Meredith (S14 Rookie) (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 13
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 13
    • 2.2 Season 14
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 13
    • 3.2 Season 14
    • 3.3 Season 15
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 14
  • 5 End of Journey
    • 5.1 Season 13
    • 5.2 Season 15
  • 6 Other
    • 6.1 Season 13
    • 6.2 Season 14
  • 7 Misc.


Season 13[]


  • 27-years-old from Texas. Started dancing when she was three, and continuing dancing in college. She moved to NYC with lots of confidence after graduating, but got cut from everything she tried. She was living in a tiny place with no job. She began thinking she wasn’t good enough and losing sight of why she moved to New York in the first place. As she was about to give up on dance, she got an email asking her to come out to Guam and dance in a magic show. For the next year of her life, she lived on a tropical island making more money than she was making in New York. The DCC sisterhood has always inspired her. They are passionate, intelligent, driven women, which is who she wants to surround herself with.


Total: 76

Season 13: 12 (T16th most)

Season 14: 64 (Most in season)

Season 13[]


  • "I’m feeling ready. I’m nervous, but I’m a good nervous."
  • "Kelli and Judy are right in front of me, and Charlotte, and I just cannot stop looking at them. I hope the other judges didn’t think I was neglecting them."
  • "I made it past prelims!"


  • "Today is semifinals. We are learning a dance combination and then doing the kickline.
  • I just keep doing the choreography over and over in my head, and make sure I know what I’m doing, and not get too psyched out."
  • (Biography)
  • "I’ve never been so nervous in my life at an audition."
  • "I know that I did my very best today, but I feel like it could go either way for me."


  • [Kitty Carter session] "I don’t think that I’m relying on my look. I definitely have had a lot of training and I work hard so I’m going to come back on Friday with a way better performance."
  • "If the judges are looking for someone that can perform and have technique, I’m here."
  • [One name left] "I would be really sad if I didn’t make it into training camp. I left it all out on the football field."
  • [Not selected for training camp] "I know that (the judges) are looking for certain things and it just means that I was different and they weren’t looking for that. There’s always next year. I gave everything I had, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t."

Season 14[]


  • I’m back. I’m so excited. I’m just gonna show up and do my thing.
  • [Makes semifinals] The pressure this year is definitely on, but I’m ready.


  • I‘m excited to be back. I’m just ready, I’m focused. I wanna get in there and start stretching and get it going.
  • I’m just happy I made it to finals. I don’t know why I’m crying. I get to perform my solo and do what I do best. So, I’m just going to say this is my year.


  • I was at finals last year and this was where I got cut, so hopefully, I can push through and make it to training camp this year.
  • I have drilled this dance into my head, so I’m just ready to have fun out there and just do my best.
  • Now it’s just in God’s hands. And hopefully it was enough to make it to training camp.
  • [Invited to training camp] I’ve never wanted something so bad as I’ve wanted this because of how hard I worked to get this.


  • This process is highly stressful for me. So, I do get a little uptight and rigid.
  • DCC choreography is unlike anything I’ve ever done. Everything is sharp here, sharp there, this arm is going when this leg is going.
  • Picking up choreography on the spot is not my strongest suit. I just need to come back tomorrow knowing what I’m doing.
  • I felt like last night, everyone was pretty safe and they weren’t going to make any cuts but I feel like tonight, the pressure is on.
  • It’s the fastest choreography I’ve ever done. I really wanna show Kelli and Judy that I’m supposed to be here and that I belong on this team.
  • [Critiqued] I felt like I actually did this combination really well, so it was kind of an awakening that I’m still behind. I think I’m just scared of messing up.
  • [Before office] I really didn’t think Kelli was gonna call my name. It definitely makes me nervous.
  • [After office] I just want to be what they’re looking for, just, like… I know what I need to do. I wanted to show them that I can do this style. [Teary] Um, yeah. No, I’m fine. I’m fine. The meeting with them was successful. This is me having a moment with myself.


