Food for Hockey - Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA) (2024)

Resource Hub/Factsheets/Hockey


Hockey (also known as field hockey internationally) is a team-based sport played in two 35-minute halves with 10 players on the field and one player in the goals at any one time, with a short break at half-time.

About Hockey

Field hockey is a sport that is played extensively by both men and women throughout Australia and overseas. It is played at both amateur and professional levels. Hockey is a team sport played between two teams. Traditionally a team consists of 10 players plus 1 goal keeper with up to 7 substitutes permitted per team. There are also some newer formats of the game that are played with much fewer players (e.g. Hockey5s which is played with only 5 players per team).

Match play lasts for 70 minutes and consist of two 35- minute halves plus a short break at half time. In some major international tournaments such as the Olympics, matches are played in four 15-minute quarters. Players can be substituted as many times as desired during a game and play is not stopped for substitutions. Some teams will substitute players up to 70 times in a single match. These substitutions are used give players brief periods of rest as hockey is a fast paced sport with high intensity sprints alongside passing, scoring and tackling.

Hockey is generally played in the winter months, with elite athletes spending the off-season in training or at other competitions. Training sessions typically involve strength and conditioning, technique and match preparation. In season, matches are played most weekends and athletes may have to travel locally, interstate or overseas for competitions. Competitions are also played in tournament format over several days.

Hockey requires a great deal of endurance, strength, speed and agility. Therefore, hockey players will use both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. Players are also required to think tactically, have fast reaction time and display tactical and technical ball movement skills for the duration of the game.

Because of these characteristics, energy demands can be high, particularly in tournament settings where several games may be played over a number of days. There is the potential for high levels of fluid loss and injuries making nutrition and hydration strategies essential for optimising performance of players at all levels.

Training diet

Due to the high intensity, physically demanding nature of the sport, hockey players need a nutrient rich diet to optimise performance at training and promote recovery between sessions. A hockey player’s diet should be based around lean proteins for muscle repair and recovery and appropriately timed carbohydrate for fuel. In addition, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and dairy foods provide important vitamins and minerals, along with some healthy fats.

Individual nutrition requirements will be determined by training load, specific athlete needs, training goals, body composition goals, health and adjustment for growth in younger athletes. Junior hockey players also need to meet the nutrition needs of growth and development.

Fluid needs

Hockey is a fast moving game that requires high-intensity running, fast decision-making and skill. Studies have shown that dehydration can negatively impact shooting accuracy, speed, agility concentration and co-ordination.

Due to the high intensity, stop/start style of the matches, sweat rates can be high. The temperature and humidity will also play a part in the players fluid needs. Fluid needs will depend on individual fluid losses, which vary between players depending on individual sweat rate.

To maintain good hydration levels, players should be encouraged to drink fluid before, during and after a hockey match. Since hockey is a winter sport, on cold days, players may need prompting to drink as they may not feel the need to replace fluid losses in cooler weather. In most situations, water is sufficient to replace fluid losses, however, during matches, sports drinks can be a good option as they provide carbohydrates to fuel the body, fluid and electrolytes simultaneously.

In tournament settings, it is important to replace fluid losses after a match to avoid starting subsequent matches dehydrated. An Accredited Sports Dietitian can work with players to determine their individual sweat losses and a fluid plan to ensure they start all matches appropriately hydrated.

Eating before competition

It’s important to start matches well fuelled. The timing of the pre-game meal will depend on the start time of the match, which can vary from morning to late in the evening depending on the level of the athlete. Each athlete is different, but players will often eat a pre-game meal around 3 to 4 hours before the start of the match. This meal should contain some carbohydrate for fuel as well as some fluids for hydration.

Some suitable pre-match meal ideas can include:

  • Wrap or sandwich with chicken and salad
  • Bowl of muesli with yoghurt and berries
  • Pasta with beef mince in tomato-based sauce
  • Chicken stir-fry with rice or noodles

Many players will also have an additional small snack 1-2 hours prior to the game. This is often something light that is rich in carbohydrate but relatively low in fat and fibre so it is easy to digest.

Some suitable pre-match snack ideas include:

  • Yoghurt with fruit salad
  • Banana and a handful of almonds
  • Peanut butter on rice cakes
  • Toast with vegemite

Players who are nervous, or struggle with a poor appetite before matches, may find liquid carbohydrate options such as a fruit smoothie more appealing and easy to eat.

