all the evidence of the other dimensions that aren’t accessible for us... Everything we know would essentially exist in a pocket; a pocket that makes sense to us but doesn’t provide the full picture of what reality really is.

The alternative is that the extra dimensions are too small for us to experience; they’re curled up and compacted down into tiny structures called Calabi-Yau manifolds. While we would never know for sure that this was the case (without somehow evolving to see these tiny dimensions), there have been studies to suggest that the universe had ten dimensions at the time of the Big Bang, with only three of those - the three we experience - expanding into the observable universe. The rest exist in unseen Calabi-Yau manifolds. We can, though, use what we know about the three dimensions we live in to predict what proposed other dimensions could be like if they weren’t so small.

Our first dimension is length, which can be a straight line. If we add another straight line through that, we get width and two dimensions. Add another line at a different point and we have height; the third dimension. If we could see time (the fourth dimension) we’d have a trail of all the variations of a 3D anything, from birth to death. But now we move to truly uncharted territory!

Most models pitch the fifth dimension as another timeline - where an alternate Earth exists in time with similar conditions to our own, providing us with a “different version” of our reality. For the sixth dimension, we’d see many of those worlds, all similar and all still starting with the same conditions and the same laws of physics as our own did. A sixth dimension would reveal all the possible outcomes that could have happened to us and everything else; it’s the basis for some interpretations of the “Many Worlds” theory.

The seventh dimension brings it up another level, though, granting access to the timelines of worlds that started out completely differently to our own - with different fundamental physical laws. By the time we reach the eighth and ninth dimensions, if we could access them we’d be seeing a plane of infinite universes built of the same or different physical properties as our own…

While all of that’s pretty mindboggling, however, the tenth dimension is the eye-watering icing on top of our colossal, cosmological cake. If humans were able to find and see such a dimension, well, they wouldn’t really be human anymore. They’d have the ability to view all of the possible universes and realities, regardless of each one’s fundamental physical properties, but also all of the possible timelines that all of that could create. It’s every possibility in any space or timeline, right before our ultra-ultra-advanced eyes. There’s nothing that we wouldn’t know! And, while bosonic string theorists imagine a different, more populated path to get there… there’s really nothing (at least nothing imaginable) beyond this.

Back in the real world - that is, the one we can see and comprehend - string theory physicists theorize that there are vibrating “superstrings” which form all the matter we know about - right down to subatomic particles. In the tenth dimension, every other dimension and all possible particles (all possible strings) are wrapped up into a single point - and it accounts for literally everything there is. If you could control the tenth dimension, you’d have ultimate, unmatchable power.

Finding the tenth dimension would answer any problem that humanity had ever encountered. By now, today’s ultimate questions like how and when this universe began would feel like small fry. We’d not only know all about our own universe, but all about every possible universe. We’d also know precisely how life evolved on our planet, in our star system, in our universe - as we’d have access to our specific timeline. But we’d also know all about every instance of life that has ever lived in the multiverse. What’s more, we’d automatically know the eventual fate of all of it, too. With every timeline laid out in front of us it wouldn’t so much be us “looking into the future” as we wouldn’t really be having to look anywhere… we’d just know it. But, in this way, we’d understand every single civilization that has lived and also that ever will live. If there is to be an “end of humanity”, we’d be able to perfectly pre-empt it. Even an eventual end of reality would be something a tenth dimensional being would naturally and objectively understand!

In many ways, the universe would feel bigger than ever. But it would also be more manageable than ever. We’d understand the smallness of Planet Earth in amongst everything else, being able to instantly map the Milky Way, and even our entire universe as we currently view it. We’d also know all there is to know about our own timelines - our own life and death stories - but also everything about every possible alternate version of ourselves. Again, our lives would feel crazier than ever, but also easier to accept and comprehend as one strand of truly infinite possibilities.

With tenth dimensional powers we could actually see and experience the lives of anyone or anything; much as we could appreciate any other planet as existing in a similar state of importance and uniqueness as Earth. All possible combinations of the fundamental forces of nature would be accessible for us. We’d have god-like omniscience and wisdom, with the only “limit” placed on our knowledge being that we’d already know everything there is to know. We’d no longer be tethered to a single perspective or a single point in space or time; instead allowed to travel through and enjoy every single aspect of it.

Unfortunately, while some argue that ten dimensions could be a mathematical necessity for our reality… We’re a long way away from unlocking new dimensions for ourselves. Until then, we’re like a fish that spends its life in the ocean but suspects that there’s a completely different world above the water. The potentially multi-dimensional multiverse is close, but also so, so far away. And that’s what would happen if we found a tenth dimension.

