How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (2024)

Declaring and winning wars is the only way to grow your empire in Crusader Kings III. The larger your lands, the bigger your army. The bigger your army, the more lands you can conquer. You’ll repeat this song and dance, beginning as a lowly count in a far-off land and ascending to the emperor’s throne in a few hundred years. Still, your armies are only as good as their commander (and we don’t mean the NPC who’s actually in charge of them).


  • Preparing for war
  • Research your opponent
  • Automated or manual war: Which should you use?
  • Understanding the war score
  • Post-war strategies

To win wars in Crusader Kings III, you must consider several minor details before ever raising your armies. If you’re struggling with world domination, you may be missing a few of these preliminary steps to warfare. Let’s dive into how to win wars in Crusader Kings III and all the pre-war steps you should take to give yourself an edge on the battlefield.

  • The best starting characters in Crusader Kings III
  • Crusader Kings III beginner’s guide: 10 tips and tricks to get started
  • The best PS5 exclusives

Preparing for war

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (1)

Before declaring war in Crusader Kings III, you have to obtain a Casus Belli or a legal reason/claim on that ruler’s land. The easiest way to obtain these, especially in the beginning, is by having your religious leader use their Fabricate Claim task on the county you want. This, however, costs gold once they finish. If you can’t afford it (and don’t want to go into debt), they can start the task over, allowing you to accumulate more wealth.

If you can afford it, go forward with the claim fabrication. Then, have your religious leader use Fabricate Claim on the neighboring county, effectively killing two birds with one stone while you declare war on the first county.

Alternatively, you can scroll through claimants when selecting a Dutchy, Kingdom, or Empire to see who in the world holds a claim on that land. If you convince them to join your court, you can push their claim. However, winning installs them as the holder of that land.

Once you assume control of a Duchy, Kingdom, or Empire, you can declare war on rulers who still hold land in that domain. If they’re an independent ruler, you can offer to become their liege. You can always declare war on them if they’re not into that.

Finally, you can declare Holy Wars on hostile religions, even taking control of an entire Kingdom if you have the army and piety. However, you can only declare a Holy War on a whole Kingdom once per lifetime.

You’ll encounter a few other Casus Bellis by leaving up different skill trees. However, those mentioned before are the most common.

Understanding war outcomes

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (2)

Sometimes, you may have a few different Casus Bellis you can push. That’s why it’s important to understand your war objectives and the different outcomes of war. For example, in the image above, we have a claim on the County of Alencon, currently controlled by King Charles of West Francia. Obviously, his army is superior to ours, so we’d never declare this war. However, if the tables were turned, our character would gain control of the county. Then, we could give it to a Vassal or keep it as part of our domain. You’ll find that information under Outcomes in the bottom-right of your Declare War screen.

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (3)

When you push other people’s claims, they gain control of the contested land. If their new title is lower than yours, they become your Vassal. If it’s higher, they become independent (which you never want). You gain a hook on them and some renown at best, but it’s not worth the time and gold investment if you’re not getting a new vassal or control of the land itself.

Save your game!

Perhaps the quickest yet most important tip of all when declaring war: Always save before you start the war. Random events can completely derail your conquest. Sometimes, the AI forms alliances mid-war, suddenly boosting their lousy army to an unstoppable machine. You won’t notice until it’s too late, and by then, your armies are probably crushed. If this happens, you can always reload your save (before you declared the war) and make a new plan.

Even if things go completely sideways or you die halfway through, saving and reloading will save you some severe headaches. There’s no shame in going back in time, especially in a single-player game. If you’re playing online or on ironman mode, you’ll have to commit to your choices.

Research your opponent

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (4)

Sometimes you can crush somebody in Crusader Kings III. Other times, you’ll come up against someone with similar military strength to yours. You never want to declare war on someone with a bigger army. However, you may still be hesitant to fight someone on your level. Here’s where research comes into play and why it’s crucial to winning wars in Crusader Kings III.

Before you declare war on someone of similar strength, you should look at:

  • Their Men at Arms
  • Their Allies
  • Your Allies

Counter Men at Arms regiments

To view an enemy’s Men at Arms, select their character and hover over the Army icon (it’s right underneath their faith). Here, you’ll see which Men at Arms regiments they have and how you can organize yours to counter them. Think of them like rock, paper, scissors.

