How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (2024)

Are you an amateur who is curious about “How long does it take to get good at skateboarding?”? If yes, you’ve landed in the right place!

To be skillful in this sport, it’s a long process. It depends on your ability, the learning method, the technique, and more. So the learning time will vary from person to person.

For that reason, we will clarify what you should prepare, what you have to learn, and more helpful information in this post. If you’re ready, let’s start!

See also:

  • 10+ Easy Skateboard Tricks for Beginners: That Won’t Take Time to Master
  • How to Get Better At Skateboarding: Step-by-Step Guide
  • How To Teach A Kid To Skateboard

What Do You Need To Learn Skateboarding?

Have A Good Health

Good health is a prerequisite when you start practicing any sport. It ensures a smooth practicing process as well as minimizes potential risks or accidents.

And skateboarding isn’t an exception. Make sure you only learn when your body is in good condition. Especially, you don’t have any injuries or diseases that can affect your physical situation.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (1)

Find The Place

You need a suitable place to seriously practice and start your new journey. Certainly, not anywhere can become your playground. There are a few conditions that you need to consider to determine the right venue.

  • Ground surface must be flat: It’s not about the slope but the quality of the pavement. The surface with many potholes isn’t a perfect choice as you can’t practice well, leading to unexpected accidents.
  • Keep away from crowded places or where there are many vehicles: People or vehicles are the huge hindrances and it’s really dangerous if you have a collision with a car or hitting another person.
  • It’s wide enough: Basically, the skateboard is quite large, and you also need a lot of space to slide. That’s why wide space is a must-have factor.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (2)

If you haven’t found out where to play, below are some references for you:

  • Skatepark
  • Actual park
  • Empty parking lot (without warning signs)
  • Empty garage

Choose The Right Skateboard

Skateboard Type

There are more than ten types of skateboard as they can be clarified based on different features. In this post, we want to introduce you four categories that are most popular and easiest to use.

Mini-cruiser: It has a compact size with impressive lightweight. This type is suitable for teenagers, women, or anyone who wants to get started easily and simply.

Carve skateboard: It’s more suitable for the professional than beginners. You can perform skillful techniques or tricks with carve boards.

Classic longboard: An ideal choice for all users. Not only ideal for practicing simple steps but it’s also suitable for performing advanced skills.

Downhill longboard: It can balance well and give you a higher speed. For steep mountain roads, no type is better than this one.

Check It Quality

Board deck: It would be better if the board deck is made from Maple wood or Bamboo as these two are best at durability and flexibility.

Your skateboard is lighter and easier to slide if they contains fewer layers of wood. However, don’t choose a deck that is too thin as it will be fragile.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (3)

The wheels: The best diameter is about 70mm. Besides, the Urethane material gives you a smooth ride and prolongs the product’s life.

The trucks: Metal alloy and aluminum are highly recommended for a quality board truck. You should pay attention to the construction as it affects the balance and effectiveness of your practicing process.

Prepare Equipments

There are some equipment and gear that you should prepare before starting practicing. These items will protect you throughout the process to limit injuries, especially when you fall.

Helmet: Choose a helmet with good material and durable enough. They must protect your head in the event of hits.

When wearing your helmet, make sure it fits your head snugly and isn’t loose. After locking the side straps, make sure you can still put your two fingers between the chin and them.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (4)

Elbow pads and knee pads: They will protect your body from scratches, bruises, etc. Also, pads will help minimize the impact of hits and limit injury occurring.

Wrist guards: Beginners tend to land on their hands, so it’s better to prepare this gear. Obviously, they reduce the chance of breaking your wrists or twisting.

How Long Does It Take In Total?

There is no exact answer to this question. The learning process of each player isn’t the same so it can vary from a few weeks to a few years.

If you’re an amateur and don’t have any experience before, you will have to spend more time getting used to using the board. This isn’t about how to slide, and you should understand the mechanism of action and basic information first.