  • I actually have never done a jump split before. I’m actually afraid to do it. There’s just a lot to remember and a lot of counts.
  • [Jump split] It is scary. I don’t know why. I don’t know why I’m so scared.
  • How are you supposed to jump and then land with a straight leg?
  • I kind of whipped my head too hard, so I can’t really move my neck right now. I want to feel like I have it in the bag, but I don’t know if you’re ever going to feel like that.
  • I definitely worry that Kelli and Judy will second-guess if they are on my team or if they think that I should be gone.


  • I totally blanked. Maybe that’s why I had some choreography mistakes.
  • I was disappointed in myself because I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what’s going to be a magic pill for me. But yeah, I’m like almost there every time.
  • Picking up choreography has always been a struggle, and last night, when Charm said, “You’re cut,” I definitely worry that Kelli and Judy will second-guess if I should be on the team.
  • [Melissa Rycroft session] A light bulb definitely went off. I’m doing the dance moves correctly. I need to just relax a little. Hopefully there’s enough time for me to show Kelli and Judy that I do deserve a spot on this team, and I can improve each and every day.
  • The pressure is on and they could make a cut. Ugh, I don’t know. I’m honestly kind of nervous and I really just need to get in the zone.
  • I really, really want to be on this team, but I’ve been coming here and blanking. And I feel like finally, my hard work outside of the studio has paid off and I’m so happy. Today was, like, finally the payoff.


  • Tonight, I’m here, I’m ready to work, and I still have a fire lit under me, and mistakes, they can’t happen.
  • I don’t know where my brain was. I was not able to pick up choreography tonight. I was like a different person. [Cries]
  • KaShara was an amazing teacher, but I’m disappointed that I didn’t show her my A game.
  • Tonight was just an off night. But I will be different tomorrow.
  • I don’t know if tonight will be a cut night. I just have to stay focused and I can’t just think, “What if, what if, what if? …What if I make this team?” That’s the what-if that I’m going to go with.


  • It’s the same story. The challenging part is just picking up choreography. I struggle a little bit. I’m not losing hope just yet.
  • I love Evan, so the fact that I didn’t get the choreography and my spirits were still lifted, I think it really says a lot about him as a person, and I had fun regardless of blanking out many times.
  • When Tyce walked in, he was very calm, and he brough a really nice dynamic to the room.
  • I didn’t feel like I killed it, you know, I don’t know. I accept all feedback. If I need to burn the frayed ends, I want to hear it.
  • [Crying] Nothing went wrong in there. It’s me disappointing myself. I really do appreciate hearing those things.
  • I hope I’m in the top 36. There’s still a lot of proving that needs to be done, but I’m ready.
  • [Before office] This is my second time being called in and I was trying to stay under the radar. But here I am, so I want to hear what they have to say and I want to look at this as an opportunity to talk to them and show Kelli and Judy that I’m not letting off the gas and I’m ready to make this team.
  • [After office, crying] I don’t even know why I’m crying. I mean, it’s fine. I have tomorrow to really show them that I can do this. I just can’t let the nerves get to me.


  • This is week six. And this is the first time that I am dancing on the field. When I was in eighth grade, I actually danced for a Cowboys halftime show. So, I guess this is like the second time.
  • Learning the entrance, it’s a little difficult. You’re trying to remember the chassé when your arms are here, but they might be here. So, there were a lot of wheels turning in my brain.
  • The boots are a bit of a challenge. The weight distribution is just a little off for me right now. I’m used to being flatfooted, but there’s a little heel on it. I’ll get it next time.
  • I can’t even explain the feeling of having everyone just like cheer like that for me. I feel like I have been working so hard. But there’s so much that I still don’t know, so I do not feel safe by any means.


  • [Sighs after missing a trick question at media training] … These questions just happened. Question after question after question. And so it’s kind of hard for me to form sentences.
  • It was kind of spontaneous. We were the first group up, but it was fine.
  • I’m so happy I survived this far. And I’m excited to go home and sleep.