What If We Found A 10th Dimension? | Unveiled (2024)


What would the 10th dimension be? ›

In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered. Beyond this, nothing can be imagined by us lowly mortals, which makes it the natural limitation of what we can conceive in terms of dimensions.

What would a 10th dimensional being do? ›

Capabilities. The user is absolutely everything: every single of infinite possibilities and probability, every of infinite reality, timeline, universe or dimension, and everything within each of, i.e. absolutely all at once, no exceptions and limitations, all embodied in a single being.

Can we go to 10 dimension? ›

We cannot travel into this higher-dimensional space. In fact, nothing we know of can travel into it — not electrons, or quarks, or exotic muons — except for the graviton. It alone can journey into the higher dimension.

Do we live in a 10 dimensional world? ›

We, of course, live in a three-dimensional world. The three spatial dimensions that we can see and interact with are length, width, and height. We're aware of the fourth dimension as well - time - but it exists alongside the other dimensions of space.

What dimension is God living in? ›

Answer: We live in a physical world with its four known space-time dimensions of length, width, height (or depth) and time. However, God dwells in a different dimension—the spirit realm—beyond the perception of our physical senses.

Is there a 11th dimension? ›

What is 11th dimension? The 11th dimension is a characteristic of space-time that has been proposed as a possible answer to questions that arise in superstring theory. The theory of superstrings involves the existence of nine dimensions of space and one dimension of time for a total of 10 dimensions.

What is the 100th dimension? ›

A 100 dimensional simplex (triangle) has 101 pointy corners and 101 faces (as a 99D simplex), becoming more like a cube. The angle between edges starts off at 60 degrees in 2D, but gets closer to 90 degrees in very high-D. The volume is more evened out than the 100-cube, but still concentrated in the corners.

How many dimensions are in the Bible? ›

Scriptures have all three dimensions, but different religious groups and individuals ritualize the three dimensions to different degrees.

What is the 26 dimension? ›

The 26 dimensions of Closed Unoriented Bosonic String Theory are interpreted as the 26 dimensions of the traceless Jordan algebra J3(O)o of 3x3 Octonionic matrices, with each of the 3 Octonionic dimenisons of J3(O)o having the following physical interpretation: 4-dimensional physical spacetime plus 4-dimensional ...

Can we touch the 4th dimension? ›

Of course, we can't physically access this 4D world – we're stuck in 3D space – but scientists think quantum mechanics could somehow give us a picture of it, thus enhancing our limited understanding of the Universe.

Does 100 dimensions exist? ›

A 100 dimensional simplex (triangle) has 101 pointy corners and 101 faces (as a 99D simplex), becoming more like a cube. The angle between edges starts off at 60 degrees in 2D, but gets closer to 90 degrees in very high-D. The volume is more evened out than the 100-cube, but still concentrated in the corners.

What dimension is heaven? ›

So you don't necessarily have to look up but you can look out and see heaven. Heaven is a fourth dimension if you will," he tells Walters.

Would 4 dimensional beings exist? ›

Thankfully, there are no 4D creatures inhabiting our Universe, as they would appear indistinguishable from physics-defying, godlike entities.

How many dimensions can humans see? ›

We are 3D creatures, living in a 3D world but our eyes can show us only two dimensions. The depth that we all think we can see is merely a trick that our brains have learned; a byproduct of evolution putting our eyes on the front of our faces.

Where is heaven found? ›

It is primarily God's dwelling place in the biblical tradition: a parallel realm where everything operates according to God's will. Heaven is a place of peace, love, community, and worship, where God is surrounded by a heavenly court and other heavenly beings.

What is a dimension in the Bible? ›

Breadth, length, height, and depth. These are the four dimensions of Christian life and faith.

What dimension is our reality? ›

Dimension 3: All the spatial dimensions in which we exist. What we think of as our reality consists of three dimensions of space and one of time. In three dimensions we have height, width, and depth. It becomes possible to take cross sections of an object.

Can the human eye see 4D? ›

In a 4D world, our eyes can still, only perceive 2D and by combining multiple images, we will still only achieve 3D dimensions. We simply cannot perceive 4D.

What is the 27 dimension? ›

The twenty-seventh dimension of consciousness is Source itself, from which all is created. At one point, Source, when it first decided to know itself more fully, separated into two dimensions: Love and Light. Love and Light are the basic building blocks of the other twenty-four dimensions of consciousness.