In case you’ve learned about skateboarding before, it’s a bit easier to learn. You can start the basic steps first, then practice regularly to master them before trying advanced skills.

Besides your ability, practicing frequency is also important. How much time do you take to learn each week? If you practice for ten hours a week, your process is certainly shorter than those who spend three hours only.

Overall, you need one or two months to skateboard stably and smoothly. There is a condition that you have to practice seriously and spend at least 5 hours a week training.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (5)

How Long Does It Take To Learn The Basic?

Now, you’ve got all the necessary gear and a suitable place, and it’s enough to get started. So, do you know how you should learn?

It would be best if you learned in a certain order from easy to difficult. When mastering the basic knowledge and skills, implementing advanced ones will also become easier.


Standing on the board is the most basic that all players have to learn. You may burst out laughing and think that “there is nothing to know more”, but are you sure?

Put on your shoes first. Remember that you should choose one that is flexible enough for better movement, and you’re totally comfortable when wearing it.

Place your skateboard on a flat and dry surface. Put one foot on the board and use a few seconds to stabilize. After you feel it’s firm and balanced, lift another foot and stand on it.

It sounds easy but standing stably isn’t an easy task. Beginners tend to fall due to the fact that they can’t adjust the body center and the board will slip.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (6)

Standing Position


All right, the next step is to balance your body to avoid falling. It requires some skill to adjust the body’s center as well as stabilize your posture.

When you’re standing on a skateboard, bow your body slightly to lower your center of gravity and reduce the tottery feeling. You can spread your arms wide to two sides for added balance.

Now, be careful and stand up slowly to divide the force evenly on both feet. Otherwise, your skateboard might tip over.

This step will be challenging if you have no experience before. Anyway, don’t give up and make more effort. As usual, after trying about twenty times, it will be easier.

Keep in mind that you need to master this step before moving to the next one. It’s important because if you can’t balance, you won’t be able to do any other techniques.


You’re ready to slide and move. Don’t be hurried, you should calm down and determine your posture: which leg is jogging one and another is the supporting one.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (7)

If you’re still confused and don’t know how to choose, here are some tips for you to find out your supporting leg:

Based on your experience: which leg do you usually lift first when you climb the stairs or kick a ball?

Based on the reflex: Ask your friend to multiply when you aren’t attentive and gently push you. Then observe the one you use to prevent yourself from falling.

The supporting leg will be placed in front of the board, and it’s usually fixed while you’re sliding. Make sure this one is comfortable, and you stand firm enough to keep the balance.

Use another leg to push back gently to slide the board. Try to control the force properly and navigate in a certain straight direction. At this time, lean your body forward to accumulate the weight for the supporting leg.

Always start with low speed first. Once you can slide and balance simultaneously, accelerate by increasing the force on the pushing leg.


Turning is a bit hard to do, and not many players can do this at their first training. You need to prepare your mindset and be ready to accept falls that can happen at any time. Then, choose the places with more space to practice navigation.

To turn, you need to increase the power in the tail (back side of the skateboard) by pressing it lightly. At this time, the nose (front side) of the skateboard will be lifted.

Simultaneously, you need to adjust your body according to the turning direction by leaning. Remember that this and the above manipulation should be done at the same time and quickly.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (8)


As usual, there are two common ways to stop. You can learn more about them and then make a decision about which is more suitable for you.

The first one is slowing down by using your back leg. Lift your foot and place it parallel to the deck, then drag your leg along to the ground to increase friction and traction.

One point to note here is you should slow down gradually. It’s advisable to let your foot move at a speed slightly slower than the speed of the board. Avoid using strong and sudden pulls as it can lead to accidents and injuries.

Last but not least, distribute weight and force to both feet. Someone will make a mistake by focusing on the back leg only, and when they stop on the ground, their board is still moving.

Another method is using the tail. While sliding, you can press to the backside of the board until it touches the ground. This time, holding friction created by the tail and surface will slow down your speed.