  • So, I was given a chance to redo my cameos. I got some notes about being stronger and more bold. And I saw the pictures transform myself, so they know what they’re talking about.
  • Mistakes definitely show up really big on the 60-yard screen, so you just really have to know what you’re doing.
  • I went from not changing my yard line ever. I was just 48, 48, 48 in all the formations to changing my yard line drastically. And now, I’m just… there’s a whole other element that’s stressing me out.
  • My cooking skills, one-to-ten, maybe like a seven. Sometimes it’s a 10. But, let’s just go with seven.
  • I think we have a great shot at winning. The recipe turned about amazing. I’m excited to make cauliflower mash and anything with bison.
  • I’ve been focusing on formations and moving from the 44-yard-line to the 48-yard-line. I want to show Kelli and Judy that I can be consistent with my performance and with my dancing.


  • I have been on their radar just trying to hang in there and make it to the end.
  • Charlotte is here; that was a nice surprise. I feel like a new sense of energy. Nerves for sure, but if I talk about them, then they just get worse.
  • This could be the last time that I dance on the field, so I’m just dancing as big as I can, and I’m having so much fun and this is so unlike me.


  • I feel like this time in my life, I’ve fought for something more than I have, ever. If tonight were my last night, I will go through heartbreak, but I’m still so proud of myself.
  • [Before office] Honestly, I just saw my whole life, like… [getting teary] no matter what happens, I’m going to be okay. So, we’re good. No matter what happens, it’s okay.
  • I finally feel like I’m on a team. I want to tell the world. I’m a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.
  • I’m so thankful to be here, and I can’t wait to be out on the field again.
  • [In the tunnel] Trying to stay calm. I’m feeling good though. I’m ready to go.
  • I’ve never been so happy in my life. I’m on cloud nine. And I won’t be able to sleep tonight or tomorrow.
  • [Retrospective, with flashbacks] One hundred percent, the journey to get here was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. My journey started last year. I got through finals, and then I was honestly expecting to hear my name called to go to training camp, and then I didn’t. It kind of threw off my instincts. But I still knew that I was coming back, and this is where I wanted to be. This year, I had to come in with no expectations. Oh my gosh, I could cry thinking about them calling my name. I was so happy. And then training camp starts. I’ve never danced that fast in my life, and my brain has never been more overloaded. I did get a lot of critiques and attention. It was what I needed to keep me motivated because I knew exactly what I needed to do to make the team. And I was able to work on it. This process definitely makes you doubt yourself. There were times where I was not the nicest to myself. I’m wondering, with all my training and with all my experience, why am I struggling? I just wanted to be so good. And that was when I had my big breakthrough. It was like music to my ears. I just felt happy that they knew that I was working hard. Seeing all 35 girls running and screaming towards me, I will remember that for the rest of my life.
  • That was the coolest thing that I have ever done. I am on the best team in the world.


Season 13[]


  • "I think she’s my favorite today." – Kelli
  • [Preliminaries judging] "Really dark eyebrows and electric eyes." – Charlotte
  • "I have a girl crush on Meredith. She’s beautiful. Her technique is almost flawless. She is a beautifully trained dancer." – Kelli
  • "I’m excited to see Meredith tomorrow. I hope the poms don’t challenge her when we start all of a sudden say stop being so fluid and say hello to punchy." – Kelli


  • "She’s sexy." – Judy/"Very. She knows how to use her expressions." – Kelli
  • [Semifinals judging] "I wrote “sexy expressions.”/"I thought she had controlled kicks. They needed to get higher."/"She seemed so much into herself." – Brenda/"Thank you!" – Melissa Rycroft/"She could’ve been dancing in a room by herself and didn’t care. So, how could she connect with someone in the crowd if she’s so into self?" – Brenda


  • "You are like sex on a stick. But you can’t live on that, because you’ve got girls in here that are going to kick your ass." – Kitty Carter
  • [Panels] "Meredith just seemed really, kind of almost sedated. She was really just kind of slow in her speaking." – Kelli
  • [Finals] "I love her turnout." – Kelli
  • [Finals judging] "She had great technique. I thought she was all-around good." – Judy/"It’s body for me. She’s a rectangle. She doesn’t have very good shape, and I can’t get past that."