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (5)

Unfortunately, the counters are a little convoluted. Every culture has different names for its Men at Arms regiments. You have to go by the type, not the name. So here’s a general breakdown of Emperor Damiano’s Men at Arms (pictured above) and how we’ll counter them.

  • 300 Cataphracts = Heavy Cavalry
  • 200 Light Horsem*n = Light Cavalry
  • 100 Armored Footmen = Heavy Infantry
  • 10 Mangonels – Siege Weapons
  • 10 Trebuchets = Siege Weapons

In the Men at Arms screen, you’ll see which type counters which. So, if we were to build counter regiments, we’d enlist:

  • 500 Pikemen (Spearmen) to counter Light and Heavy Cavalry
  • 100 Light Footmen (Skirmishers) to counter Heavy Infantry
How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (6)

As for the Siege weapons, there’s nothing you can do to counter those aside from upgrading your castles to increase their fort level. You can tell a holding’s fort level by selecting it and looking at your current castle. In the image above, Messina has a fort level of 14, which will fend off Damiano’s Mangonels but fall to his trebuchets.

The best way to increase your fort level is by upgrading the castle itself. However, you can also invest in buildings like Forest Forts or Walls and Towers. If all your holdings have fort levels that exceed the capabilities of their siege weapons, they’ll have a hard time taking control of your land, thus losing the war. On the other hand, look at their fort levels to see if your siege weapons stand a chance. You don’t need siege weapons, but you’ll win wars in Crusader Kings III with them.

Check on allies

Forming alliances is crucial to winning wars in Crusader Kings III. However, your opponents form alliances too. You have to keep tabs on who’s got their back versus who’s got yours. Alliances factor into the total military strength depicted on the Declare War screen. To view alliances on both sides, select Allies.

The effectiveness of allies depends on if they’re fighting their own wars. When an ally is at war, they’ll still agree to help but in a limited capacity. Before declaring war, pause time and check to see if your allies are at peace. You’ll see their status right under their army and domain size.

Now is not a good time to call on them if they’re at war. On the flip side, if your opponent’s allies are at war (and yours are at peace), now’s an ideal time to declare war. If your opponent and their allies are already at war, now’s the perfect time to wage one of your own.

Finally, you can render an opponent’s allies useless by forming your own alliances with them. Allies won’t attack allies.

Here’s a quick anecdotal example: During our conquest of Italy, we kept getting crushed by The Pope. But it was like taking Rome from a baby when we waited for him to go on multi-year crusades. Strike when the time is right for easy wins.

Set rally points

Don’t overlook the usefulness of your rally points in Crusader Kings III. When you set custom rally points, you can raise your entire army from any location within your realm. This makes traversing land much faster (and the sea much cheaper). To set a rally point:

  • Open the Military tab.
  • Scroll down to Rally points.
  • Either create a new one or move an existing one to a more strategic position.

If you don’t manually raise your army at a rally point, they’ll automatically raise in your realm capital. Consider this when you hold land closer to the county you’re looking to take. We have two rally points set in the image below: One in Messina (red) and one in Lecce (green). If we were going after the County of Avlonas, on the west coast of the Byzantine Empire, it would make more sense to raise the initial army in Lecce than in Messina.

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (7)

Automated or manual war: Which should you use?

On console, Crusader Kings III players are slightly handcuffed regarding how much control they have over their armies. It’s harder to select and maneuver your armies, making manual control less attractive in large-scale battles. So, after you’ve declared war in Crusader Kings III,should you set your army to run automatically, or should you take command yourself?

We’ve let the AI control our armies 95% of the time and rarely run into problems. Of course, we’re always saving before each war if things go sideways. Sometimes, especially during more significant battles, you’ll need to “nudge” the AI by quickly switching between manual and automatic.

