Why did one or more of my matches disappear? (2024)

A match will last forever (moving to your archived section if you stop talking) so long as neither party ends the match. However, a match can disappear for a few different reasons.

If one of your matches has disappeared, thenone of the following things hasoccurred:

  1. The person you matched with deliberately unmatched you.
  2. The person you matched with accidentally unmatched you.
  3. The person you matched with deleted their account.
  4. You accidentally unmatched them.
  5. You have signed into the wrong Mutual account.
    1. Each login method (Phone Number, Facebook,& Apple)will create a unique account. It is common for people to create a second account by mistake.
    2. If you are signed into the wrong Mutual account, go to Account>Settings>Log Out to return to the login screen. From there, you can try different logins to see if you can find the correct account.

*Please note that an unmatching is irreversible, even accidental ones.

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Why did one or more of my matches disappear? (2024)


Why do some of my matches disappear? ›

One or a few matches disappeared

If only one or even a few of your matches have disappeared, they've most likely ended the match or deleted their Tinder account. If they deleted their account and decide to come back to Tinder, you may see that person reappear in your card stack.

Why did my match disappear on mutual? ›

If one of your matches has disappeared, then one of the following things has occurred: The person you matched with deliberately unmatched you. The person you matched with accidentally unmatched you. The person you matched with deleted their account.

Why do none of my matches reply? ›

They are busy, they stopped using Tinder for a while, they are on Tinder talking to someone they're more interested in, you said something they didn't like, they got married, they joined a religious order. Could be any number of reasons.

Why did one of my Tinder conversations disappear? ›

Tinder chats will often disappear because either the user has deleted you from their match queue or you have accidentally deleted them. There is no instance where the chat just randomly deletes. However, it's more than likely they just unmatched you.

Why do some matches disappear on Bumble? ›

If you are having trouble locating a conversation it could be that your match has deleted their account or has been blocked on Bumble. Some deleted accounts will still remain in your conversations list as "Deleted user" for a short period of time.

Why did one of my matches disappear on hinge? ›

If one of your matches disappeared, one of the following is possible: That member manually or accidentally unmatched your profile from their Matches screen. They deleted their Hinge profile.

Can you see how many times someone has viewed you on Match? ›

This feature is available to all paid subscribers, so others will be able to see when you've viewed them too. However, there's no indication of how many times a profile was viewed or the exact time when the view occurred. When you have some new views, you'll see a pink dot to the left of the member's photo.

Can I find someone I unmatched on Match? ›

Can I re-match with someone? If you accidentally unmatch a user, you can see them in your unmatched & blocked list. To match with a user again, you must upgrade to premium first, as re-matching is a premium feature. Then in the unmatched and blocked tab, you should see the option to match again next to the user's name.

Why can't I see my Match messages? ›

In order to read and respond to messages, you need to have an active, paid subscription to Match. In the meantime, we'll send you notifications when you receive new messages so that you'll know how much attention your profile is generating.

When should you Unmatch a match? ›

The bottom line is: if you don't feel at ease with your match or you simply aren't feeling a connection with the other person, you can decide to Unmatch. If you feel comfortable doing so, consider sending a courteous message to let the other person know of your decision.

Why do guys not message after matching? ›

Men, according to the researchers, are much less discriminating in who they attempt to match with – that is, they're far more likely to swipe right. But once they've got a match, they're also much less inclined to contact the other person, implying that the thrill of getting a match is satisfying enough.

Why do guys match and not message back? ›

It could be they were never attracted to you, it could also be a lazy intro message you sent (hi, hey, what's up), it could be a lack of a bio or good answers to prompts so they know how to continue the conversation or it could be they have too many matches at the moment.

Do people disappear from your matches if they deleted Tinder? ›

Deleting the app doesn't delete your account

Deleting the Tinder app from your device doesn't mean you have deleted your account. Your profile remains active, together with all your pictures, matches, and messages. This isn't necessarily a bad thing because you can get back in the game anytime you wish.

What happens to conversations when you Unmatch on Tinder? ›

You can't delete individual messages on Tinder. However, you can remove entire conversations by unmatching someone. When you unmatch someone, you'll disappear from their match list and they'll disappear from yours.

What is shadowbanned on Tinder? ›

A shadowban means that you aren't alerted to the action, but there are a few ways that you can tell if you've been shadowbanned. If you are swiping, but not getting messages, or if the app feels glitchy to you, you might be shadowbanned.

