IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sports: Study the sample answers to the questions about sports. Learn how the speaker answered each question in a natural and conversational way. Observe how he used topic words and collocations in his answers that helped him express himself better.



Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

(Answer 1)

Definitely! I love watching basketball and soccer on TV with my dad. My dad and I have established a very good relationship because of our interest in sports and that’s something I’m so happy about.

(Answer 2)

Yes, I do, however, I prefer watching sports live because it’s more fun. I can cheer my favorite team on, I can interact with other sports fans and the lively energy of the crowd is so infectious (capable of spreading rapidly to others). The feeling of watching sports live is really inexplicable (cannot be explained).

Do you like to watch live sports games?

(Answer 1)

Yes, who doesn’t like to? Although I’m happy to watch sports programs on TV, watching sports live is truly incomparable. The last time I watched soccer live was three years ago. I was cheering on (to support or encourage) my favorite soccer team and that was the last sports event I went to since the news about the pandemic broke.

(Answer 2)

Of course! As I said earlier, I prefer watching sports live more than watching them on TV. Actually, I’m very happy these days since little by little life is getting back to normal. We can now go to a sports event without worrying too much about the coronavirus. It’s a big relief (comfort) for us sports fanatics (extremely enthusiastic fans of sports).

Who do you like to watch sports games with?

(Answer 1)

Well, no one else but my dad! When dad and I watch sports either on TV or in a sports stadium, we’re just too noisy. We easily get carried away (to be so excited that one cannot control his behavior) by our emotions and we just love it!

(Answer 2)

I love watching sports with my closest friends because we both share an interest in sports. I would love to do it with my family but I’m the only one at home who’s really into (be very interested) sports. They can’t vibe (be in harmony) with me so normally when I attend a sports event, I’ll always go out with my buddies (closest friends).

What kinds of games do you expect to watch in the future?

(Answer 1)

Well, I’ll still be watching basketball and soccer. These are my favorites because they’re too exciting to watch. Anyway, lately, I’ve been starting to watch tennis and I find it (used to describe opinions or feelings that you have) interesting as well. So, I guess I’ll watch it more often in the future.

(Answer 2)

I’m actually a big fan of baseball, soccer, and basketball so for sure I’ll expect to watch more matches of these sports in the future. Recently, I’ve developed an interest in boxing so I believe I’ll watch more boxing matches in the future. Watching boxing has a different kind of effect on me and I love it.

What sports did you play when you were a child?

( Answer 1 – For both men & women)

Well, I was only into swimming because I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps of being a professional swimmer. He’s the one who trained me on how to swim well. I remember every weekend we usually spent our time at an aquatic center just enjoying swimming and I was taught some helpful swimming techniques like proper breathing, safety, styles of swimming, and many more.

(Answer 2)

I played table tennis, basketball, volleyball, and soccer. I was very active when I was a kid, in fact, I joined several team sports competitions that helped me boost my confidence and expanded my social circles. I wish I could be as active as I was, sadly, I’m just too preoccupied with so many work-related tasks these days.


Follow in one’s footsteps [idiom] – to do something as someone else did

Aquatic center [noun] – a community facility that consists of swimming pools

Social circles [noun] – a group of people who are connected

Do you like playing sports?

(If the answer is positive)

Yes absolutely, playing sports is my first love, I can’t imagine my life without sports. I’ve been sporty since I was five – I love tennis, badminton, and soccer. Actually, at a very young age, I was able to compete in both minor and major tennis tournaments, though these days I don’t compete, still, I consider myself a pro.

(If the answer is negative)

Unfortunately not, my life has been busier than ever before because of my work. I’ve been wanting to start playing any sports but every time I have the luxury of time, I just want it to be spent on sleeping or traveling for me to relieve all the stress that I have which is mainly caused by overworking.


Absolutely [adv.] – completely; fully; totally

Sporty [adj.] – refers to a person who enjoys sports

Pro [noun]; [adj.] – professional

Unfortunately [adv.] – sadly; unluckily

The luxury of time [expression] – to have so much time


i.) FIRST ANSWER – The speaker used the expression ‘Absolutely’ which gives so much emphasis on his love of playing sports. Instead of just saying ‘Yes’ adding the expression ‘absolutely’ makes his answer not boring.