When fighting small-scale wars against neighboring rulers, it’s occasionally better to manually control your army. Here’s why:

On automatic, the AI raises your entire army. You don’t need all 10,000 troops to conquer a single country with 1,500 soldiers. Maintaining large armies gets expensive and is one of the downsides to automatic control. Instead:

  • Set the control to Manual, raise your entire army, and pause time.
  • Split off unneeded soldiers by selecting the army, pressing Square, and then selecting Split off hired soldiers and special soldiers.
  • Split off all your Men at Arms regiments, as you don’t need them when you can overpower an opponent.
  • Select Disband army to send them home.
How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (8)

Look at how much gold we’re saving by splitting them off! Almost 15 gold! You always want to keep your gold in the green to win wars in Crusader Kings III. It costs money to travel across the sea, so distant, drawn-out battles can leave you in serious debt. As long as you maintain a positive income, you should be good to go.

Invest in the War Profiteer stewardship perk to increase your monthly income by 10% during wartime. You only need two perk points to do so, and the first one must be Golden Obligations, which lets you demand payment for hooks. During wartime, have your Spymaster hunt for secrets in high-probability courts. With Golden Obligations, you can keep demanding payments to bolster your gold while already making 10% more with War Profiteer. For added effectiveness, spend one more stewardship point on Tax Man to boost Collect Taxes by 25%.

If you insist on leaving your game on automatic, you’ll have to keep disbanding the armies you don’t need whenever the AI brings them back. A small box showing the army commander appears in the bottom-left corner when they rise again. You’ll also hear a distinct audio cue. Press Square to select the army and disband them again. This gets annoying, but it’s the only way to save money when letting the AI control your army.

Understanding the war score

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (9)

To win wars in Crusader Kings III, you have to accumulate a 100 war score. Then, you can enforce your demands and end the conflict. To check the war score, use the left and right bumpers to scroll between the items at the bottom of your screen (schemes, construction, armies, etc.).

The war score breaks down into four categories:

  • Held objectives
  • Battles won/lost
  • Occupied holdings
  • Prisoners taken

Holding objectives

For the attacker, held objectives are the holdings your army has successfully sieged and now occupies. It slowly ticks up the longer you keep those areas. For the defender, held objectives are the holdings within your realm that the attacker has trouble taking. For example, if your fort level is significantly higher than their siege weapon’s capabilities, you’ll earn a positive war score.

For example, we defeated a peasant uprising without fighting a single battle. Our forts were strong enough, and we eventually won the war on held objectives alone.

Winning battles

As you win battles, you gain a war score; it’s pretty simple. However, if you lose battles, you lose the war score. Even if you’re crushing it in other areas, you’ll take a step back if a small part of your army gets beaten. Two armies must enter the same barony (subsection of a county) to initiate a battle. Whoever was there first gets a defender bonus, but that doesn’t matter when your army is significantly bigger than theirs.

Sieging castles

The fastest way to win a war is by occupying lands and besieging holdings. Sieges take time, so either fast forward through a winnable war or watch your armies when your opponent is evenly matched.

Don’t release prisoners!

Finally, taking high-value prisoners adds to your war score. You capture prisoners whenever you win battles or take holdings. If you grab the enemy leader, you can win the war automatically. However, you can’t release or ransom prisoners during the war, or else you’ll lose the war score. The ransom gold may be tempting, but it’s not worth the money you’ll lose as the war advances.

Post-war strategies

Once you’ve enforced your demands, the war ends. You gain control of the new lands to do as you wish. That, or someone takes over for you and becomes your Vassal. Now what?

After winning wars in Crusader Kings III, the first thing you should do is set your Marshal to Increase Control in a County. Counties with low control produce less gold and levies. In most cases, you’ll be taking lands of different cultures and faiths. Because you’re different, the people there won’t like you.

While increasing control, you’ll also want to set your Steward to Collect Taxes and your Spouse to Manage Domain (increases Stewardship). War is expensive, so you’ll want to make that money back before declaring the next one.

People inside your realm also don’t like going to war. If you declare too many back-to-back offensive wars, your popularity within counties will decrease. If it drops too much, you could have a peasant uprising on your hands. You may also fall victim to Vassal factions working against you.

Once the war ends, you’ll enter a truce with that person. While you can declare war on them again, you’ll lose 250 prestige, a level of fame, and gain the Broken Truce trait for three years. Broken Truce decreases your general opinion by 50 points. It’s probably not worth your entire realm hating you just to go back to war. Instead, consider murder.