Eating and drinking during competition

There is only a brief opportunity to eat and drink at half time. There is also extra opportunity to rehydrate and top up fuel stores during substitutions.

While water is the priority fluid during training and for hydration during the day, and in most matches, sports or electrolyte drinks may be useful during a game for players with high energy requirements or heavy fluid losses as they can provide carbohydrates as well as electrolytes.

During tournament settings it is important to keep fuel levels topped up over the day to prevent fatigue. Light, easy to digest carbohydrate rich snacks such as muesli bars, fresh fruit, flavoured milk and simple sandwiches are all good options for refuelling between matches. Trialling nutrition strategies during training or practice matches will help determine the best plan for each player.


There are three rules to consider with recovery nutrition:

  • Refuel muscle glycogen (carbohydrate stores)
  • Repair muscle (for function & development)
  • Rehydrate (replace fluids lost through sweat)

Recovery meals and snacks should contain carbohydrate (fuel), some protein (for muscle repair and development) and plenty of fluids and electrolytes to replace sweat losses. A recovery meal or snack should be consumed soon after exercise period, remembering that recovery nutrition extends well beyond the initial hours after the match, particularly when the next training session or game is the next day. Fluids (mainly water) should also be consumed, based on estimated losses.

Some recovery food suggestions include:

  • Ham, avocado and salad sandwich
  • Dairy-based fruit smoothie
  • Tofu and vegetable curry with rice
  • Poached eggs with baked beans
  • Grilled salmon with baked potatoes and salad

Other Nutrition Tips

  • Be organised Players should have recovery snacks ready to go in their match day bag as it can be difficult to rely on the venue to provide appropriate choices for meeting recovery nutrition needs.
  • Supplements In most cases, players can meet their nutrition and protein needs from carefully planned and timed meals and snacks without supplements. Those wishing to use supplements should seek the advice of a Sports Dietitian to ensure the right type, doses and timing of supplement is used.
  • Body composition Players wishing to change their body composition (for example, to increase muscle or decrease fat levels) should work closely withan Accredited Sports Dietitian for the best results.
*Content in this fact sheet should be considered general advice only and may not suit your circ*mstances. Before modifying your diet, consult an Accredited Sports Dietitian. All content is regularly peer reviewed before publishing.
Food for Hockey - Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA) (2024)


Do NHL teams have dietitians? ›

About half of the NHL's 32 clubs have dietitians and nutritionists working daily with players to promote their health goals, whether individually or in tandem with another trusted professional.

What foods should hockey players eat? ›

Include healthful sources of carbohydrates, like whole-grains, low-fat or fat-free milk and yogurt, fruits and vegetables for optimal recovery. Try adding whole grain cereals, breads and pasta, potatoes and winter squash to meals. Low-fat yogurt cups and fruit are also great, quick and easy snack choices.

What foods give you energy for hockey? ›

An ideal hockey pre-game meal would be high in carbohydrates and protein and low in fats. For example, 6oz chicken breast, 1-2 cups of brown rice, and ½ – 1 cup of green vegetables. How Many Hours Should You Eat Before A Hockey Game? 1-3 hours before your game is the best time to consume your pre-game meal.

What do NHL players eat before a game? ›

The most common main course is pasta with meat or fish. In fact, in an article about hockey player diet plans by staff writer Deborah Lew, 15 of the 20 NHL players she surveyed said their pre-game meal consisted of pasta plus protein (chicken, fish, or beef).

Which states pay dietitians the most? ›

As of 2021, the most recent data from the BLS, reports the top five highest paying states for dietitians and nutritionists as:
  • California: $82,380.
  • District of Columbia: $80,600.
  • Hawaii: $75,020.
  • New Jersey: $74,850.
  • Rhode Island: $74,080.

How much does a sport dietician make? ›

How much does a Sports Dietitian make in the United States? The average Sports Dietitian salary in the United States is $49,307 as of November 23, 2022, but the salary range typically falls between $44,883 and $54,181.

What should hockey players avoid eating? ›

Hockey players should avoid eating too much protein-based food. This is because protein-based food takes longer for the body to digest. Examples of protein based food include lean poultry, fish and meat. Other examples include, nut butters, cashews, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese.

What is a good breakfast for a hockey player? ›

Nerenberg suggests an ideal game day breakfast would consist of carbohydrate-rich whole grains -- ideally a bowl of oatmeal -- the fiber found in fresh fruit and some protein like eggs, dairy products, or even adding protein powder to your oatmeal.