– The speaker used some good expressions here such as: ‘My first love’ → We use this expression to say that we are fond of something or someone.

-‘I can’t imagine (life without …)’ → We use this expression to say how good or bad something is.

ii.) SECOND ANSWER – The speaker simply mentioned his reason as to why he was not interested in playing sports. He talked about his job and his wish of playing a sport. This is a very good way to add something to his answer so that it won’t make his answer just so short.

Do you watch sports live or on TV?

(Answer 1)

Neither, I’m not a fan of watching sports both live and on TV. I can’t stand watching sports on TV for hours and hours and watching it live is just time-consuming. Well, I do play some sports as it’s my way of keeping myself fit, but, watching sports is not my cup of tea.

(Answer 2)

Both, I enjoy watching sports like basketball, soccer, tennis either live or on TV. But honestly, it’s more fun to watch those sports live because I feel like I’m part of the game – like I can cheer or shout, I can see the entire happening, and I can talk with other fans and establish rapport. It’s completely different from just watching it on TV. The feeling is just inexplicable!


Keep fit [idiom] – to be strong and healthy

Cup of tea [idiom] – to like something

Rapport [noun] – a harmonious relationship

Inexplicable [adj.] – cannot be explained

Do you prefer individual sports or team sports?

(If the answer is individual sports)

I prefer the former because I can concentrate more on playing. Also, I can fully apply my strategies on how to beat my opponent. But you know, playing sports is not all about winning or competing, I just like doing individual sports as it teaches me the value of self-discipline and self-reliance.

(If the answer is team sports)

Without a doubt, I’m into team sports because I value teamwork. I consider myself a people person so playing sports with others such as soccer, basketball, or rugby gives me so much joy. I like the fact that I can build genuine camaraderie with my teammates.


(the) Former [adj.] – having previously mentioned

(the) Latter [adj.] – the second mentioned

Beat [verb] – defeat; to lose

Opponent [noun] – rival

Self-discipline [noun] – self-control

Self-reliance [noun] – independence

Without a doubt [phrase] – used to emphasize that something is true

I’m into [expression] – to be interested in something

People person [noun] – a person who enjoys the company of other people; a person who’s good at interacting with others

Camaraderie [noun] – friendship; mutual trust



– The speaker uses the expression the former instead of mentioning the first choice given by the examiner. This is another way to answer that kind of question.

-The speaker did not only give his reason why he chose the first choice but also talked about his realization when playing individual sports.


– The speaker used the expression ‘Without a doubt…’ to give emphasis to his answer. Then he enumerated some team sports to support his answer better and finally shared the one important lesson he learned in playing sports.

What sports are popular in your country?

I suppose there aren’t many sports that are well-known in my country, I believe it’s only football that is really famous. That’s simply because, people in my country are very supportive of our national football team that every time they get into the World Cup, they can’t help themselves but become boisterous.


I suppose – another way to say ‘I think’

Well-known [adj.] – famous

Get into [phrasal verb] – be accepted

Boisterous [adj.] – lively; energetic


i.) The speaker provided his answer in a very direct way, as he believed that there weren’t many sports he only talked about one sport. As the question is asking about more than one sport, his introduction saved him from only talking about one sport. If he didn’t do that and he only gave one sport, it meant that he didn’t completely understand the question. Always be careful with the question – listen attentively!

Who is your favorite athlete?

Well, to be honest, no one in particular. Yes, I love sports but there’s no specific sports star that I am really crazy about. I don’t idolize one, however, I have so much respect for those amazing athletes who bring honor to their country.


In particular [phrase] – specific

Crazy about [idiom] – to be very interested in something

Idolize [verb] – admire or love greatly

Honor [noun] – great respect


i.) The speaker was being honest about his answer and this made him sound so natural. When asked about ‘favorites’, don’t force yourself to give one if there is none. Be honest and explain your answer. What the speaker did here was really good!