Season 14[]


  • [Kelli] There we go.
  • [Kelli] Here’s my girl crush number 108, Meredith from Plano./ [Charm] She’s gorgeous
  • [Judy] Meredith is one of the candidates that I was really pushing for last year. She’s a little more soft- spoken, but her dance is beautiful, and I’m excited to see where she’ll go.


  • [Semifinals judging] Halfway through, I just kind of lost her. She got tired of the combination. She got lost./ Yeah. – J/ She’s a very trained dancer. – K


  • [Panels] Last year, I thought Meredith seemed very laid-back in her interview. [Flashback] And this year, she seemed more engaging, so maybe the timing wasn’t right last year, and maybe it is this year. – K
  • [Meredith shows Charm some of her solo before finals] It’s fiery; I’m with it! – Charm/ … I’ll hit it harder. – Meredith/ Hit it harder. – Charm/ I think I’m nervous. – Meredith/ You’re nervous. – Charm
  • Meredith is a beautiful dancer. What I’m not sure is her with our style of choreography when it comes to power and punch. – K
  • Meredith is trying to look brighter, I think. – J/ You think we can get stamina out of her, because we know she’s got the technique? – K
  • [Finals judging] I’d like to see if she can develop in training camp. She doesn’t have the punch yet. Maybe we can bring that out in her. – J
  • [Part of Kelcey’s final judging] She was really sexy and powerful at the same time, not as Meredith, was that “come to my magic show” that she was doing there. – Scott/ I’d want to go to both their magic shows. – K/ I’ll join you there.


  • Her technique is beautiful. Only thing I noticed at final auditions, I put “no stamina on the kicks.” – K
  • Meredith is struggling with the choreography. – K
  • You were chasing the choreography. I know this is lots of changes of direction. It may be kind of a new dance language for you. – K
  • Meredith is just having to think way too hard. – J/ I know. – K/ It’s concerning. – J
  • I think you have beautiful technique, but you’re slow. – J/ I think it’s just a lot of details that you need to pay attention to. There’s like something that’s happening that blocking that. – Jennifer C/ If it’s nerves, shake them off. – J
  • I want to get in Meredith’s head so bad. I just can’t figure it out. She’s so talented. – Jennifer C/ I just don’t think she’s ever done this style before. – K


  • Ashley and Meredith have not gotten the leg lift yet. – K
  • Meredith is a relator/entertainer. She wants to connect with people in both a quiet and an open way. – Gina Morgan/ This would be locker room likeable because they would know that she cares about her teammates. And she’s kind of fun to hang out with. – K
  • When you’re doing the hip shifts, a lot at the beginning, you’re picking your foot up when they’re just shifting their hips. – J
  • She’s beautiful, like, I wish I could choreograph a different piece on her and when it came down to the pom, she’s just a slight half count behind everything. – Travis Wall/ Can she get on top of our beat or is she too fluid? – K/ I don’t think it can happen that quick for her, particularly. – Travis