Truces only exist between rulers, not realms. If something were to “happen” to the enemy ruler, the truce goes away, and you could declare war again without penalty. Alternatively, a strong Chancellor can end truces early, but this is up to RNGs. You can see how long a truce will last by opening your Military tab and scrolling down to Alliances and truces. After enforcing our demands in the image above, we entered into a five-year truce (that we can’t control).

If your character is a savvy diplomat, you can invest in the Flexible Truces perk, which shortens truces and negates the prestige penalty. People will still hate you, but you won’t lose much else.

How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (10)

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How to win wars in Crusader Kings III | Digital Trends (2024)


How do you win wars in Crusader Kings 3? ›

To win wars in Crusader Kings III, you have to accumulate a 100 war score. Then, you can enforce your demands and end the conflict. To check the war score, use the left and right bumpers to scroll between the items at the bottom of your screen (schemes, construction, armies, etc.).

How do you get successful in Crusader Kings 3? ›

Crusader Kings 3: 14 Tips For Newcomers To Grand Strategy Games
  1. 1 Don't Be Afraid To Take Decisions.
  2. 2 Become The Dynasty Head. ...
  3. 3 Play To Your Character's Strengths. ...
  4. 4 Prioritize Useful Innovations. ...
  5. 5 Don't Join Every War As An Ally. ...
  6. 6 Acquiring An Inheritance. ...
  7. 7 The Marriage Game. ...
  8. 8 Pay Attention To The Terrain. ...
Apr 2, 2022

How do you increase war score in CK3? ›

War score is gained by winning Battles, occupying Holdings, taking important prisoners and especially having control of the Casus Belli's Objective, or the "War Target".

How do you justify war in CK3? ›

How To Declare Wars. To declare war in Crusader Kings 3, all you need to do is right-click a rival ruler's portrait and click the option to declare war. This will then open a menu tab showing you all the options to do so, and all of them revolve around Claims and Titles.

Can you conquer the whole world in Crusader Kings 3? ›

The unofficially titled 'North Korea strategy' has returned for Crusader Kings 3, and it lets you completely dominate the world if pulled off correctly.

How do you build a strong army in Crusader Kings 3? ›

If all you need to know is how to raise an army, then it's pretty simple. When you declare war, a giant 'raise armies' button will appear at the bottom right of the screen. You can also raise all troops by clicking the same prompt at the top of the Military panel (accessed with F2).

What is the best country to start in Crusader Kings 3? ›

Denmark is another great place to start in Crusader Kings 3 for players who don't want to brute force their way through the entire game. Rather, a more tactical and diplomatic approach is required to succeed as the ruler of this country.

What is the max year in Crusader Kings 3? ›

Overall, players develop a dynasty over the centuries, with the game ending in 1453.

Can u become the Pope Crusader Kings 3? ›

There is no way to become the Pope in CK3 without using a mod. The main mechanic of the game is that the player follows around a dynasty until its end. Since the Pope is elected and usually shouldn't have hereditary heirs, there is no way the normal game mechanics would work with the Papacy.

Does raiding give prestige CK3? ›

For cultures that are allowed to do it, raiding also offers a simple method of gaining Prestige. The best part is that players can raid foreign lands without having to resort to full-scale war.

How effective are knights in Crusader Kings 3? ›

Knights are super strong soldiers who can really beef up your chances of victory. The higher a knight's prowess, the less likely they are to get captured and killed in battle too, so be careful not to put your important council members in harm's way and get them killed.

What determines a powerful vassal CK3? ›

It is primarily based on the rank of the ruler's primary title and can be increased by title laws and traits. For every vassal above the Vassal Limit, -5% is imposed on vassal taxes and vassal levies, up to -95%.

How do I stop vassals from declaring war CK3? ›

With level 3 in the Feudal or Clan government type, High Crown Authority forbids vassals from fighting each other unless they have a hook on their liege, whilst Absolute Crown Authority, the maximum level, forbids them from fighting any war at all without your permission.

Can a king declare war? ›

"Years ago, the monarch certainly had broad powers, but now that's delegated to people who are elected," says Myko Clelland, Scotland-based royal historian with genealogy website MyHeritage. "A monarch today could declare war and peace, but that's happening on the advice of government."

Do you have to justify war? ›

A war is only just if it is fought for a reason that is justified, and that carries sufficient moral weight. The country that wishes to use military force must demonstrate that there is a just cause to do so. The main just cause is to put right a wrong.