Are there 10 or 26 dimensions? ›

In the same way, all the events in the universe are measured in dimensions. According to string theory, there can be 10 dimensions in the universe According to M-Theory, there can be 11 such dimensions in the universe, while according to the Bosonic string theory, there can be 26 dimensions in the universe.

Is there a 0 dimension? ›

Zero Dimensions: A point has zero dimensions. There's no length, height, width, or volume. Its only property is its location. You could have a collection of points, such as the endpoints of a line or the corners of a square, but it would still be a zero-dimensional object.

What is a 1000 dimensional cube called? ›

The hypercube is the special case of a hyperrectangle (also called an n-orthotope).

Is there a dimension we Cannot see? ›

The things in our daily life have height, width and length. But for someone who's only known life in two dimensions, 3-D would be impossible to comprehend. And that, according to many researchers, is the reason we can't see the fourth dimension, or any other dimension beyond that.

Is the 10th dimension infinite? ›

The 10th dimension is every event imaginable or unimaginable, with any start conditions and infinite variations that could ever or will ever occur under any circ*mstances condensed to a single point, with only nothingness extending beyond its reach.

What is a 10th dimensional shape? ›

It is sometimes called a dekeract, a portmanteau of tesseract (the 4-cube) and deka- for ten (dimensions) in Greek, It can also be called an icosaronnon or icosa-10-tope as a 10 dimensional polytope, constructed from 20 regular facets. It is a part of an infinite family of polytopes, called hypercubes.

What size is the Jesus Bible? ›

Product information
Publisher‎Zondervan; Special Edition (January 3, 2017)
Hardcover2048 pages
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How many dimensions of heaven are there? ›

In religious or mythological cosmology, the seven heavens refer to seven levels or divisions of the Heavens.

What is the size of heaven in Revelation? ›

After this, John says the heavenly city is a perfect cube, each side being 12,000 stadia, or 1,400 miles. Then we're told that the walls were 144 cubits high, or about 200 feet.

What is the 11th dimension called? ›

11th dimension may refer to: Supergravity, a field theory that combines the principles of supersymmetry and general relativity.

Does 5th dimension exist? ›

The fifth dimension is a micro-dimension which is accepted in physics and mathematics. It's here to have a nice and seamless tie between gravity and electromagnetism, or the main fundamental forces, which seem unrelated in the regular four-dimensional spacetime.

Is there a 4D dimension? ›

The fourth dimension (4D) is currently defined as a hypothetical construct since we live in the third dimension and must predict what the extra-spatial fourth dimension actually consists of. But generally, the 4D space is seen as an extension of the 3D space, providing further ways that objects can move.

Can we go another dimension? ›

Pet peeve alert: contrary to assertions in some bad sci-fi, it is impossible to travel to a dimension. We can only travel in a dimension. In three-dimensional space, we can move along an x, y or z axis or some combination of those, but not to x, y or z.

Can 4th dimensional beings see us? ›

A 4-D being would be a god to us. It would see everything in our world. It could even look inside your stomach and remove your breakfast without cutting through your skin, just like you could remove a dot inside a circle by moving it up into the third dimension, perpendicular to the circle, without breaking the circle.

Are humans in 3-D or 4D? ›

The 3D volumetric structure or form of human facial features contains spatial dimensions of breadth, height and width, combined with a unique surface pattern. The 4D temporal pattern of the human face encompasses all dynamic movement and changes to this 3D spatial form that evolve with time.

Are there hidden dimensions? ›

In fact, hidden dimensions could be the size of a small ant - roughly a millimeter, or about one-25th of an inch, across. That's nowhere near big enough to hold a mansion, let alone the whole universe. But the visible universe is huge only in the familiar three dimensions of space.

What does 1 dimensional look like? ›

A 1-dimensional object is a line, or line segment, which has length, but no other characteristics. A 2-dimensional object has length and height, but no depth. Examples of 2D objects are planes and polygons. A 3-dimensional object has length, height, and depth.

Are there 10 or 12 dimensions? ›

The world as we know it has three dimensions of space—length, width and depth—and one dimension of time. But there's the mind-bending possibility that many more dimensions exist out there. According to string theory, one of the leading physics model of the last half century, the universe operates with 10 dimensions.

How far is God's heaven? ›

According to Dr. Mortimer, heaven lay within the sun as a vast globe, “at least 500,000 miles in diameter.”