  • Oh no. What’s happening? – Charm La’Donna
  • [To her, Alexandra, Lily, and Madeline S] Now, you all know that was not acceptable. You’re the last group and the entire group messed up. I will cut this entire group. – Charm
  • Meredith is such an accomplished dancer, but she’s… – K/ She was shining in her solo, I remembered. – Charm/ She’s contemporary ballet trained. Fast tempos are literally moving too fast for her right now. – K
  • Watch Meredith. – K/ Ah, Meredith is just off. – Charm
  • Meredith is just slow and off. – Charm
  • [Picking squad] These are strong nos. Meredith, Lauren, Bret, Kristin, Madeline, strong nos. – Charm
  • Kelli asked me and KaShara to work with Meredith a little bit because Meredith is so classically trained that sometimes her body has trouble really developing the DCC style. – Melissa Rycroft
  • [Gives her high five] From auditions, much better. I think what has happened in your mind now is strong, strong, strong, that it’s just locking everything. – Melissa
  • So, right here, loosen it. – Melissa/ Loosen it. – KaShara/ If you watch your face for a minute, it lights up when you have that big smile. – Melissa
  • You bring so much to the table, and that’s what you need to go into practices thinking, because you got it. – Melissa
  • Meredith just isn’t on the beat. She just looks awkward. – J
  • I could see you looking down. You have to act like you’re at a game even though you’re not because it’s the strongest group of rookie candidates that I’ve seen. – Denise Dicharry
  • She has some moments. – K/ I know! She’s fighting. – J
  • This is the first time I’ve seen Meredith look like she was fighting for it. – J/ It is emotional, right? Because you’re like, “Yes. Go me.” But you should know that you’re in this room because you can be on this team. – Denise
  • Looks like Meredith’s in the fight now. – K
  • [Giving stickers] It’s like something about her wants me to give her a chance. And this is one of your weakest ones. You know, that like fight. She just blew Madeline and Lily out of the water. I mean, she just stepped up. She had that fight like she made it known that she was doing something. [Gives her last sticker] I’m doing it. Meredith is on my team. That’s my team. – Denise Dicharry
  • [End of episode confessional] Meredith turned a corner, and seeing that emotion actually was one of the best things I could’ve seen because it showed us how seriously she takes this and I hope it sticks. – K


  • I can tell Meredith is not used to kicking on the end. – Melissa Rycroft
  • Meredith is struggling again with our style of choreography. After last week, that’s not good. – J
  • [Jump split] What was wrong with that? – J/ Meredith, she just slid and didn’t jump. – K
  • At least Meredith can still keep up during the technical pieces and still have a nice, beautiful smile. – K
  • I can see Meredith’s technical training in Travis’s piece. Control. Her musicality. She’s a trained dancer and it’s pretty obvious, but I just hope she can do our style of pom dances. – K
  • I’m watching Meredith right there. – K/ Because she’s out of line? – J
  • [Show group judging] Does anybody besides me see her technical potential and her beauty on stage? – K/ I see a potential for sure. – Cheryl Burke/ Absolutely./ Yeah./ Her technique is flawless when you watch her do her thing, but she hasn’t learned how to thrash and punch. But I thought she’s gotten better. – K/ Yes. – Melissa Rycroft
  • Meredith seems really overwhelmed by this. – K/ She sure does. – J
  • You’re really slow. You kind of just went “step, step.” You have to say to yourself, “I’m going to ‘step, step!’” – J
  • I’m trying to get you faster and I’m trying to figure out what will make you faster. – J/ It has purposeful pauses that are going to help you, too. – K
  • [Apologizing to KaShara aside] You had moments where you were really excelling it, and it was coming across, even through the mistakes. So, you don’t let your roller coaster of emotion that’s happening out here happen in your routines. – KaShara


