Jenna Lene (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 7
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 7
    • 2.2 Season 8
    • 2.3 Season 12
    • 2.4 Season 13
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 7
    • 3.2 Season 9
    • 3.3 Season 12
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 12
  • 5 Other
    • 5.1 Season 7
    • 5.2 Season 8
    • 5.3 Season 9
    • 5.4 Season 10
    • 5.5 Season 11
    • 5.6 Season 12
    • 5.7 Season 13
  • 6 Misc.


Season 7[]


  • She currently lives in South Korea in a military family. The DCC came to Korea for their U.S.O. tour, and they did a cheer clinic for her cheer team, and she was very inspired and loves everything they do. [Photos of her with Cassie Trammell and Sydney Durso are shown] They have the same qualities that she thinks she has, and she thinks she could give a lot to them. She’s been training by taking Korean dance classes. Her dance teacher couldn’t speak English, so Jenna would just observe her and learn from there. She’s ready and thinks she’ll fit in pretty well.


Total: 26

Season 7: 14 (T15th most)

Season 8: 1

Season 9: 0

Season 10: 0

Season 11: 0

Season 12: 10

Season 13: 1

Season 7[]


  • (Biography)
  • "I think I’m getting it, just maybe not as fast as some girls, but I am getting it."
  • "My kicks were higher than I’ve ever kicked in my life, so I’m happy about them."
  • [Finalists being announced] "It’s very, very important for me to make this round because my whole family’s put so much money into this, just getting me over here."
  • "By the time you get to the kickline, it is very, very exhausting. Your body feels like a million pounds."
  • [Makes training camp] "I’m going to have to relocate from Korea. There’s so many other girls who are older than me and more mature, but I think I can handle it, and I’m really excited. Training camp, here I come!"


  • "When we all walked into the room for the meeting, it’s a completely overwhelming feeling because all the Cowboy legends have been in there. They sat in the same place we did. Like Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith."


  • "I was a little bit off just because I haven’t done a kickline before, but Shelly is an amazing teacher, and everything she tells me, I’m just going to work on 100%."


  • [Makes team] "Everyone in my life has sacrificed so much for me to be here, and I just feel so accomplished."
  • [First game] "Tonight was awesome. It was the best experience of my life."


  • "It feels incredible to be a DCC. I feel like I’m shining and like there’s a glow, and whenever I put on this uniform now, it’s like a whole set of confidence goes over me."


  • "We changed a little bit. They had them spread out so my group was used to it, and they spread out while I was up there. We just kind of came crashing down, but they caught me, and everyone’s okay. I’m a little concerned right now. We’ve just been practicing for a really long time and rehearsing, so everyone’s a little fatigued."
  • "I am so nervous and about to be thrown in the air in front of thousands of people. And I have to make sure everything’s pinned right so nothing flies off while I’m up there. That wouldn’t be good."
  • [Retrospective confessional about season with flashbacks] "I think the best part of this entire experience for me has been being a DCC as a whole. Because as I watched them in Korea and I saw them performing, I would think, “Wow.” And I didn’t think that I would ever become a DCC. And now I’m here and I’m in the uniform and I’m where they are. I made my dream come true and I know I want to inspire other young people my age to be going out for their dreams, no matter what. Even if people say you’re too young or too small, or anything, they can do it."

Season 8[]


  • [With Sydney Durso] Sydney: "His style was crazy. It definitely was not the DCC style." Jenna: "You have to pop and lock and isolate every move. They made it look effortless."

Season 12[]


  • [Before office] "Even as a vet, it’s still nerve-wracking to be called into Kelli and Judy’s office."
  • [After office] "I’m ready to step it up and they wanted to make sure we’re on the same page, and I’m really excited about that."


  • [With Jinelle, who says performing with Demi Lovato is a huge honor] 'And what’s really cool is her mom was a DCC back in the day, so it’s all part of the sisterhood."
  • "Gonna give it the full Dallas effect, so we’re welcoming [Demi Lovato] with open arms just like we do with all of our players on game day."
  • [After office, teary] "Canton [Hall of Fame performance], I mean that would have been an amazing opportunity, being just seeing the disappointment and them questioning my leadership, it hits hard. I do love this team. I literally give everything, and I don’t want to disappoint them."