Can you become immortal in Crusader Kings? ›

When a character becomes immortal, they cease to age. The age at which they became immortal is forever their effective age for portraits, attraction opinion, fertility, and marriage acceptance. This cannot be changed with the Fountain of Youth feature of the Magnificent Gardens.

Can you play as a republic in CK3? ›

While republics are in Crusader Kings 3, they are currently unplayable.

Can you be evil in Crusader Kings 3? ›

You can play an arbitrary tyrant, a gluttonous cannibal, a deceitful/vengeful murderer, a greedy pig imprisoning, torturing and banishing courtiers/vassals for their money/land, a lustful seducer ruining other people's marriages... there are many options.

Is Crusader Kings better than Civ? ›

If you want complexity or more of a focus on your actions and choices, or if you generally want an RPG to feel to your strategy game, definitely go for Crusader Kings 3. If you want stunning visuals (and can handle them), or more variety than just war, then Civilization VI is your choice.

Is founding a holy order worth it CK3? ›

no. you spend alot of money and resources on something that will never EVER be avalible when you need it since the AI factions rent them out every damn second. Super limited what you can use them for as well and honestly they dont give that much punch for the sheer amount of resources you have to put into them.

What is the smallest empire in Crusader Kings 3? ›

Most empires have significantly less than 100 counties, the smallest being Ajuraan with only 22.

Can you have multiple wives in Crusader Kings 3? ›

Monogamy & Polygamy

The maximum number of partners that the player can have in the game is 4; 1 main spouse and 3 secondary ones.

Is there a limit to how many kids you can have in CK3? ›

Females can have a maximum number of 9 children unless the 9th pregnancy results in twins.

What is the oldest age in Crusader Kings 3? ›

100 is the max age.

Can you play as a girl in Crusader Kings? ›

Playing as a woman in CK2 brings with it unique challenges and opportunities - and can make for some really fun games! Here's one example of (the aptly named) u/whereisyourbeardovercoming those challenges to become a bad ass tribal queen! How have your campaigns gone as women? Lucas Alexander and 147 others like this.

How many holy orders can you make CK3? ›

A ruler may only have one holy order hired at a time. Hiring holy orders costs Piety unless the ruler is the order's Patron, scaling on the maximum amount of Levies and Regiments the holy order has. Holy orders remain hired for as long as their employer is at war with someone of another faith.

How many kingdom titles can an emperor hold CK3? ›

Too Many Held Duchies: If a character is a King or Emperor, they can hold a maximum of 2 Duchy titles without penalties. Any Duchy above the limit reduces the Opinion of all Vassals by -15.

Can your clan become Feudal CK3? ›

If tribal authority is high enough, a tribal ruler can reform their government to become Feudal or Clan. They also have access to the Conquest casus belli, which can be used to invade a realm, with higher-rank realms allowed at higher levels of fame.

What is the easiest way to prestige in CK3? ›

Crusader Kings 3: Best Ways To Increase Prestige
  1. Win Battles And Wars. Rulers whose armies are victorious on the field of battle gain a Prestige boost from each win. ...
  2. Have Prestige-Boosting Traits. ...
  3. Marry From Renowned Families. ...
  4. Make Prestigious Choices. ...
  5. Hold Frequent Festivities. ...
  6. Set Your Heir Up For Success.
May 29, 2022

What should I spend my prestige points on CK3? ›

Prestige can be spent on most secular matters of realm of management, such as vassal interactions, decisions and declarations of non-holy war. For tribal rulers, Prestige is also used for men-at-arms payment and upkeep, as well as constructing buildings.

What are knights weakness? ›

Summary of the knight's weaknesses

Knights are slow which means they can't move from one side of the board to the other side quickly. Knights are vulnerable to threats from pawns and pawns can easily drive knights back (unless the knight finds a safe square that can't be attacked by a pawn.)

Who are the strongest knights? ›

1. Rodrigo Díaz De Vivar: Also Known As El Cid Campeador. Perhaps you do not know this famous knight by his birth name, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, but by his nickname, El Cid or El Campeador.

Is knight more important than bishop? ›

In completely open positions without pawns, the bishop is superior to the knight… Conversely, the knight is superior to the bishop in closed positions, on the one hand because the pawns are in the bishop's way, and on the other hand because the pawns form points of support for the knight.