  • Meredith’s lost. – K
  • Meredith’s arms are just flailing.
  • You’re great. Her shoulders are super sharp. I don’t know if anyone else notices, but they’re like in the side of her head. Like, I’m like, “Oh my gosh. I want to be like her when I grow up.” – Evan Miller
  • [Giving stickers] Oh, goodness. The star. I loved watching her. I’m definitely giving her a sticker. – Evan Miller/ That’s great to hear. I mean, she’s really struggled. I thought Meredith was more fun to watch tonight, too. – K
  • You look like you’re having fun on Tyce’s piece. – K
  • [To her, Lily, and Madeline S] Were you guys nervous? I could tell a little bit. It happens, but you can’t let them see you sweat. Something has to come over you, then when it’s go time, you’re like, “I got this.” – Melanie/ You’re all good dancers but there’s some frayed ends. Just somethings technically, I think could be better. – Tyce Diorio
  • Meredith’s all over the place. – K
  • [To her, Lily, and Madeline S] You are all three good dancers. But I felt like I was watching three different dances. – J/ The best dancer knows how to work as a unit. So, you take a piece from Madeline, a piece from Meredith, a part from… put the puzzle together as one. – Melanie/ I think there’s definite room for improvement. So, try to focus on those things to really elevate the craft. – Tyce Diorio
  • [To her, Lily, and Madeline S] The three of those girls, they’re not at the level that I can see. – Tyce Diorio/ I think they’re the weakest. – Melanie/ They’re the weakest. – Diorio/ That’s concerning. – K
  • [Giving stickers] Passing on Meredith… (Lily, Madeline S, and Meredith) specifically all have the same issue. They do the movement, but it’s not polished. It’s not understood. It’s all possible for these girls; it’s just that they need to do a little more work, I think. – Tyce Diorio
  • There weren’t any surprises with who Tyce and Melanie didn’t pick. It’s been the same set of rookies that have had a lot of discussion. So, these are not new comments and not surprising comments. – K
  • [After office, teary] Meredith said something that really hit me and she would never know. She said that she feels like we have her future in our hands, and I realized that. I realized the responsibility of my position. I want to give people opportunities. I don’t want to take them away. It’s the hard part of being a head coach and I take this home with me, too. – K


  • Just a little behind on the beat. Stay on top of the music. Stay on top of the beat. – J
  • [Giving stickers] Right now, Meredith is probably the slowest learner in the room, but when she does have it, she’s really fun. I think maybe more classes, more learning to take choreography quickly. – Tess/ I don’t know if I’m prepared to give her one of the only nine right now. – Heather
  • Absolutely stunningly beautiful, but she does not have the DCC style yet. – Melissa Rycroft
  • Seeing Meredith makes me so happy because in her auditions, I’m not really sure if she was going to have what it took. And she has proven me wrong in every way. I just want to see that constant improvement. Now is not the time to get complacent. I need her to keep striving and keep moving forward. – Melissa Rycroft
  • First of all, so much better from when I saw you a few weeks ago. I think that’s huge. I think you look like a ballerina. And I think you’re always going to look like a ballerina. Like, that’s just who you are, and that’s you’re strength. – Melissa Rycroft/ I don’t think you’d be able to improve as much as you have without having that really good base. – Gina/ I think that you have done a really good job. – Melissa
  • What can I say? She looked great. You can tell she’s put in the time and the effort. And if she can do what she did tonight, I don’t see a reason why she’s not on the team. – Melissa Rycroft
  • Meredith is scaring us right now because she almost pulled two veterans down with her. And that would be a disastrous move if that was made during a performance. – J
  • [About incident above] What happened? – J/ I bent over too far. I couldn’t get myself back up and then brought the line with me. – Meredith/ That could have been a huge game day foul. – K
  • She hasn’t scared me until now, like, scared me. – K
  • Mistakes on entrance. – K
  • Oh, my! – J/ I’m in her corner, but not at this very moment. – K/ And she’s missing her yard lines, too… Getting used to the boots, make sure you find your balance so you don’t rock back on your heels. You can’t stumble. – J
  • I like all three of these… I didn’t know it was Meredith. – K/ Meredith just brought it. – Heather
  • You actually were sharp. – J
  • [End of episode confessional] I think now, it’s going to get harder because the ones that I thought might not make it through training camp are actually picking up steam and making progress. Lily has taken an uptick. Meredith’s taken an uptick. Kat’s taken an uptick. If they keep getting better, which we want them to, and we keep getting closer to them as people, it’s going to make my job really hard. – K