For beginners, the latter method is safer and easier to do. However, isn’t recommended as it can damage your equipment and make it break down quickly.

So, how much time will you spend on the basic step? It’s dependent on each person. As usual, this period will be from about sixty minutes to more than two hours.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Advanced Tricks?

If you’re able to practice and perform all the basic steps, it’s time to learn the higher level – advanced tricks!


Place the back foot on the tail and the front one in the middle of the deck; it would be better if it’s behind the front truck’s bolt. Then gently rotate and adjust the foot direction toward the skateboard nose.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (9)

When your board touches the ground, you need to jump and drag your front foot upwards. Remember to bend your knee and catch the board to land safely.


Your foot posture will be the same as when doing the Ollie technique. Lower down and use your back leg to press the tail. When you jump, the board will simultaneously rotate 360° in the air. Your mission is to catch it after it rotates and lands on the ground firmly.


Keep your board in one hand, and it would be better if you hold the nose as it’s easier to perform. Or when you know clearly about this skill, you can try more and find out which holding posture makes you feel more comfortable.

Bend your knees and jump, and at the same time release the board on hand to the ground. You need to catch the deck feet when it touches the ground, and you can stand in a balanced position.

No Comply 180

Put your front foot in the middle of the board near the front-truck bolts and the back foot in the tail center. Create momentum with your shoulders to pop the tail and jump. Lift the front foot off the board, turn your body 180° and catch it by the back leg.

This skill requires the accuracy of manipulation. You need to move fast to be able to hold the deck with your back foot.


This technique is quite similar to Kickflip in terms of foot position and manipulation. However, it gets a bit more difficult when you have to do an extra frontside pop-shove-it.

Instead of catching the board with the forefoot easily as Kickflip, you need to use your back foot. This requires you to have faster and more tactful movements to land at the right time.

In general, a player can take several months or many years to be good at performing advanced tricks. The period is flexible based on your effort and practice effectiveness.

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (10)

Advanced Skateboarding Tricks

Some Factors That Affect Your Progress

HardfSkill Accuracylip

We can learn the same knowledge or learn from the same teacher, but this doesn’t mean that everyone learns effectively. Technique accuracy affects your training effectiveness and performance.

If you practice hard and do the movements correctly, the practicing period will be shorter. In contrast, you will need more time to find the faults and correct them.


A rough track will definitely make your training harder than ever. One of the challenges for beginners is balancing then uneven roads become a huge hindrance.

Besides, a crowded place can interfere with your practice. You must avoid colliding to not cause an accident, so it will take longer than practicing in a place with a lot of space.

Equipment Quality

How do you feel if you were skateboarding and suddenly fall down, then your helmet breaks immediately when you hit the ground? This is what no players want to meet at all!

Equipment can negatively impacts your training and safety. Poor quality ones can’t protect you comprehensively when accidents happen.


We’ve provided you with all the necessary information about this sport studying process. So, do you know “how long does it take to get good at skateboarding?” yet?

The answer is numerous as it’s dependent on your ability, condition, environment, etc. But as usual, it will take you about one or two months to perform the basic techniques smoothly with the condition that you have to practice seriously and regularly,

And if you want to master advanced skills, it will be a long journey. Try your best, and never give up to reach your goals!

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding? (2024)


How many hours does it take to get good at skating? ›

Typically it takes at least 12 months to 3 years to become good at skateboarding. In 12 months you'll be able to learn a few basic tricks. Between 1 and 3 years you can learn advanced tricks. The progression timeline varies from person to person.

How many hours a day should I skateboard? ›

If you want to improve your skateboarding, then you should try to skate 6-10 hours a week. We suggest doing this over 3-4 days during the week in 1.5-2.5 hour skate sessions. Don't skate for too long or you will become tired and start skating sloppily.

Is skateboarding the hardest sport to learn? ›

Skateboarding is an incredibly difficult sport to learn well and some people have been skating for years who still skate sloppily. So when you think of skateboarding, imagine the dexterity of a ballet dancer coupled with the impacts of a football player. That should give you an idea of what it's like.