  • [About being called into office] "Anything can happen. Nobody is safe on the team. I just hope that they see that I love and care about this team so much."
  • [Before office] "Last time I was called into the office, I was taken off of the Canton, Ohio, Hall of Fame trip. They had me stay back and rethink my role as a leader on this team. This has been my life as an adult. The worst-case scenario, obviously, is being cut. That would break my heart."
  • [After office] "To hear them say they were disappointed, it’s pretty hard to take that. Especially when you have made it this far. You gotta start all over again. But I’m willing to do that because I love my teammates."


  • "My character’s been tested. My leadership’s been tested. You know, we’ve had to step up our game as much as the rookies had to step up their game, and so no one’s safe."


  • [Seasonal retrospective, with flashbacks] "This year’s training camp has been hard in multiple ways. I feel like my leadership has been tested. I was put in a very uncomfortable situation [with Holly]. And maybe I should have said something. I honestly didn’t know what to do. Having to tell my family that I wasn’t going was even harder than being called into the office that day. I had to sit back for a second and decide, ‘okay, am I going to be upset about things, or am I still going to be the leader they want me to be?’ And so I took it upon myself to step up, put my emotions, my heartache aside, and be a leader."

Season 13[]


  • [Retirement announcement at NFL Draft] "At the end of today, I’m starting my new life. It’s the end of my six-year long journey with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. So, I’m just really excited to see what’s next for me."


Season 7[]


  • I like little Miss thing. – K/ Which one? – J/ Korea. – K/ Yeah, me too. – J
  • [Semifinals judging] Flown in from South Korea, little Miss Jenna. – K/ I thought the field would swallow her up./ She’s tiny. – K/ She’s darling. – Charlotte/ You’re right, she made a lot of mistakes, but she was not technically
 – J/ Right, I thought she was actually okay at the combination, or could be. And I think she has a very, very young look. – Charlotte
  • [Discussing her favorite solos of the day] I really like her. She’s young. She’s bold. And cute as a button. – K
  • She does have a pretty complexion. – K/ She is cute.
  • [Finals judging] I think she looks like a kid, and I just can’t get past that./ I think you can really see it on the screen in the group. She was right next to Jessica, and there was just a big, womanly difference. And she is darling; she is super cute, but she is just really young. – Charlotte/ Her routine was great. She did the Michael Jackson routine./ I thought she was terrific.


  • I like Jenna. – K
  • [Jenna imitates a move] Yeah, exactly, Jenna. – Sydney Durso


  • [Fittings] You’re the smallest girl we’ve had in a long time. – Lisa/ I know. – K


  • Oh my gosh. No, there’s no retake. Go back. – Kitty Carter
  • Olivia and Jenna, you win the sex award. Both of your eyes just absolutely made me shameless, which is great. – Kitty Carter
  • [Cameo shoot] She’s definitely a little Mia. – K
  • Jenna has got the most issues
 You’re pulling your hip up and you’re taking your upper body over to it. So, I’m feeling extremely distracted. – Shelly Roper-McCaslin
  • Jenna has a good number of issues that she needs to put a lot of focus on each and every time that she goes through the kickline. – Shelly Roper-McCaslin
  • Okay, your timing was much better there, but your posture wasn’t. – Shelly Roper-McCaslin


  • Don’t skip, Jenna! – J


  • Jenna’s still a little stressed. – K

Season 9[]


  • [In Alexandra’s office visit, who says she’s been working with Jacie, Jasmine, and Jenna] Those are three great cheerleaders. So, you’re in good company. – K


  • Breelan is totally petering out compared to Jenna. – K
  • I watched Jenna. I thought she put all the extra accents on stuff. – K/ She looked like a veteran. – Kitty Carter/ Yeah. – K

Season 12[]


  • This is Jenna’s year to be a fresh, well-rounded leader of this squad. – K


  • [Show group audition] Jenna’s kind of killing it tonight. – Kitty Carter
  • Out of this group, Keyra step forward, Jenna step forward, and Stephanie step forward. Those were the people I thought killed it last night out of this group. – Kitty Carter


  • [K asks Nick Florez who he noticed] Oh my gosh, your energy’s awesome. You look like you’re having the best time. It doesn’t even look like you’re worrying about the steps, which is what I think it’s about. It shouldn’t look like you’re thinking about the choreography. – Florez


  • [Confessional during Jenna’s office visit] Ending Jenna or Holly’s career here is extreme, but we’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again. – K
  • [Talking after Holly’s office visit] I don’t trust either one of them. – K/ I don’t either. – J
  • [End of episode confessional] Jenna and Holly have lost my trust right now. – K