What did Wayne Gretzky eat before a hockey game? ›

Wayne Gretzky reveals what he had before playing

Graham said, “So you would sometimes have four hotdogs before a game with onions and mustard or pie or Diet co*ke.” He then asked how Wayne got away with eating junk food before a game.

What is the best food to eat between hockey games? ›

Hockey is an anaerobic sport which requires glycogen as a critical fuel. Glycogen in slow to recover. You can boost your stores of glycogen by eating carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, bread, fruit, or milk along with a source of protein.

What foods boost athletic performance? ›

  • Fruit.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Starchy vegetables. (sweet/white potatoes, squash)
  • Non-starchy vegetables. (broccoli, leafy greens)
  • Whole grain bread or crackers.
  • High-fiber, non-sugary cereals.
  • Quinoa.
  • Brown or wild rice.
Mar 6, 2020

Why do hockey players eat pasta before a game? ›

The most common pre game meal for hockey players is chicken and pasta. Of course there are many great pre-game meal combinations but chicken and pasta is typically quick to prepare and easy to digest. For quick digestion choose meals that are: Low in fat (< 20g of fat)

What should I eat 4 hours before hockey? ›

The pre-game meal should consist of a protein-rich food, whole grains or fruit and fluids (water). Examples include: ½ cup trail mix and a piece of fruit or yogurt (6-8 oz).

What do NHL hockey players eat between periods? ›

Players can consume easy-to-digest carb's such as graham crackers, animal crackers, orange slices, or apple slices for a quick between period snack between periods. Sports drinks (NOT ENERGY DRINKS) are also okay, but be sure that they don't contain any caffeine.

Can dieticians make 6 figures? ›

Dietitians have a broad earning spectrum that can reach six figures.

Which country is best for dietitian job? ›

Australia is a great option as it has a large number of well respected nutrition courses, as does the UK and US. Alternatively, there are universities in the Middle East that offer popular nutrition programs, or you could also choose to study in Asian countries including Malaysia and Hong Kong.

What kind of dietitians make the most money? ›

A dietitian who specializes in eating disorders will typically work in an in-patient or out-patient clinical setting. And those dietitians with an advanced degree can make upwards of $256,300 annually!

Is sports dietitian a good career? ›

A job as a sports nutritionist or sports dietitian is a booming field. Both consumers and the sports industry are looking for qualified nutrition experts. As the field of sports performance increases and the appreciation for fueling the body improves, so do job opportunities for nutrition professionals.

How do I become a sports dietitian in Australia? ›

In order to become an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), you must obtain a Bachelor's or Masters degree from an accredited university, specialising in sports nutrition along the way. This takes a minimum of 4 years and will require you to complete at least 20-weeks of placement.

Do NFL teams have dietitians? ›

All but six NFL teams list at least one full-time nutritionist or dietitian on staff now, as players rely on their expertise and assistance to ensure their bodies are getting what they need to perform at the highest levels. But it wasn't always that way.

What do NHL players eat for breakfast? ›

What Should Hockey Players Eat for Breakfast
  • Breakfast Ideas for Game/Practice Later In the Day.
  • Avocado Toast:
  • Breakfast Sandwich:
  • Egg Omelette:
  • French Toast:
  • Scrambled Eggs:
  • Egg Breakfast Sandwich:
  • Breakfast Ideas for Morning Hockey Practice/Games.

Is coffee before hockey good? ›

In general, 100 to 200 milligrams of caffeine about an hour before you hit the ice can help to support focus and alertness. A typical 12 ounce or 350 mL brewed coffee will provide around 100 milligrams of caffeine. Going above this amount may cause side effects, so know what caffeine level works best for you.

Is oatmeal good before hockey? ›

Oatmeal. This is perhaps the favorite for pregame nutrition of the many hockey players we've surveyed. Have a double serving to ensure your body is properly fueled. Enjoy it with your favorite toppings, but avoid loading up with too much sugar.

What do hockey players eat for lunch? ›

Breads & Cereals (toast, crackers, granola bars, cereal) Vegetables & Fruit (dried fruit, fruit salad, vegetable soup and salads) Legumes (chick peas, lentils, kidney beans, hummus dip) Milk and Yogurt (plain/chocolate milk, fruit yogurt, kefir)

What should a hockey player eat for lunch? ›

Try keeping your plate balanced with 1/3 of your plate focused on carbohydrate rich foods (such as pasta, rice, bread, or potatoes), 1/3 of your plate as lean protein (such as chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, or eggs), and 1/3 of your plate as vegetables and/or fruit.