  • Today hurt Meredith. Maybe she was pausing a lot to just complete her thoughts, but she wasn’t convincing, and I don’t think she’s ready for interviews. – K
  • [About Nick Foles question] That was a trick question, but you took it, and then you elaborated on it, which would be embarrassing. – K
  • I’m watching Meredith and I’m seeing some concerns. She seems unsure about her next move. – K
  • You sometimes look real unsure of yourself. You can’t keep going and putting on the brakes, go “ooh”, and second-guessing yourself. – J
  • Meredith does have a beautiful smile. – K
  • Your ending needs to be hit, hit, hit, boom, and hit. Everything has to be poppy. – J
  • [Giving stickers] Gosh, she’s so hard. I thought she did really well today in the sideline. But I feel like she’s always afraid to give a hundred percent because she doesn’t want to do it wrong. – Melissa/ That’s interesting. – K/ But I really like her. – Melissa Rycroft
  • [Giving last sticker] I think I’m going to be in the minority. And I’m going to take that little leap of faith. – Melissa
  • I feel like I’ve seen her grow, and with what I saw on the field today, I think she could do it. I’m fighting for my girl. – Melissa
  • Meredith’s always been a little bit at risk, but at rehearsal, she showed great improvement. – K
  • Meredith has a beautiful smile. And I actually never would’ve thought we’d get this out of her. But her arms were wrong there. – K


  • [Cameos] She’s very stiff. She has huge potential. There’s no question she’s photogenic. She just doesn’t seem as comfortable as some. – K
  • [Cameos, after getting shorter vest] So, I bring her back in to try on a different vest; I’ll be curious to see if that extra time helps her relax. – K
  • [Cameos] We called our seamstress Lisa in and she literally did an on-site alteration, which we’ve never done. This is the first time ever. Look how much more waistline she has now. You see what’s before and after? – K
  • [Cameos] Yes, Meredith! Alright, that was worth the time. – K
  • Oh, Meredith… that was a big mistake. – J
  • You make a mistake coming up. – J/ She was late popping out. – K
  • Meredith now has a whole new set of yard lines with no preparation and no practice. – K
  • Can Meredith make game time formation changes? – K
  • Come up, pick it up. Meredith’s just late. – J
  • I feel like it’s the transitions; they’re freaking her out. – K
  • Who looks muddier, Meredith or Shaina to you? – K
  • Ooh, don’t lean forward. – J
  • [After discussing Shaina] I mean, Meredith’s kind of next on the, “Is she field ready?” I was watching her jump split, and I thought it was controlled. – K/ It was. – J


  • Tonight, I’m going to be looking to see if Meredith is mistake-free, if Kat is dependable in pregame. I’m also going to be looking to see if Julia is top 36. – K
  • Meredith has pretty legs on the entrance and her dark hair and bright smile show up to me. She’s stronger than I expected. – K
  • Come on, Meredith, push. – J
  • I’m getting more confident about Meredith. – K
  • She’s such a fluid dancer and performer, and not as powerful. – Charlotte
  • What do you think about Meredith? – K/ I think she looks really good on the screen. She’s beautiful. That’s actually surprising. – Charlotte


  • Meredith in the opening, was a shade behind some of the powerful movements. Conversely to that, when she was in the small group, I thought she was beautiful. Her strength showed up in a big way. – Charlotte
  • Looking back over training camp, Lily and Meredith have been hot topics of conversation. Meredith, I think, has surprised me the most. She probably makes the most mistakes, although the last few rehearsals, Meredith has really held her own. And she has a great smile; she has a great presence on the field. I don’t think I would’ve thought Meredith would be here in week nine and truly be a contender to make this team. – K
  • The more I observed Meredith, I think she has the right dedication for this team. She’s earned a place and that’s what you want. – K

Season 15[]


  • Meredith doesn’t know this at all. - K

Office Visits[]

Season 14[]


  • [End of episode, second of two] Kelli says that last year, they felt like she was one that they questioned their judgment about, wondering if they missed her. Seeing her in training camp, they would say “no.” Judy tells her there’s something late about every move she makes. Meredith assures them she’s working hard. Kelli doesn’t doubt that or her abilities as a dancer or how hard she’s working. Meredith says the choreography’s different than anything she’s ever done. Kelli asks about hip-hop, and Meredith says it’s never been her strong suit, but she’s working on it. Kelli asks if she can learn this style in this short amount of time? They can see she’s not ready for their style right now. [Commercial break] But Kelli thinks they can unlock the door of power pom. She encourages her to practice with the music. Meredith doesn’t want herself or them down, and plans on continuing to work hard. [Meredith leaves] Kelli asks if there’s something likable about her – Judy affirms, saying she’s beautiful and you get lost in her eyes when you talk to her.