Will someone show up again if I Unmatch them Bumble? ›

Long story short, you can't magically undo unmatching or swiping, unfortunately. But even if you're bummed after you unmatch or accidentally swipe left on Bumble, the great thing about dating apps is that there are lots of great people out there using them.

Why would a girl extend a match on Bumble? ›

Extend is a great way to signal that you're interested in getting to know them and hoping they'll make the first move. It can be a huge compliment to show someone that you're excited to speak with them. The timing isn't always right, but with Extend you'll get more time to start a conversation.

Why do people Unmatch on dating apps? ›

Maybe the person they were matched with wasn't their type, maybe they didn't like the way the other person was talking to them, or maybe they just weren't interested in them. Whatever the reason may be, it's usually best to just unmatch them and move on.

Does someone disappear from your matches if they delete Hinge? ›

If someone has blocked you on Hinge, you can still see their profile, but you won't be able to message them. If someone has deleted their account, their profile will disappear from your match queue.

How do you know if someone paused their Hinge? ›

When someone pauses their Hinge account, they essentially become invisible on the app. Their profile isn't shown to new people, and they won't appear in the 'Discover' section. Their existing matches and conversations, however, aren't deleted. Instead, they remain accessible, but they're inactive.

How can you tell if someone has looked at your profile on Match? ›

Number of Views/Who's Viewed Me

Only people who are logged into the system will show up in 'who's viewed me. ' Even those who are logged in may sometimes not appear. If someone who is logged in clicks on you, but they are far from what you've listed you are looking for, they may not show up.

Do messages disappear on Match? ›

Messages are only kept in Match records for 180 days. This means Messages are automatically removed from the site 180 days after they are sent, even if you don't delete them. Unfortunately, we can't provide you with any of your older Messages once they have been removed.

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Red: Member is currently playing in a Live game. On their avatar you will see a red square in the lower right, and on their profile page you will see a red button that says 'Playing. ' Click the button to watch them! If there is no icon on a player's avatar, then they are not currently online.

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Unfortunately, unmatching is a permanent action that cannot be undone.

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Fortunately, yes. You can always rematch with a previously unmatched character. Once they appear on the match screen, swipe right on them again. You will then get a pop up window with 2 options – to restart the chat from beginning for free or to resume from where you left off for a diamond price.

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Are you wondering if someone unmatched you? You may notice that your list of matches is smaller or your chat conversation isn't being updated. In the past, those that unmatched you would just disappear; however, now their profile remains in your chat area so you have the opportunity to report them, if necessary.

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If you click on another member's profile and see a message that the profile is unavailable, it is usually because that member has chosen to take a break to pursue a relationship, or for other reasons has chosen to hide their profile.

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What is Private Mode? Private Mode is a Match feature that allows you to display your profile only to individuals you have communicated with. When you're using Private Mode, you will see the message “They can see you” or “They can't see you” on other members' profiles.

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If I like you and you like me back, either one of us can start the conversation; for free! Free members also receive curated profiles that match your preferences and we believe could be great matches for you!

Is it rude to just unmatch someone? ›

No it's not. If you don't like the message someone sends you, especially if they're innapropriate, just unmatch. Trying to reason with that person will more often than not just end up with that person being even more rude or trying to insult you. People on dating apps allow themselves too much freedom sometimes.

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3. How quickly does my information disappear from Match once I delete my account? Cancelling your membership won't immediately delete your profile and photos – they will stay on the service for a year, in case you have a change of heart (no pun intended) and want to sign up again.

Why do guys delete their dating profile? ›

When a guy deletes his dating profile, it can only mean two things. He either deleted his dating profile because he sees a potential relationship with you and wants to put an end to his search, or he found someone else on the dating site who is his first choice.

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One, he may be taking some time to figure out his own emotions and get a sense of where this connection is going. Two, he may be too intimidated by the growing intimacy and may dial back on the texting to get some space. Three, he may not be interested in you and this is a way of conveying that.

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Some guys are more talkative than others. Still, a few text messages a day are proof that he likes you. You should look for three to five messages a day, unless you strike up a conversation, then look for more. The most important thing to look out for is whether or not it seems like you're on his mind.

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Many guys hate failing and feeling inadequate. They often don't have the speed of words to compete with their partner in a conflict. Men's emotional processing capacity is often much slower than their partner. Whilst being silent is a sign of a man's need to process it is also a way to avoid the feelings of defeat.