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And that’s all about IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sports recent topic! Now that you have ideas for answering questions about Sports, you surely can ace your exam!

Anyway, learn how to answer the RECENT QUESTION IN PART 2 ABOUT A SKILL THAT TOOK A LONG TIME LEARNING on this link

Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford

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Do you like watching sports programs on tv speaking part 1? ›

5. Do you like to watching sport programs on TV? Yes, but just sometimes, I am not a big fan of sports, but I do like ping-pong, it's exciting to watch on TV, they move so quickly! 6.

How do you answer what sports do you like? ›

How You Can Answer
  1. If you like to play or watch that sport.
  2. Why you like it.
  3. How long you've been playing or watching it for.
  4. How often you play or watch it.
  5. Your favorite team or player.
  6. If you've ever been to watch a game or match in person.
  7. Who you play or watch it with.
  8. What sports you liked when you were younger.

Do you enjoy watching sports IELTS? ›

I really enjoy sports, especially football, which I like to play with my friends at the weekends. 2. Yes, I love sports because they're a lot of fun and playing sports is very important for my health. I find that sports are also a great way to spend time with my friends.

Which water sports do you like? ›

(Answer 2)

Like I mentioned earlier, swimming, diving, and scuba diving are the water sports that I've loved doing, however, I'm more fascinated with scuba diving, simply because I'm entranced by the beauty of the ocean.

Why is sport important? ›

Clearly, sports can help you reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight. However, they also encourage healthy decision-making such as not smoking and not drinking. Sports also have hidden health benefits such as lowering the chance of osteoporosis or breast cancer later in life.

What is your Favourite sport ielts? ›

Sports is one of my loves in my life. I like almost all major sports and can play football, cricket and badminton very well. Among all these sports that I often enjoy on TV or play with my friends, "football" is my favourite one. I have been playing football since childhood, but I am not a professional footballer.

Who is your Favourite sports answer? ›

My Favourite Sportsperson Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words)

1) I love watching cricket and my favorite sportsperson is M.S. Dhoni. 2) Mahendra Singh Dhoni is a famous Indian cricketer from Bihar. 3) Dhoni always impresses people with his excellent wicket keeping.

Is running a type of sport? ›

Running is both a competition and a type of training for sports that have running or endurance components. As a sport, it is split into events divided by distance and sometimes includes permutations such as the obstacles in steeplechase and hurdles.

How do you say your favorite sport? ›

# 1 : Tell me about your favorite sport.
  1. Step one : Name. Give the name of the sport that you like. ...
  2. Step two : Reasons. Give three reasons why this is your favorite sport. ...
  3. Step three : Since when. Give information about when you started liking this specific sport.
  4. And Step four : Amazing event.

Why do you like sports? ›

I love sports for everything they have taught me about teamwork, leadership, community, hard work, the pursuit of excellence and achieving goals. All of these positive skills helped me to make sports not only a passion, but a career. My career in sports is not a job, it is a passion.

Is sport a passion? ›

The dualistic model of passion (DMP) describes two types of passion, namely harmonious and obsessive passion. This model allows for a better understanding of the passion of people involved in sport (athletes, coaches, referees, and fans) as well as the outcomes they experience.

What benefits sports can bring us? ›

The Mental Benefits Of Sport
  • Sport improves your mood. ...
  • Sport improves your concentration. ...
  • Sport reduces stress and depression. ...
  • Sport improves sleep habits. ...
  • Sport helps you maintain a healthy weight. ...
  • Sport boosts your self-confidence. ...
  • Sport has been linked to leadership traits. ...
  • Mental benefits of sport for older people.
May 7, 2021

What are water sports called? ›

Water sports or aquatic sports are sport activities conducted on waterbodies, and can be categorized according to the degree of immersion by the participants.

Why do I love water sports? ›

The feeling of calm and lightness in the water can help us unwind and relax. You'll feel more energetic, focused and able let go of all the stresses of daily life, no matter how far you swim or stand up paddleboard on beautiful lakes. A water sport can be a powerful way to reduce stress and anxiety.