  • [End of episode, during rehearsal, second of two] Kelli says that she has an artistic subtlety which is very enticing for some. However, she’s still not convincing enough people that she’s DCC-ready. They have four cuts left and are out of time. [Commercial break] Subtlety can be beautiful in concert dancing, but their style is more energy and emphasis. The real test will be when they move to the field, whether it will improve or minimize her. Judy says they’re on her side; they just need her to get there quicker. A teary Meredith feels they want her on the team and thinks they hold her future in their hands. She wants to show them that she can do this. Kelli wants this to work, but won’t change their expectations for her no matter how much she likes her.


  • [Early episode, at AT&T Stadium, alongside Lily] Kelli tells them they’ve done a great job this summer, and it’s obvious the team loves and supports them. However, they’ve also been telling them that the team will be 36. But last rehearsal, they decided that’s not going to be the case, so they wanted to talk to them privately. [Commercial break, followed by the team announcement. There is later a flashback of what happened in the office – Kelli tells them that they’ve made the team.]

End of Journey[]

Season 13[]


  • Makes finals, but is not invited to training camp

Season 15[]


  • One of four veterans cut from training camp


Season 13[]


  • After Nick Florez mentions everyone having a signature move, she performs hers for the camera
  • She’s shown dancing while Nick Florez gives a confessional saying certain girls blew him away.


  • Shown being invited to finals


  • At panels, she’s asked why she wants to become a DCC. Meredith thinks they embody everything she wants to be.
  • Shown performing her solo at finals

Season 14[]


  • She’s shown introducing herself to the judges at preliminaries, telling them that since she graduated, she’s joined the circus
  • Shown dancing after Kelli mentions being excited seeing an incredible dancer that’s the total package


  • Shown being invited to finals


  • At panels, she’s asked who she considers a visionary, and she says Kelli
  • Highlighted (by name) performing her solo at finals (right after Kelli mentions this not being a familiar ground for some of them)
  • Last one shown being invited to training camp


  • She’s shown taking the CORE personality test in her home
  • She’s revealed to be tied for 41st (with three others) based on how the TCC’s were scored at finals


  • She is revealed to be a “relater” based on her personality test results


  • Makeover glamour shot (before and after)



  • She falls for a trick question about Nick Foles coming to the Cowboys (he is not a member of the Cowboys) at media training. She then stumbles on a question about the 2020 election.
  • She is shown being placed in the triangle
  • She’s one of the last four girls that Melissa Rycroft decides between giving the last sticker to (along with Julia, Lily, and Shaina) before ultimately selecting Meredith


  • At cameos, they hem her vest shorter on-site and then have her retake her photos
  • She’s moved in the formation when they switch Victoria into her group
  • She is one of the main participants in the cooking competition, competing for group 4


  • The show highlights that she was a “relater” on the CORE test


  • After Lily and Meredith get pulled inside for an office visits, Kelli comes out and informs the team they won’t be having a squad of 36 this year (possibly suggesting that those two were cut). However, it is revealed to be 37, as Lily and Meredith come running onto the field, and their teammates mob them.
Season 14 Stickers
Denise Dicharry, Evan Miller, Melissa RycroftTravis Wall, Jennifer Colvin, Charm La'Donna, KaShara Garrett, Tyce Diorio, Amy, Heather, Maddie, Tess


  • Her 76 confessionals are the most of any cheerleader throughout the show's entire run (as of Season 14), and her 64 confessionals in Season 14 are the most in any single season.
Season 14 Rookie Class
Amanda, Chandi, Kat, Kelcey, Kristin, Lily, Lisa, Meredith, Taylor P., Victoria
Meredith (S14 Rookie) (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.