How heavy is the heavens? ›

That means the sky holds 4,824,146,196 gallons of water. At eight pounds per gallon, that's another 38,593,169,564 pounds of water in the air. Add it all up, and the total weight of our sky is 12,107,415,382,493,169,564 pounds, more than 12 quintillion pounds!

Is heaven higher than Earth? ›

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

What is a 5d shape? ›

It can be called a penteract, a portmanteau of the Greek word pénte, for 'five' (dimensions), and the word tesseract (the 4-cube). It can also be called a regular deca-5-tope or decateron, being a 5-dimensional polytope constructed from 10 regular facets.

Are there infinite dimensions? ›

An infinite-dimensional space is a space with an infinite amount of dimensions, which means that a point's location would have to be defined using a Infinite amount of numbers,examples of this are Hilbert space or Banach space. A verse with countably infinite dimensions is called a Omegealmverse.

Can humans see 8K? ›

At four times the horizontal and vertical resolution of 1080p and sixteen times the overall pixels, 8K images — named for the approximate number of pixels along the horizontal axis — are likely the clearest digital pictures the human eye will ever see.

Do we see with our eyes or brain? ›

When light hits the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye), special cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the brain. Then the brain turns the signals into the images you see.

What is the max a human can see? ›

The range of vision for a person is infinite. You can see for miles and miles. On a clear day, you can see for up to 3 miles before the horizon due to the curvature of the earth. Yet you can see skyscrapers in a further distance than 3 miles due to no horizon obstruction.

What are all 11 dimensions? ›

It's just an imaginary idea that indicates a position in a system.
  • The first dimension – a line. ...
  • The Second Dimension – A Split. ...
  • The Third Dimension – A Fold. ...
  • The Fourth Dimension – A Line. ...
  • The Fifth Dimension – A Split. ...
  • The Sixth Dimension – A Fold. ...
  • The Seventh Dimension – A Line. ...
  • The Eighth Dimension – A Split.

What are the 26 dimensions? ›

The 26 dimensions of Closed Unoriented Bosonic String Theory are interpreted as the 26 dimensions of the traceless Jordan algebra J3(O)o of 3x3 Octonionic matrices, with each of the 3 Octonionic dimenisons of J3(O)o having the following physical interpretation: 4-dimensional physical spacetime plus 4-dimensional ...

What are the 16 dimensions? ›

A 16-Dimensional Space is a space in which each point requires a sexdecuplet of numbers to describe its position. This makes it a hyperrealm. A verse with sixteen dimensions is called a hexadecealmverse.

What are the 14 dimensions? ›

A 14-Dimensional Space is a space in which each point requires a quattordecuplet of numbers to describe its position. This makes it a hyperrealm. A verse with fourteen dimensions is called a tetradecealmverse.

What is the 27th dimension? ›

The twenty-seventh dimension of consciousness is Source itself, from which all is created. At one point, Source, when it first decided to know itself more fully, separated into two dimensions: Love and Light. Love and Light are the basic building blocks of the other twenty-four dimensions of consciousness.

What is the highest dimension? ›

Scientists do not believe there can exist more than 11 dimensions because conditions become unstable and particles naturally collapse back down into 10 or 11 dimensions. The 12th dimension, for example, introduces a second time.

Can we go to 4th dimension? ›

According to this model, there are only three dimensions of linear direction: variations of up, right, and forward. In other words, height, length, and width. But even with all the practicality of Euclid's model, the concept cannot be mathematically proven, opening the doorway to another fourth direction.

What is a 13th dimensional shape? ›

In geometry, a tridecagon or triskaidecagon or 13-gon is a thirteen-sided polygon.

Is there a 5d shape? ›

In five-dimensional geometry, a 5-cube is a name for a five-dimensional hypercube with 32 vertices, 80 edges, 80 square faces, 40 cubic cells, and 10 tesseract 4-faces.

Can you have 2.5 dimensions? ›

There's no such thing as “2.5 dimensional universe”.

What is our 5th dimension? ›

In physics, information has sometimes been proposed as the fifth dimension, the first three being the three axes of space, and the fourth being time. This is because information influences and shapes the physical reality of the universe similar to space and time.

Can you switch dimensions? ›

Pet peeve alert: contrary to assertions in some bad sci-fi, it is impossible to travel to a dimension. We can only travel in a dimension. In three-dimensional space, we can move along an x, y or z axis or some combination of those, but not to x, y or z.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.