Why swimming is a favorite sport? ›

The first reason that I love swimming is that it can be extremely relaxing. I love the feeling of floating on the water and feeling almost weightless. I find that whenever I leave the pool I feel totally relaxed. On the other hand, it can also be a fast-paced competitive sport which raises your heartbeat.

What is the aim of sport? ›

Sport pertains to any form of competitive physical activity or game that aims to use, maintain, or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants and, in some cases, entertainment to spectators.

Why sports is fun? ›

What Makes Sports Fun? Setting & achieving goals, playing well, being active. Supporting teammates, playing well as a team, showing good sportsmanship. Having a coach who is a positive role model, allows mistakes and listens to player's opinions.

Which sport is called the queen of sports? ›

Croquet seems to have reached England in the early 1850's, probably from Ireland.

Why are 10 lines important in sports? ›

10 Lines On The Importance Of Sports

Everyone loves to play games. It plays an important part in improving physical and mental health. A good sport helps in building confidence and leadership skills. There are two types of gaming activities – indoor and outdoor.

What are the 5 main sports? ›

Overview. The most popular team sports in the United States are American football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, and soccer.

What are the best 2 words in sports? ›

11 Most Exciting Two-Word Phrases in Sports
  1. 1 | “Game seven” I could watch the game seven of any sport. ...
  2. 2 | “Super Bowl” ...
  3. 3 | “Sudden death” ...
  4. 4 | “March Madness” ...
  5. 5 | “Triple Crown” ...
  6. 6 | “Penalty kick” ...
  7. 7 | “Cubs Win!” ...
  8. 8 | “Ron Artest”
Mar 12, 2018

Who is king in sports? ›

Football is a very famous sport in the world, it is also known as the sport of the king. Football is a high team sport, requiring the best coordination between members.

Who is the best sport? ›

Comparing All Lists
1Football / Soccer10
19 more rows

Is walking is a sport? ›

Walking has fewer drawbacks and more advantages than other sports too, as it is low-impact and accessible to everyone: effectively it's one of sports that is easiest on the body and your joints in particular, and your risk of injury is lowered.

Is exercise a sport? ›

Your power went down and you need to work to figure out how to gain more strength and stamina to boost your power to beat your best rep. In this sense, exercise is a sport.

What are the 3 types of sports? ›

The different types of sports categories are: Individual Sports. Partner Sports. Team Sports.

What is a sport lover called? ›

A sports enthusiast is someone who is really passionate and excited about sports.

What is sport simple words? ›

'Sport' means all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and mental wellbeing, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all levels.

What is sport in one sentence? ›

sport noun (GAME)

a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job: Football, basketball, and hockey are all team sports. I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.

What is love in sports? ›

Love as a word for a score of zero has been used in the sport of tennis since the late 1800s. Frankly, how love became a word for zero is baffling, but so is the overall scoring system for tennis. The points progress from love to 15, 30, and 40, which are relatively equivalent to 0,1, 2, and 3 in points per game.

Why is sport the best? ›

Sport isn't just a good way to keep children's bodies healthy, but it also has psychological benefits and teaches them important life skills too. Organised sport has many psychological and social benefits for children – even more than the physical activity during play.

What is Favourite sport? ›

My favourite game is football. It is a popularly played sport throughout the world! The best teams from every country make it to the world cup, and people across the globe watch it with interest. I love football because there is a sense of freedom in playing the game.

Does sport bring happiness? ›

On average, people who are active in sport report being happier than those who are not.

Are sports good hobbies? ›

Physical hobbies such as exercise, sports, and dancing are a great way to workout the body and promote good health. Physical activity helps to stretch and tone muscles, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, burn fat, balance blood sugar, and reduce stress.

Is sport a hobby? ›

A hobby is an activity you may complete in your free time that brings you pleasure. Common hobbies can include collecting items, participating in a sport or activity or working on creative projects.