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In conclusion, if he likes you, he will text you. How guys text you when they like you varies, but some are consistent. For example, a guy will ask many questions about you, text first, compliment you, send emojis, make you laugh, find reasons to talk to you, and give hints for a date.

Can a guy like you and not text you back? ›

If you both just started dating, he may not be replying to your texts to play hard to get. He wants to see how interested you are in pursuing him. He may also just be trying not to seem too eager or needy. You can hope he will reciprocate your feelings eventually if he's playing hard to get for a while.

Why would someone disappear from my Tinder matches? ›

If only one or even a few of your matches have disappeared, they've most likely ended the match or deleted their Tinder account. If they deleted their account and decide to come back to Tinder, you may see that person reappear in your card stack.

Why do guys Unmatch you on Tinder after getting your number? ›

Maybe the guy had a bad time on the date and decided he didn't want to pursue things further. Or maybe he's not interested in you but still wants to be friends. If he unmatched you on Tinder, it's probably best to just move on and find someone who is interested in dating you.

Does blocking someone on Tinder delete the conversation? ›

You can't "block" someone on Tinder, but unmatching from them works the same way. When you unmatch with someone on Tinder, you won't be able to see each other when you swipe, and your conversations will disappear.

How do you see who unmatched you on Tinder? ›

For the person they unmatched, the conversation becomes grayed-out in the chat menu; clicking in the app will show a message that informs them that the other user has left as well as links to support and a “Help” button, Techcrunch reports.

How can I tell if someone unmatched me on Tinder? ›

No, you'll only know if they unmatched you because they'll disappear from your matches, along with all their history/photos/chats. If someone disappears, the other possibility is that they completely deleted their Tinder profile.

Did he Unmatch or delete his Tinder? ›

Match is gone : Means you or the other person unmatched you. If you deleted your account people will still see your profile and the matches have access to message you. Best thing to do if you are done with the app is deactivate your account.

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And if you choose to wait 3 months before you create a new profile, Tinder will also delete all your user data.

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If you notice that you are getting fewer matches than before, chances are Tinder has shadowbanned your account. Also, if you notice that you are swiping too much and only viewing a limited number of profiles when swiping, consider yourself a victim of a shadowban.

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If you're shadowbanned, your content won't appear on anyone's feed, Explore, or hashtag pages unless they already follow you. This typically occurs when a user has violated Instagram's community guidelines — or the content is otherwise deemed inappropriate.

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There are several possible reasons why your Facebook dating conversations disappeared, including technical glitches, software updates, account deactivation, or deletion, among others.

Why is my match disappearing on Tinder glitch? ›

It's a Tinder bug

Try logging out of your account and then logging back in again. And if your Tinder app is out of date, try updating it before you log back on. Hopefully you'll discover this was a temporary bug and your matches will reappear shortly.

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Alone, the match head lacks the chemical activity to lower its point of combustion by most any amount of friction. The coating on the match head will crumble long before enough friction can accumulate enough heat. It is combustible, however, as holding a nearly bare match head will still flare-up.

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If the other person doesn't respond to this message, no conversation thread is created — so make sure you put some thought into what you say! Long story short, your conversations don't expire on the dating app, meaning you can come back to them whenever you'd like.

Why can't I see my messages on match? ›

In order to read and respond to messages, you need to have an active, paid subscription to Match. In the meantime, we'll send you notifications when you receive new messages so that you'll know how much attention your profile is generating.

When you Unmatch with someone on Tinder will they show up again? ›

Unmatching is permanent. Once you unmatch from someone, they'll disappear from the Chat page and won't show up in your feed again.

Why do matches burn out so fast? ›

Stored inside the match head is another chemical called “potassium chlorate”. When it gets hot, it releases a lot of extra oxygen and heat. This makes the match head burn quickly and strongly.

Why do matches explode? ›

Red phosphorus in the side chemical and potassium chlorate in the head chemical bring about a chemical reaction due to friction and impact when a match is struck, then red phosphorus ignites and the head chemical catches fire, which lights a match (See Diagram 2).

Is Tinder messed up right now? ›

Tinder.com is UP and reachable by us. Please check and report on local outages below ... The above graph displays service status activity for Tinder.com over the last 10 automatic checks. The blue bar displays the response time, which is better when smaller.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.