  • Jenna is no longer the point of the triangle. I do think Jenna is very disappointed in herself. Now she’s going to be pulled out of some performances. It’s not just affecting Jenna right now; it’s affecting the whole team
 this is very disappointing for all of us. – J
  • Jenna, I’d be dancing. – J [to Jenna as she’s on the sidelines while they are practicing]/ Will you tell Jenna she should be dancing? – J [to Kelli]
  • Jenna will be rehearsing tonight even though she’s not going to Canton. – J
  • When we’re done with Canton, I’m not sure which direction we’ll go in. If Jenna will join back in, or if she will be moved to another spot. That we’re just going to wait and see. – J


  • Jenna rushed that. – K/ Jenna, you weren’t with everyone else. You went up and right down. – J


  • Training camp has been stimulating, to say the least, for Jenna. Hopefully, she will learn from things and press onto greater achievements. I’m confident she will. – K

Office Visits[]

Season 12[]


  • [Towards end of episode, pre-audition office visit] Kelli asks if she had any concerns before auditions. Jenna says it’ll be a year of change, so she’s excited and a little nervous. Kelli asks if she’s ready to lead by example. Jenna says she’s learned a lot. She loves everyone on this team like a sister, and she’s ready for that. Kelli says what’s come up is she’s asked people who is their guiding light veteran. She thinks Jenna has the opportunity to be someone the girls call their guiding light.


  • [End of episode, 1st of 2] Kelli says she’s concerned about her leadership, specifically in their no fraternization policy, and her role as an example for Holly. She asks if she has any insight into Holly’s activities with social situations with players. [Kelli confessional] Jenna asks if she means specifically going out. Kelli says specifically the part of the contract that says no fraternization with players. Jenna says Holly’s young, and she’s really close to her. And does she agree with some of the decisions that she makes? She doesn’t. And she does her best to tell her maybe this isn’t the right thing to do, but there is only so much she can tell her, and then it’s in Holly’s hands. Judy asks if she just watches her friends crash and burn. Jenna says no ma’am. Judy asks Jenna if she saw Holly crossing the street and a car was coming, would she tell her to stop? Jenna says she has multiple times. Kelli asks if there is a reason she hasn’t expressed this private concern with them. Jenna guesses she was hoping that Holly would be smart enough to stop. Jenna says she’s a leader on this team, and she does take it very seriously, so if they need her to tell them things, she will tell them, because that’s her role as a leader, especially as a sixth year. Kelli says she kind of waited too late to have this conversation. She’s a sixth-year veteran with whom they’ve had a conversation with asking if she was ready to be a leader, and it’s not a leader to watch another person make mistakes. She’s not saying to come tattletale, but she could have helped influenced this, and Kelli is disappointed. They are not going to take her to Canton, and she needs time to think about her role as a leader on and off the field. Jenna says she understands. Judy says she is very disappointed. Jenna says it’s her fault she didn’t do something sooner.


  • [End of episode, 2nd of 2] Kelli wants to ask her about the text she sent Shelly who was manager on duty while they were in Canton, asking about whether she was going to be point of the triangle. She wrote, ‘Has point been taken away from me for the remainder of the season. I just need you to be honest for my peace of mind.’ Jenna says Canton was taken away and that was really hard, and she didn’t want to feel like she was continuously being punished. Kelli says she’s lucky to be in the triangle, and she just thinks that’s self-centered and kind of immature, and it’s not big picture. If she wasn’t king of the mountain, then what? Jenna says she wish she would have worded getting into that conversation differently. Kelli says she shouldn’t have had that conversation at all. If the head coach starts someone over someone else, that’s their prerogative. And how she handles some of these setbacks can really define character. Kelli is really encouraging her to stop thinking about herself. Or they need to move on, because that’s toxic. [Commercial break] She’s either gotta back way down and get back into the rookie mentality of ‘I’m lucky to be here every day.’ Or they need to move on because that’s toxic. She doesn’t know how else to interpret that; what would Jenna say if she was in her chair? Jenna says the same thing they are telling her. She’s sorry she had to come across as self-centered. She did want to mean that in any self-centered way. She is really happy for KaShara [about being point] and did tell her that, and is sorry she had that conversation with Shelly. She just wants them to have that trust in her again. Kelli thinks she needs to have a baptism of sorts. Or no one in the room is going to be happy.