How sports affect your life? ›

Engaging in physical activities like sports improves your heart function, reduces your risk of diabetes, controls blood sugar, and lowers tension and stress levels. It also brings positive energy, discipline, and other commendable qualities to your life.

Why is sports important for students? ›

Importance of Games and Sports in Student's Life

Playing various sports helps them teach life skills such as teamwork, leadership, accountability, patience, and self-confidence and prepares them to face life challenges. Students get a chance to work on their physical and mental abilities to achieve goals in their life.

How do sports help students? ›

Organized sports participation may aid in the development of physical skills, such as hand-eye coordination; functional movement skills and strength; and academic, self-regulatory, and general life skills. It also may have positive social benefits, leading to both improved social identity and social adjustment.

Do you like watching sports program on TV? ›

Answer 2:- Yes, of course, I love to watch sports programs on TV even it's my favourite part, and I also bought a subscription to HD channels and my family like to watch various sports programs together in the evening even we also make conversations on our sports topic, so I love to watch in my daily routine.

Do you like to watch live sports programs? ›

Question 2:- Do you like to watch live sports games? Answer 1:- I really like to watch live sports programs because at that time I feel very curious about who will win this match, and also I feel very happy because I forget my stress when I watch a live Sports programme.

Do you like watching movie ielts speaking? ›

1 Do you like to watch films? Absolutely! They are an excellent way to unwind (relax; free your mind). Moreover, my friends are really into films, so it's a fun, relaxing way to spend time together.

How do you start a sports speech? ›

Speech on Sports and Games
  1. Advantages of Sports and Games. One who is constantly involved in h sports and games activity, she/he has good mental and physical growth and development. ...
  2. Significance of Sport and Games. ...
  3. Why Sports and Games are important?

What are the benefits of watching sports? ›

Cheering on your favourite sports team could have positive mental health benefits, according to a British study. In addition to nurturing cohesion between fans, it can provide additional motivation for people to get up and get active.

Why watching sports make us happy? ›

It can boost your self-esteem and make you happier — and you don't have to root for the winning team to reap the benefits. Being a sports fan is a “very psychologically healthy activity,” says Daniel Wann, professor at Murray State University whose research program centers on the psychology of sport fandom.

What's your favorite sport why? ›

My favourite game is football. It is a popularly played sport throughout the world! The best teams from every country make it to the world cup, and people across the globe watch it with interest. I love football because there is a sense of freedom in playing the game.

Why do people like watching sports? ›

People like sports because it's aesthetically pleasing. People like sports because, like the theater, it is a venue for emotional expression. People like sports because they need an escape from real-world troubles. People like sports because it provides a sense of belonging, a connection to a wider world.

What is the most liked sport to watch? ›

Soccer / Association Football

What does live mean in sports? ›

Live sporting event means a scheduled sporting competition, game, or race that is not originated by a production company, but originated solely by an amateur, collegiate, or professional organization, institution, or association for live or tape-delayed television or satellite broadcast.

Do you enjoy shopping IELTS? ›

Yes, I do enjoy shopping online. You have so much choice on the internet and it's easy to shop around. Also, you can purchase things immediately and they are often delivered the next day. It's much quicker than waiting until you have time to go into town.

What is the most famous line in cinema? ›

  1. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Gone with the Wind (1939) ...
  2. "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." The Godfather (1972) ...
  3. "You don't understand! I coulda had class. ...
  4. "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." The Wizard of Oz (1939) ...
  5. "Here's looking at you, kid."

Do you like perfume ielts speaking? ›

Do you use perfume? Definitely not! I have perfume intolerance, my nose is very sensitive to fragrances every time I smell some perfume, especially if it's a strong one, I get headaches and a runny and stuffy nose.

What are 3 ways to start a speech? ›

Here are seven effective methods to open a speech or presentation:
  • Quote. Opening with a relevant quote can help set the tone for the rest of your speech. ...
  • “What If” Scenario. Immediately drawing your audience into your speech works wonders. ...
  • “Imagine” Scenario. ...
  • Question. ...
  • Silence. ...
  • Statistic. ...
  • Powerful Statement/Phrase.
Apr 7, 2015

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