Can I learn to skateboard in a week? ›

It Will Take Weeks Before You Skateboard Comfortably

It will take several weeks before you feel how your skateboard reacts and handles. You need to get muscle memory and find your balance. This can only be done by practicing as much as you can. Also, you'll never stop learning.

What are the most common injuries in skateboarding? ›

Common Skateboarding Injuries
  • Head injuries, including concussions, pose the greatest danger to young skateboarders. ...
  • Hand, wrist, or shoulder injuries may occur when skateboarders lose their balance and fall on an outstretched arm.
  • Ankle injuries, such as fractures are also common.

Is it easier to learn on a long or short skateboard? ›

You absolutely CAN learn to skate using a shortboard or standard skateboard – some people prefer that! But from an ease-of-use and safety standpoint, longboarding can't be beaten. Longboarding is so much easier to learn because all of the skills used to skateboard (pumping, turning, balance, strength, etc.)

How long does it take to learn how do you Ollie? ›

On average it takes between a couple of weeks and 6 months to learn an ollie. It also depends on how long you practice each day. Some practice for 3 hours and others for 1 hour. The fastest way to learn an ollie is by making sure you cover the basics first.

How much does an hour of skateboarding burn? ›

A person burns an average of 200 calories per hour skateboarding. However, this number can vary depending on a number of factors, such as intensity level, weight, and terrain.

What is the top 5 hardest sports to learn? ›

According to Sports Virsa, the top 10 hardest sports in the world to play in 2022 are as follows: Boxing (hardest), American football, mixed martial arts, ice hockey, gymnastics, basketball, soccer, wrestling, rugby, and water polo.

What sport is hardest to go pro in? ›

The 5 Hardest Sports to Make it to the Pros In (Statistically)
  • Ice Hockey. If you enjoy the majesty of gliding over the ice and the thrill of smashing into other adults, you might want to pursue a career in hockey. ...
  • Baseball. ...
  • Soccer. ...
  • Basketball.

What is the hardest sport to train? ›

For example, a game like football is hard to compete in, but they practice pretty lightly to avoid injury.
  • Hardest Sports #5 – Rugby.
  • Hardest Sports #4 – Track.
  • Hardest Sports #3 – UFC/ Mixed Martial Arts.
  • Hardest Sports #2 – Gymnastics.
  • Hardest Sports #1 – Wrestling.
Jun 1, 2018

What to do first time skateboarding? ›

20 useful skateboarding tips for beginners
  1. Get the Right Skateboard. Visit your local skate shop and ask for advice. ...
  2. Wear Thick Socks. ...
  3. Get the Right Skate Shoes. ...
  4. Wear a Helmet. ...
  5. Don't Skate in the Rain. ...
  6. Feel Comfortable Riding a Skateboard. ...
  7. Learn to Fall Safely. ...
  8. Consolidate the Basics.

Is skateboarding bad for your feet? ›

Purvis explains. "Skateboarders should be aware that the strain from repetitive, forceful motions can also cause painful foot and heel conditions, such as plantar fasciitis, bone spurs, fractures (traumatic or stress) and Achilles tendonitis, which may require more intensive, longer-term therapies," she said.

Is skateboarding bad for your joints? ›

Skateboarding can wear and tear on the body/joints over time, but is not necessarily bad for your ankles/knees/and hips as long has you have good strength to promote stability around the joints themselves.

What are the risks of skating? ›

The ice surface is very dangerous as there is no cushion against impact. These skating injuries may include concussions or other traumatic brain injuries. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) runs diagonally through the middle of the knee and provides rotational stability.

Is it too late for me to learn how do you skateboard? ›

You're never too old to learn skateboarding, at least when you're still healthy and in reasonable physical shape. There is no age limit, whether you're in your twenties, thirties, forties or even fifties. It might be a little embarrassing when you start skateboarding at your 30's or 40's but practice makes perfect.