Are Lords higher than vassals? ›

A lord was in broad terms a noble who held land, a vassal was a person who was granted possession of the land by the lord, and a fief was what the land was known as. In exchange for the use of the fief and the protection of the lord, the vassal would provide some sort of service to the lord.

Can a vassal become a lord? ›

Under the feudal system, most vassals were lords as well. Upon swearing fealty and doing homage, a vassal would most often being granted a fief (a piece of land) from his lord.

Why are my vassals fighting each other? ›

Some of your vassals will fight each other because they're fighting a war of independence: one of your counts has revolted against one of your dukes. Check the character screens of the people in the war to see what wars they're currently in.

How do I lower my vassal limit? ›

You can give those counties to your nobles making them counts, decreasing vassals number from 10 to 5. Or giving those counts to supernoble or duke, decreasing this number to 1.

How do I stop being a tribal government CK3? ›

Assuming you start as a tribe, you'll need to increase your tribal authority all the way to level four. At that point you'll have the option to adopt feudal ways or clan ways. This will let you move up to the crown authority you need to change the succession laws.

What rank is Prince Edward? ›

Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and Forfar, KG, GCVO, CD, ADC (Edward Antony Richard Louis; born 10 March 1964) is the youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and the youngest sibling of King Charles III. Edward is 13th in line of succession to the British throne.

Is it illegal to declare war? ›

The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war. Congress has declared war on 11 occasions, including its first declaration of war with Great Britain in 1812. Congress approved its last formal declaration of war during World War II.

Who was the last king to go to war? ›

1727-1760) George II, at the age of 60, was the last British sovereign to fight alongside his soldiers, at the Battle of Dettingen in 1743 in Germany, against the French.

Can wars be stopped? ›

Arms control and diplomacy remain essential strategies for stopping war, but the roots of war must also be addressed. The law enforcement/military approach to countering terrorism may weaken terrorist groups, but it also may increase their will to fight and popular support for their cause and endanger civil liberties.

How long does it take to justify a war? ›

Justifying a war goal costs political power, increases world tension and usually takes between 6-9 months to complete.

Can you go to war without declaring war? ›

An undeclared war is a military conflict between two or more nations without either side issuing a formal declaration of war. The term is sometimes used to include any disagreement or conflict fought about without an official declaration.

How long does it take to finish Crusader Kings 3? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story2569h 32m
Main + Extras17191h 44m
Completionist51033h 1m
All PlayStyles47216h 14m

How long does it take to beat Crusader Kings 3? ›

How long does it take to beat Crusader Kings III (Windows)? The estimated time to complete all 56 Crusader Kings III (Windows) achievements is 150-200 hours. This estimate is based on the median completion time from 17 TrueAchievements members that have completed the game.

How do I get better at Warhammer 3 battles? ›

Total War: Warhammer 3 - 10 Beginner Tips
  1. Don't Skip The Prologue. We get it, tutorial sections are often bland. ...
  2. Be In Command Of Your Commands. ...
  3. Move As One. ...
  4. Spread Your Units Wide. ...
  5. The Tactical View Is A Lifesaver. ...
  6. Flanking Is Important. ...
  7. Live To Fight Another Day. ...
  8. Control The Flow Of Time.
Feb 20, 2022

What is the easiest Warhammer 3 campaign? ›

The Lost God - Beginner

The first campaign the game will recommend to you is The Lost God. This sees you take command of Prince Yuri, as he journeys into the Chaos Wastes to search for his lost father, Boris Ursus, as well as find out what happened to the Bear God of Kislev, Ursun.

What is the level cap in Warhammer 3? ›

The max Rank for Lords and Heroes has been increased again to 50 in Total War: Warhammer 3, after starting at 30 in the original Total War: Warhammer, and then being increased to 40 in Total War: Warhammer 2.

What year does CKII end? ›

The game is a dynasty simulator in which the player controls a medieval dynasty from 1066 to 1453.

Is Crusader Kings 3 a hard game? ›

No other game by the studio has been as beginner-friendly as Crusader Kings 3. New players to this series can easily start with this title to slowly understand the basics of the series before getting into its more complex aspects.

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