Season 7[]


  • Shown introducing herself to the judges at preliminaries: 18 years old and has been living in South Korea for the past two years
  • Shown dancing after Kelli gives a confessional about there being a few great performers at preliminaries
  • She is dropped off at semifinals and given words of encouragement by her mother and brother
  • Shown being invited to finals
  • Second-to-last shown being invited to training camp


  • Introduces herself at the opening meeting: her father choreographed some of Michael Jackson’s music videos
  • She’s one of the rookies at the Verandah Club practice

Season 8[]


  • She’s shown giving some advice to some rookie TCC’s before the second practice

Season 9[]


  • She’s highlighted (by name) helping Alexandra with some of the moves before the second rehearsal


  • Shown walking the runway at the Belk fashion show

Season 10[]


  • She’s shown helping Maddie learn the second routine


  • She’s shown doing a solo performance at show group auditions
  • She’s shown singing the national anthem for show group auditions (before coughing and having to pause)
  • Shown being announced as a member of show group


  • If you pause, you can see a list of the scores she received at auditions: she was ranked #10 and received 15 yeses and 1 maybe

Season 11[]


  • Announced as group leader for Group 3


  • Announced as show group member

Season 12[]


  • First one to perform a solo at finals


  • Gathers everyone to tell them that they are learning the jump splits today, and gives them advice
  • Announced as group leader for Group 1


  • Announced as a member of show group


  • It’s revealed that Jenna is no longer the point of the triangle
  • Hugs KaShara after she is made point
  • Hugs Cersten after their first show group performance and tells her she’s officially a show group member now

Season 13[]


  • She helps Judy teach those auditioning the routine at semifinals
  • She performs for the final time as a DCC at the NFL Draft


  • Group Leader in Seasons 11 and 12
  • Last rookie from Season 7 on the squad
  • Dallas Mavericks D-Town Dance Crew dancer post-DCC
Season 7 Rookie Class
Alex Hermes, Ashley Marie, Carisa Rose, Chelsea Elizabeth, Collin Julia, Danielle Marie, Emily Claire, Jacie Veronica, Jasmine Raphaella, Jenna Lene, Jennifer Alexis, Jessica Marie, Jordan Elizabeth, Kali Nicole, Kelsey Lauren, Kim Nicole, Kinzie Ryanne, Olivia Rene, Teri Lynn

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Jenna Lene (2024)


What happened to Jenna Lene DCC? â€ș

She currently lives in South Korea in a military family. The DCC came to Korea for their U.S.O. tour, and they did a cheer clinic for her cheer team, and she was very inspired and loves everything they do.

Is Jenna from DCC married? â€ș

Jenna Maher is a school teacher; she has been married to Dallas Cowboys kicker Brett Maher since 2013. Before taking Brett's last name, Jenna went by the name Jenna McBride, McBride being her maiden name.

When did Jenna join DCC? â€ș

In April of 2012, my mom and I jumped on a 12-hour flight to Dallas to audition for DCC. I was SO terrified. I was so young and I truly don't even understand how I had that much confidence to do something so big at such a young age. But low and behold, I did and by God's grace I made the team my first try.

Why was Holly kicked off DCC? â€ș

In 2017, star cheerleader Holly Powell quit the team after director Kelli Finglass, who took over in 1991, learned that she and her teammate Jenna Jackson had been seen out with players, a confrontation captured on season twelve of the reality show Making the Team.

Who is Jenna Jackson DCC husband? â€ș

Jenna Jackson and Zachary Shuffield's Wedding Website - The Knot.

Is DCC Maddie Mormon? â€ș

As for Maddie Massingill, a current cheerleader on The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleading team and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, she helps us to learn how we can become one as we learn what modesty means for her.

Who is DCC choreographer daughter? â€ș

Raised in Garland, Texas, Cassie is the daughter of Judy Trammell, who cheered 4 years for the Dallas Cowboys and has been the Head Choreographer since 1991.

When did Holly get kicked off DCC? â€ș

Season 12. At the very start of the episode, Kelli reveals that Holly submitted a letter of resignation.

When did Janelle leave DCC? â€ș

She retires in Season 13, however, she stays with the team as an employee (later confessionals refer to her as "DCC Staff"). In this role, she can be seen in the background of many episodes throughout this season. She does not return to this role for Season 14.

Who was the oldest DCC cheerleader? â€ș

It won't be easy! The oldest woman ever to dance with the Cowboys cheerleaders was 37, according to Kelli Finglass, who directs the squad. Women in their 50s have auditioned in the past, but none have been chosen for the squad, Finglass told ABC.

Who was the deaf girl on DCC? â€ș

In 2007, we had a rookie cheerleader named Christina Murphy. Wonderful dancer, beautiful girl. And a unique, inspiring story. Christina is deaf.