How long before a hockey game should I eat a banana? ›

Lastly, beyond your pre-game meals - some hockey players find it helpful to consume quick digesting snacks an hour (60 minutes) before game-time can be helpful for sustaining energy levels needed to sustain energy. With that being said, eating a piece of fruit is always a great go-to snack option.

What does Sidney Crosby eat before a game? ›

Sidney Crosby: With the HBO camera rolling, confessional-style for filming of the miniseries 24/7 six years ago, the Pittsburgh Penguins captain laid out his superstitions. Among them: He does not walk past the visiting room before a game at home, and he always eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Why do hockey players eat packets of mustard? ›

The mustard helps hockey players with cramps, Mark Letestu said. After Mark was caught sucking on a mustard packet in a 2019 Jets-Oilers game, the Alberta native explained his habit, saying the mustard gives him relief from muscle cramps. “Over the years, I've seen various guys do it on and off,” he said, per

Why did Gretzky put baby powder on his stick? ›

I don't like my hockey sticks touching other sticks, and I don't like them crossing one another, and I kind of have them hidden in the corner. I put baby powder on the ends. I think it's essentially a matter of taking care of what takes care of you.

Do professional sports teams have dietitians? ›

Below is a list of sports dietitians working directly with athletes for 40 or more hours per week in the major college conferences, with professional sports teams, with Olympic athletes and within the U.S. military. CPSDA has tracked the growth of Sports RDs over time.

Do dietitians work in teams? ›

Dietitians in Food Service Management work in collaboration with team members relevant to the practice setting. As a member of a team, dietitians manage projects, and help organizations achieve strategic goals, thereby meeting the needs of the client.

Do NHL teams have doctors? ›

All 25 U.S. National Hockey League teams have a team of trained orthopedic surgeons, physicians and trainers.

Do NHL teams have team dentists? ›

Each team keeps a full-time dentist on staff, often seated a few rows behind the bench and armed with a medieval toolkit of needles, forceps, sutures and curettes. Most NHL arenas have dental chairs somewhere near the locker rooms.

What should you not say to a dietitian? ›

8 things you shouldn't say to your dietitian-nutritionist!
  • 1- “ You can't get it, you don't eat (or don't like) this. ” ...
  • 2- Lies ! ...
  • 3- “ What are the foods I can't eat? ” ...
  • 4- “ Tell me, what's THE superfood? ” ...
  • 5- “ Is the Canadian Food Guide what we'll discuss in our sessions? ”

Are dietitians stressful? ›

Results: The dietitians surveyed experienced a moderate amount of emotional exhaustion (mean = 19.96), a low level of depersonalisation (mean = 4.31) and a moderate sense of personal accomplishment (mean = 38.61).

Are dietitians called doctors? ›

Thus, you could not call all nutritionalists doctors. Dieticians on the other hand a accredited and doctors. The health issues most of the time depends on our diet and nutrition is also a branch of medical science, which deals with these problems. So, someone who is a nutrition expert is a doctor.

What can a sports dietitian do? ›

Counsels athletes on optimal nutrition for exercise training (match nutrition to training phases and goals), competition, recovery from exercise, weight management, hydration, immunity, disordered eating, travel, and supplementation.

Do NHL players drink alcohol? ›

Hockey and alcohol have always been a great mix; while baseball sluggers come under scrutiny for steroids, hockey players usually have a reputation as drunks. While other sports spray their trophy with alcohol, hockey players drink champagne or another drink of choice out of the Stanley Cup.

Do sports medicine doctors make a lot of money? ›

How much does a Sports Medicine Physician make? Sports medicine physicians make $200,146 per year on average, or $96.22 per hour, in the United States. Sports medicine physicians on the lower end of that spectrum, the bottom 10% to be exact, make roughly $100,000 a year, while the top 10% makes $397,000.

Do they shake hands in the NHL? ›

The handshake line, if you're unfamiliar, is when hockey teams line up at the end of a playoff series and shake hands, kind of like you do when you're kids. It's taken more seriously though, so instead of "good game, good game, good game," they elaborate a bit. It's usually very nice, except when it isn't.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.