Is it worth it to learn how do you skateboard? ›

You burn a ton of calories and can keep going for hours. Skateboarding makes your legs and core stronger. Your dominant leg might get a bit muscular compared to your other leg. Skateboarding can be a replacement for cardio and pushing yourself will greatly improve your overall health and fitness.

Are smaller skateboards harder to ride? ›

A bigger skateboard deck is generally more stable, making it easier to ride. Larger boards are also better for cruising and carving because they provide more stability on the ground. If you're looking for a beginner's board, go with a smaller size as your skills will improve faster that way.

Why is it so hard to ollie? ›

This means that gravity isn't the only force affecting the skateboard. Unlike a soccer ball in mid-flight, a skateboard mid-ollie is being actively steered. This is exactly what makes doing an ollie so hard. It's not enough to get the skateboard up into the air - you also have to steer it while it's in the air.

How many pounds do you lose skateboarding? ›

Burning Calories With Skateboarding

If you skate every day, in a week's time you'll burn 2,100 and 3,108 calories, respectively. Because 1 pound of fat consists of 3,500 calories in stored energy, you could lose between 1/2 and 1 pound per week, depending on your activity level and metabolism.

Why do I sweat so much skateboarding? ›

One of the most common causes of sweating when skateboarding is exposure to cold temperatures. When your core body temperature drops, it triggers the release of sweat from your eccrine glands.

How many calories does 15 minutes of skateboarding burn? ›

Calories Burned with Outdoor Activities (weight: 175 lbs)
MET15 mins.
6 more rows
Jul 8, 2022

What is the toughest sport mentally? ›


It may be surprising to most people that swimming is number 1 in the list of the most mentally challenging sports in the world. Many professional swimmers fall into a 7-day self-sabotage cycle. This is a period where they may doubt themselves and grow continuous stress on themselves.

What is the most exhausting sport? ›

ESPN's research. According to a research promoted by ESPN, a US television station entirely dedicated to sport, the discipline that implies a greater overall effort of our body, thus being the most tiring ever (as well as one of those that involves the greatest risk of serious injuries), is boxing.

Which sport gets the most injuries? ›

Believe it or not, basketball actually has more injuries than any other sport, followed by football, soccer and baseball. Common sports injuries include hamstring strains, groin pulls, shin splints, ACL tears and concussions.

What sport is most demanding? ›

According to several studies about “science of muscles and movement” experts label boxing as the most demanding sport for an athlete. Boxing requires strength, power, endurance, and the ability to withstand huge hits over a period of time.

Which sport is least difficult? ›

They're the ones who told us that boxing is the most demanding sport -- and that fishing is the least demanding sport. We identified 10 categories, or skills, that go into athleticism, and then asked our eight panelists to assign a number from 1 to 10 to the demands each sport makes of each of those 10 skills.

Which sport requires most stamina? ›

The Top Endurance Sports
  • Marathon running.
  • Ultra-marathon running.
  • Cross-country running.
  • Trail running.
  • Road racing.
  • Gravel biking.
  • Mountain biking.
  • Canoeing & rowing.
Mar 21, 2023

What is the hardest sport for a girl? ›

1 Gymnastics Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of exercises requiring strength, flexibility, balance and control.

Is dance a sport yes or no? ›

Both teams and individuals can compete in dance competitions for their own entertainment and the entertainment of spectators. Yes, dance fits within the sports category.

Can police take your skateboard? ›

If the cops take your property it may eventually be returned to you. Contraband will never be returned, but your skateboard, camera or other equipment that was seized by the police as evidence to be used at trial can be retrieved by court order or by following the instructions printed on a property receipt.

Does skateboarding build abs? ›

Not only is skateboarding good exercise it works practically every muscle from your lower back and abs right down to your feet. You will tone your core, glutes, hamstrings, quads & calves.

Can I learn skating at 40? ›

You may be wondering is skateboarding is for you and if learning it at your age is a good or bad decision. The short answer is, yes you can learn to skateboard at age 40 or 50!