Has a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader ever dated a player? â€ș

Ann Lux was a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys who began dating Red Sox player Will Middlebrooks. The pair had known each other since they were children, and both would find plenty of success in their careers.

Are DCC allowed to date players? â€ș

Cheerleaders are, as a rule, highly discouraged from fraternizing with players. That can mean anything from, you know, talking to them at bars to dating them.

Who is the longest DCC veteran? â€ș

VonCeil and Vanessa Hold the record for longest tenured DCC at 8 years each. Vanessa fondly recounts the special memory of receiving her Master of Science degree on the Cowboys field during a 1977 matchup against the Broncos.

How many years was Jenna a DCC? â€ș

Former NFL Cheerleader 6 yrs | @dallascowboys 🏈

Who is Paige Cavalieri DCC husband? â€ș

Paige talks about that experience and her life as the wife of an NFL player as she and husband Jeff Heath have been married for just over two years.

Why did Daphne leave DCC? â€ș

Back in the season premiere of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team, DCC veteran Daphne was called into the office to talk about an ACL injury that she was recovering from. Sadly during the week three practice, her other leg buckled and she ultimately had to remove herself from training camp.

Why did kashara leave DCC? â€ș

[Retrospective] "I've decided to retire after four years because I feel like there's other places for me to give my talents and passions to. My journey as a DCC has been like a semi-truck on the side of a mountain, hanging onto the side.

What is Madeline Massingill doing now? â€ș

Madeline Massingill - Health Fitness Specialist - Restored Hope Ministries, Inc | LinkedIn.

Why was Vivian cut from DCC? â€ș

[Cut] "I got let go because my bottom half is too big for the uniform.

Did Sunni Cranfill make the DCC? â€ș

Season 13. [Where are they now?] Became a DCC in 2009, and spent three full seasons with the squad. Her most memorable moment was being cut her first year.

How old is Angela Rena DCC? â€ș

Rena, 30 years old, is the oldest returning veteran on the squad.

Where is DCC Jinelle from? â€ș

Jinelle is a fitness instructor/student from Melbourne, Australia. Her favorite former Dallas Cowboy is Emmitt Smith. Wolfgang Staudacher and 3,690 others like this. So awesome to see another Aussie girl on DCC squad.

Was DCC Making the Team Cancelled? â€ș

The Dallas Cowboys announced Thursday night that the hit show "Making the Team" is ending its run on CMT after 16 seasons. According to the team, the show is the network's longest-running series.

What year did the 14 DCC quit? â€ș

The year was 1989. In February, Jerry Jones becomes the new owner of the Dallas Cowboys. He fires Tom Landry and Director of the Cheerleaders Suzanne Mitchell resigns.

What happened to DCC Kalyssa? â€ș

She danced professionally as a cheerleader for the NBA Oklahoma City Thunder for two seasons: 2015-2017. Immediately following, she moved to Dallas where she now lives and cheered professionally for the NFL Dallas Cowboys.

Who was the first black Dallas Cowboy cheerleader? â€ș

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders were the innovators of professional cheerleading, and among the seven women that were chosen for the 1972-73 season was Vonceil Baker. Vonceil had no idea that she was making history as one of the first African American professional cheerleaders.

Was Kitty Carter a cheerleader? â€ș

It was during college that she cheered for the Dallas Cowboys — from 1972-1975 and Super Bowl '76. It was the 1972 season when the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders completely transformed.

How old is Lexie DCC? â€ș

23 years old from Texas.

Who was the deaf DCC? â€ș

Christina Murphy also made it, is profoundly deaf, and an amazing dancer. So good, she made their dance teacher, Kitty Carter, cry.

What year did Holly get kicked off DCC? â€ș

Season 12. At the very start of the episode, Kelli reveals that Holly submitted a letter of resignation.

Did Callie ever make DCC? â€ș

[Many flashbacks playing throughout] 24 years old and from Texas. Five years ago, she auditioned to be a DCC and made it into training camp. She was cut two days before the squad photo was taken.

Did Lily ever make DCC? â€ș

I can't even describe the feeling of the moments that you realize all of your hard work and all of your dreams have come true. It's the most incredible feeling. I'm officially a rookie Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, and still in the dream. [Final cheerleader confessional of season] Receiving Abbey Bear was incredible.

Did Brennan ever make DCC? â€ș

Brennan's journey to becoming a DCC wasn't easy but. her hard work and persistence eventually paid off.

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