How many years does it take to get good at ice skating? ›

If you're looking to be able to skate on your own recreationally, it can take 4-10 lessons to learn the very basic skills. If you decide to progress past the very basics, it can take quite a while.

How many hours a week should I figure skate? ›

Most coaches recommend beginners and recreational skaters to skate at least twice a week for a minimum of one hour per session. More advanced skaters should skate at least 4 times a week with a focus on specific skills while those competing at pro levels should spend around 14-20 dedicated hours per week on ice.

How many hours a day do figure skaters train? ›

In competitions, skaters must perform a certain set of movements. They need to perfect all the required moves for their routines. Skaters train for three to six hours every day. It is normal to fall in figure skating.

Is it too late to learn ice skating at 30? ›

Quite simply, the answer is NO! You are NEVER too old to learn to fall in love with the ice like we all have! Ice skating is a sport for everyone, regardless of your age! We offer many options for our adult skaters including group lessons and private lessons.

Is it too late to learn ice skating at 18? ›

It's never too late to skate! Learn to Skate USA offers an adult skating curriculum for adults looking to hone their skills.

Is it too late to learn ice skating at 16? ›

You're never too old to ice skate! Skaters ages 16 and older are invited to learn to skate or enhance their skating skills in a fun and comfortable learning environment. Classes include group instruction and free time and encourage skaters to learn at their own pace.

Is it too late to start ice skating at 14? ›

Is 14 too late to start skating? No, never. But you have to be realistic with your expectations. Expecting to start at 14, when you are also unable to practice every day and have private coaching, and still make GP/Nationals/Olympics, is NOT a realistic expectation.

How many calories should a figure skater eat a day? ›

To fuel for triple Lutz and Salchow jumps, figure skaters eat between 1,800 and 3,000 calories. When 1988 Olympic gold medalist Brian Boitano was competing, he told the New York Times he ate mostly carbohydrates and rarely exceeded 1,800 calories per day.

How many days a week should I figure skate? ›

Recreational figure skaters should aim for at least 3 times per week on the ice, no less than 2. No more than one of these times should be on a public session. Also try to avoid taking to long of or too many breaks from skating.

How do you train to be a figure skater? ›

Train regularly.

Once you've committed yourself to a skating career, you'll need to make skating a huge part of your lifestyle. Figure skaters need to know how to jump, glide, spin, stop, and skip. Work on balance, coordination, agility, flexibility, and speed. Focus on daily athletic training both on and off the ice.

What is a figure skaters diet? ›

A typical figure skater's diet will include lots of lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Foods like chicken, fish, rice, pasta, vegetables, and fruits are all important staples. Figure skaters also need to make sure they're staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

How do figure skaters lose weight? ›

1. Lose weight. Ice skating or rollerblading burns as many calories as running, which is about 400 calories an hour, depending on your weight. As a bonus, skating is also easier on your joints than running.

Can I start figure skating at 15? ›

If you just want to learn to skate, then 15 is not too old. Realistically starting at 15, you're not going to make it past the test level. You might (depending on a host of factors including time spent and natural talent) be able to land a double or two and some high level tests might be achievable if you work hard.

At what age is it too late to start figure skating? ›

It's never too late to start skating if you're interested in it. Puberty is not the only time when learning new skills takes time. If you want to learn figure skating, double and triple jumps may be too difficult for you at first if you start when you are 16 or later.

Can I start ice skating at 17? ›

It's Never Too Late

There is never an age that it is too late to begin figure skating, but to be able to learn to land double and triple jumps does take time. It may be too late to master those difficult jumps if a skater begins skating in puberty or later.

Is figure skating an expensive sport? ›

Figure skating is an expensive sport to participate in, but it can be a lot of fun if you have the money to spare. You need good skates and equipment to do well in figure skating, which can cost anywhere from $100 to several thousand dollars.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Job: International Farming Consultant

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.